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    Usa "will-o" in una frase

    will-o frasi di esempio


    1. Her hair catches in will-o’-the-wisp claws,

    2. She grabbed the handle and extinguished her little will-o’-the-wisp

    3. He’s a will-o-the-wisp behind the fog

    4. Was it not possible that this man had found the Teeth of Gwahlur in his long residence in Alkmeenon – that his servants had taken them with them when they departed? The possibility that he might be following a will-o'-the-wisp infuriated the Cimmerian

    5. Why should he toil to regain the rule of a people which had already forgotten him?—why chase a will-o'-the-wisp, why pursue a crown that was lost for ever? Why should he not seek forgetfulness, lose himself in the red tides of war and rapine that had engulfed him so often before? Could he not, indeed, carve out another kingdom for himself? The world was entering an age of iron, an age of war and imperialistic ambition; some strong man might well rise above the ruins of nations as a supreme conqueror

    6. Only two Dominants (ALL-Love-ALL-Wisdom and ALL-Will-of-ALL-Intelligence) being synthesized in irkkulligren Realities among the Aspects of the twelve Pure Cosmic Qualities are realized to the maximum extent through specific Configurations of Self-Consciousness of these Formo-Types (NUULL-VVU-Forms)

    7. If we consider only a narrow vibration diapason of different-qualitative irkkulligren types of Realities, then it is possible to state with a high degree of accuracy that stable refocusings in the Direction of development and cultivation, in Self-Consciousness, of Conceptions (SFUURMM-Forms) characteristic of Aspects of such a recessive (to people) Quality as ALL-Primordiality-ALL-Initiality (when it is in dissonance with the existing Dominant ALL-Will-of-ALL-Intelligence in LLUU-VVU) will contribute to the manifestation of the state of “Creative Cosmic PRIORITY” or MMAINTANA’KNAMM-A’ALL in Self-Consciousness and to a frequency “displacement” of UFS from LLUU-VVU into LGUU-VVU-Forms of gre’ysc’es (maklaks, mafits, vergons, glumids)

    8. An increase in the existing dominance of Aspects of the Qualities ALL-Will-of-ALL-Intelligence and ALL-Love-ALL-Wisdom synthesized according to a slightly different fundamental scheme as compared with “human” LLUU-VVU-Forms results in refocusings into other human UULL-VVU-Forms, not of people, but of allgsses, whose prominent representatives are such races as kakrikonc’es, pravins, e’ldons, and lamits

    9. However, these “people” are occupied with the actualization of anything but Aspects of the Quality ALL-Will-of-ALL-Intelligence

    10. As long as you are occupied with pure analysis and logic, trying to imagine abstract schemes of very complex cause-and-effect interrelations and principles of structuring, as long as you manipulate all possible mental logisms in your Self-Consciousness, thoroughly “polishing” them by your analysis, you, beyond doubt, realize actively Aspects of the Quality ALL-Will-of-ALL-Intelligence

    11. However, I am sorry to disappoint you, but this will not amount to any realization of Aspects of the Quality ALL-Will-of-ALL-Intelligence! This is not the deep intellectual activity in search of the Truth which must occur regardless of whether it will suit your beliefs or not, whether it will help you or, on the contrary, will complicate your existence

    12. A purposeful search for the Truth (not its replacement by SFUURMM-Forms which are more convenient to you but at the same time are more primitive) is the key to Aspects of the Quality ALL-Will-of-ALL-Intelligence

    13. Instead of Aspects of the second Dominant (the Quality ALL-Will-of-ALL-Intelligence), due to weak mental capabilities, you begin to intensively study all of the possible volitional features (but not highly-intellectual ones!) of your character (assiduity that amounts to “cramming”; persistence in achievement of goals that is more like “obstinacy”; adaptability with elements of “acting skills”; psychological “study” changed by utter meticulousness and so on) which allow you to successfully pretend that you deeply understand these high Levels of Knowledge

    14. The characteristic feature of these other realization Forms is not the Synthesis of Aspects of the dominant Qualities ALL-Love-ALL-Wisdom and ALL-Will-of-ALL-Intelligence, but Synthesis of any of their combinations with Aspects of other Qualities which gradually replace one of the two dominants, “moving” it to a background (recessive) state in an individual synthetic process

    15. There are different variants of irkkulligren Reality types, where a self-conscious activity of Forms manifests, as it does in our Realities, mainly in Processes of Synthesis of Aspects of the Qualities ALL-Love-ALL-Wisdom and ALL-Will-of-ALL-Intelligence against the background of a more or less active common creative realization in Aspects of the other ten Qualities

    16. Of course, apart from “the nearest” realities given above as examples which we are able to comprehend at least to some extent, different Proto-Forms also have formed a countless number of other types of realities around us, whose realization Forms of Aspects of Qualities interact among themselves through other schemes of synthetic interrelations organized without a dominant influence of Aspects of the Qualities ALL-Will-of-ALL-Intelligence and ALL-Love-ALL-Wisdom

    17. Energy-information Levels of the Protoconsciousness become accessible only in Forms whose Configurations are formed by completely synthesized, self-conscious Elements of Aspects of the Qualities ALL-Love-ALL-Wisdom and ALL-Will-of-ALL-Intelligence with Aspects of the Quality ALL-Unity

    18. ) to be realized, the general dynamics of its TEC must sequentially “include”, to one extent or another, destructive impulses of parrgs, mmuunds, argorrs, alls, mimms or ogguls — carriers of the strongest “unconscious” annihilation tendencies in the realization creativity characteristic of Aspects of the Qualities ALL-Love-ALL-Wisdom and ALL-Will-of-ALL-Intelligence

    19. This state shows the presence and opening, in its Configuration, of all Experiences of creative realizations in Aspects of the two basic, characteristic of PROOFF-RRU, human Dominants — ALL-Love-ALL-Wisdom and ALL-Will-of-ALL-Intelligence

    20. Due to the fact that the SFUURMM-Forms that organize all our thinking and psychological feelings are based on the dominant Synthesis of Aspects of the two Qualities — ALL-Love-ALL-Wisdom and ALL-Will-of-ALL-Intelligence, different Proto-Forms have completely different (according to the degree of intensity) possibilities of establishment of background information interrelations and mutual understanding both with us and with all other representatives of flora and fauna, depending on the Synthesis of particular Aspects of Qualities for which the Configurations of Self-Consciousnesses of these Proto-Forms are designed

    21. Likewise, transitional (diffusgent) NUU-VVU-Forms inside of the Collective Intelligence of humankind also belong to different Spheres of creativity; their mental-sensuous creativity differs in the intensity of Activity of Aspects of the two Dominants (ALL-Love-ALL-Wisdom and ALL-Will-of-ALL-Intelligence) and is also located on slightly different “planes” (sublevels of ODS) not only relative to each other but also to NUULL-VVU-Forms

    22. So, parameters of manifestation of each World in the Reality of this or that type have their own level of “gravitational activity” formed as a result of the intensive synthetic interaction between all different-qualitative types of Fields-Consciousnesses that structure and organize all creative dynamics of Aspects of the two Dominants typical of our types of Realities (ALL-Love-ALL-Wisdom and ALL-Will-of-ALL-Intelligence), whose information structures are transformed accordingly into “sources of electromagnetic oscillations” for all realizational Forms of this Space-Time

    23. Why are these “dispolarities” “electromagnetic”? Because these processes, which are difficult for you to understand and which are performed in individual ODS of your Self-Consciousness, always — imperceptibly, but clearly! — contain all features (Aspects) of the two Dominants synthesized by us — ALL-Love-ALL-Wisdom and ALL-Will-of-ALL-Intelligence

    24. You have to understand that after “Death” bio-Creators of the collective Consciousness of cells and organs decode, directly from ODS (but not from the dynamics of TEC!), Information of completely different quality, which differs greatly from that which was used by the Formo-Creators of the brain for the organization of the psychological and mental activity of the living “personality”, because more primitive Self-Consciousnesses of the bio-Creators of cells and organs are involved in the Synthesis of Aspects of completely different Qualities (ALL-Will-of-ALL-Intelligence and ALL-Essentiality-ALL-Permeability, and afterwards, at definite stages of the biochemical transformation of organic matter, — ALL-Will-of-ALL-Intelligence and ALL-Steadiness-ALL-Stability)

    25. I mean that we cannot perceive them only in the 3-4-dimensional Reality, but, as soon as we refocus into Forms of 4-5-dimensional Levels, we will have tree synthesized Qualities in our combined Consciousness: ALL-Will-of-ALL-Intelligence, ALL-Love-ALL-Wisdom and ALL-Unity, — and in any dynamics, where at least one of these Qualities will participate, we will be able to perceive all processes of such creativity of Forms

    26. I would like also to note that this “mass” of qualitative characteristics that are notionally projected on flakses includes not only Aspects that structure the forces of interaction which we interpret as “gravitation” (“mass”), but also Configurations of all Fields-Consciousnesses of the two Dominants (typical of the scheme of Synthesis carried out in the structures of Self-Consciousness of the NUU-VVU-Configurations focused by Us) of electric and magnetic Nature (ALL-Will-of-ALL-Intelligence and ALL-Love-ALL-Wisdom)

    27. kraaggaagg — the same with the dominance of the Quality ALL-Will-of-ALL-Intelligence (electricity),

    28. They form their own types of narrowly-subjective primitive discrete realities with a pronounced specific character for each of the twelve Pure Qualities: lower Realities of ALL-Love-ALL-Wisdom, lower Realities of ALL-Will-of-ALL-Intelligence, lower Realities of ALL-Unity, and so on

    29. Let’s suppose that according to the same sequential principle, in its typical doollttrok subjective realities, another Proto-Form has also simultaneously synthesized 1500 kinds of creative interactions that very remotely resemble that which we mean by the electric Field — lower Aspects of the Quality ALL-Will-of-ALL-Intelligence

    30. Such limitation in the possibilities of a detailed research of “Fields” of other types represented one way or another in force interactions of Energy-Plasma of this diapason of dimensions is first of all based on the fact that, in Formo-systems of Worlds formed by our — “human” — structures of Self-Consciousness, Aspects of just two Qualities dominate in all form-creating processes — ALL-Love-ALL-Wisdom (the magnetic “Flow”) and ALL-Will-of-ALL-Intelligence (the electric “Flow”), the synthetic dynamics of which form in the Tertiary Energy-Plasma such specific state as “Creative Cosmic POTENTIALITY”, the main manifestation of which is the degree of quality of Formo-Matter which is defined by scientists as the electromagnetic Field (or “the physical vacuum”)

    31. For example, the degree of “inductivity” of the two qualitative components of the electromagnetic Field — Aspects of the Qualities ALL-Love-ALL-Wisdom and ALL-Will-of-ALL-Intelligence that form the main energy-information foundation of the Realities transformed by the specific creative dynamics of our Self-Consciousness, — is inversely proportional to the frequency of vibrations that form this Field: the higher the frequency (qualitative state) of wave manifestations, the weaker the electromagnetic dynamics generated by their interactions

    32. I have mentioned many times that gravitation is a qualitative reflection (in Space-Time) of the degree and qualitative state of the interaction between various Forms of Collective Cosmic Intelligences that represent, in this range of the creative dynamics of Energy-Plasma, “magnetic” energy-information Flows (Aspects of the Quality ALL-Love-ALL-Wisdom) and Forms of Collective Cosmic Intelligences that represent in the same range “electric” energy-information Flows (Aspects of the Quality ALL-Will-of-ALL-Intelligence)

    33. From this point of view, such usual phenomenon as induction (an appearance of the electric Field during manifestation of the dynamics of the magnetic field) can be characterized as a greater tendency (an increased degree of resonance of qualitative parameters) to a force interaction, which is characteristic of Fields-Consciousnesses of some types that represent in this Space-Time the creative dynamics of Aspects of one of Pure Qualities (for example, the Quality ALL-Love-ALL-Wisdom), to the kind of the process of Creative Activity of one or several Fields-Consciousnesses of other types (for example, those that represent the dynamics of Aspects of the Quality ALL-Will-of-ALL-Intelligence) that project into this frequency diapason of dimensions the specific dynamics of their own Aspects of Qualities

    34. Edmond felt a sort of stupor creeping over him which brought with it a feeling almost of content; the gnawing pain at his stomach had ceased; his thirst had abated; when he closed his eyes he saw myriads of lights dancing before them like the will-o'-the-wisps that play about the marshes

    35. The Mabbot street entrance of nighttown, before which stretches an uncobbled tramsiding set with skeleton tracks, red and green will-o'-the-wisps and danger signals

    36. Transcendentalism is a beacon to the angels, even if it be a will-o'-the-wisp to man

    37. Sooner or later the splendid question of universal education will present itself with the irresistible authority of the absolute truth; and then, those who govern under the superintendence of the French idea will have to make this choice; the children of France or the gamins of Paris; flames in the light or will-o'-the-wisps in the gloom

    38. One bullet, however, better aimed or more treacherous than the rest, finally struck the will-o'-the-wisp of a child

    39. There was quite a bewildering succession of drives, dances, picnics and boating parties, all expressively lumped together by Phil under the head of "jamborees"; Alec and Alonzo were so constantly on hand that Anne wondered if they ever did anything but dance attendance on that will-o'-the-wisp of a Phil

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