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    1. during intense competition at Wimbledon

    2. Linda and Lizzy reconnected and became as comfortable with each other as they'd been when she was a regular at our house, dropping in for homework and baking, or just because we didn't have bloody Wimbledon on

    3. back to my house in Wimbledon, the phone was ringing loudly as I pulled

    4. Today for instance, I heared the comments and saw the score board of Wimbledontennis in real time

    5. When he arrived at his small terrace house in Wimbledon, Maguire fixed himself a Pims and walked out into the rear garden

    6. They were not going to drive from their house in Wimbledon to their destination given the likely traffic delays on the roads that seemed to be constantly being dug up and resurfaced and because when they arrived it would not be convenient to park their car

    7. To get from Wimbledon in the south which was the last stop on the District Line to Canary Wharf in the Docklands which was north of the river due to the Thames taking a U course would take them around an hour

    8. His name was Dominic Westerley, said the detective, and he lived in Wimbledon

    9. They were married by a travelling Church of England priest, one of the Bush Brothers who had been, queerly enough, a curate at St John's in Kingston- on- Thames, not ten miles from where I used to live in Wimbledon

    10. I once read in the newspaper that a London gambling house took a bet that Elvis Presley would be sighted riding down London’s main thoroughfare on top of a famous racehorse that disappeared in 1973 on his way to Wimbledon

    11. On his arrival, he would proceed to qualify for the men’s singles tournament and face a famous English mobster who had disappeared in the mid-1980s (who also apparently, would have to qualify for the men’s singles at Wimbledon) in the first round

    12. Afterwards he found that the vague feeling of alarm had spread to the clients of the underground railway, and that the Sunday excursionists began to return from all over the South-Western "lung"--Barnes, Wimbledon, Richmond Park, Kew, and so forth--at unnaturally early hours; but not a soul had anything more than vague hearsay to tell of

    13. The sixth star fell at Wimbledon

    14. In the road that runs from the top of Putney Hill to Wimbledon was a number of poor vestiges of the panic torrent that must have poured Londonward on the Sunday night after the fighting began

    15. From the corner I went, under cover of a thicket of trees and bushes, to the edge of Wimbledon Common, stretching wide and far

    16. All down the line from there the aspect of the country was gaunt and unfamiliar; Wimbledon particularly had suffered

    17. Beyond Wimbledon, within sight of the line, in certain nursery grounds, were the heaped masses of earth about the sixth cylinder

    18. ), 27 Milton Road, Wimbledon

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