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    Usa "withdraw from" in una frase

    withdraw from frasi di esempio

    withdraw from

    1. They meet fellow-devotees and withdraw from an interest in worldly matters, except those of the family and close relations

    2. ' By this time my hand was in places impossible to withdraw from for

    3. Each member, however, may, upon proper warning, withdraw from the copartnery, and demand payment from them of his share of the common stock

    4. We will send out a warning to withdraw from Coalition borders or face the consequence of our military offensive

    5. the wisdom of the decision made by President Reagan to withdraw from UNESCO in 1984

    6. or withdraw from these organizations

    7. We should withdraw from the

    8. pletely, but you can withdraw from it to a level on which it does

    9. of the recipients are willing to withdraw from this largesse

    10. “The first is that your mother must be included in the deliberations, and at this moment, it would be cruel to her to ask her to withdraw from you beyond her arm’s reach

    11. 34 And I answered and said to the people: 'Far be it from me to forsake you or to withdraw from you but I will only go to the Holy of Holies to inquire of the Mighty One concerning you and concerning Zion; If in some respect I should receive more illumination and after these things I will return to you

    12. 3 But withdraw you not from the way of the law but guard and admonish the people which remain lest they withdraw from the Commandments of the Mighty One

    13. A pause followed and then the feathers began to withdraw from around him

    14. 1 And when Jesus came to a certain village there drew near to him a leper and fell at his feet and begged him and said to him If you will you are able to cleanse me; And Jesus had mercy on him and stretched out his hand and touched him and said I will cleanse you; And immediately his leprosy departed from him and he was cleansed; And he sternly charged him and sent him out and said to him See that you tell not any man: but go and show yourself to the priests and offer an offering for your cleansing as Moses 6 commanded for their testimony; But he when he went out began to publish much and spread abroad the news so that Jesus could not enter into any of the cities openly for the extent to which the report of him spread but he remained without in a des- 7 ert place; And much people came to him from one place and another to hear 8 his word and that they might be healed of their pains; And he used to withdraw from them into the desert and pray

    15. " Wherefore if anyone persists in such deeds and repents not withdraw from him and cease to live with him

    16. Wherefore remove grief from you and crush not the Holy Spirit which dwells in you lest he entreat God against you and he withdraw from you

    17. And the six men commanded the builders all to withdraw a little distance and to rest but enjoined the virgins not to withdraw from the tower; and it seemed to me that the virgins had been left to guard the tower

    18. Dhārana – is preliminary stage of meditation when the mind is trained to withdraw from all senses and concentrate on an idea or object you want to attain

    19. Eggnog today whether I still have a chance for a ‘C’ or should withdraw from the class

    20. etation: When the Hermit card shows up in your reading it suggests a need for time alone to withdraw from the world

    21. Mysteries, causes God Himself to withdraw from him

    22. Her hand went round his neck and if he wanted to withdraw from her he wouldn't have been able to

    23. In the face of real conflicts, one of these world powers will withdraw from the League and declare war

    24. It was one thing to propose that government should withdraw from the major part of the electorate's life, including education, drug administration, and many other day to day activities, but it was quite another to implement the changes

    25. " That was all he gave me and that was all I conveyed to Bonnie Sue as I felt Alexander withdraw from my vibration

    26. time to withdraw from it

    27. It should be noted that all should attempt to withdraw from all outside stimulation at least one solid hour per week, and there are many benefits to this being completed several times throughout one’s waking hours

    28. are point Five, notice when you feel the need to withdraw from

    29. watched in horror as the perpetrator tried to withdraw from

    30. Their air fleet would now have no choice but to withdraw from combat in order to be fully reequipped and reorganized

    31. Hitler eventually relented, and gave the necessary order to withdraw from the Caucasus

    32. One hope intrigued the Allies: if invasion of Sicily failed to force Italy, the weaker European Axis partner, out of the war, would an additional blow do so? If Italy surrendered, the Germans would be doubly stretched over the periphery of Europe; they might even withdraw from Italy, thereby giving the Allies airfields for intensified bombing attacks

    33. Know this first: if those same mistakes are allowed to happen, then France will suffer a bloody military defeat within a couple of years and will then be forced to withdraw from Indochina

    34. Visigoths and Franks to withdraw from the area in order to maintain a power balance among the kingdoms

    35. retreat and burn their own country in an attempt to starve the invading French, Napoleon decided to cut his losses and withdraw from the Russian campaign, proving the old adage of loss in victory

    36. If you want to withdraw from our alliance, it is your prerogative, but then don’t expect our men and women to defend 218

    37. “You will withdraw from the artifact

    38. Apparently the Captain had thought Garcia would withdraw from the pain, but Garcia knew that would have been a death sentence

    39. also prophets, but were not required to withdraw from normal

    40. When people have an orphan spirit and abandonment and bitterness in their heart, when something happens that knocks them emotionally, they withdraw from relationship and connect and isolate

    41. If you withdraw from relationship and isolate, it's most likely that at the core of your heart you have an orphan spirit operating

    42. Ø He isolated and withdraw from the relationship – ‘would not go in’

    43. You should withdraw from them, artificially developing in yourself a positive thought

    44. Therefore, the total time TA required to assemble, withdraw from store and handle 100 units of product A will then be:

    45. But, if at any time, should my presence in our love triangle irk you, I would withdraw from it without a word

    46. withdraw from the highway immediately or face the consequences

    47. and a natural reluctance to withdraw from the undertaken enterprise

    48. The elves resented Odin’s orders to withdraw from your realm

    49. This verse serves that He who has perfectly built the heaven on high has raised its thickness, made its darkness and night withdraw from the earth little by little

    50. Due to Officer Sheikho’s insistence, and concerned that the young man might have second thoughts and withdraw from the assignment, the commander realised he had no option but to agree to his demands

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