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    Usa "wrap around" in una frase

    wrap around frasi di esempio

    wrap around

    1. Then she felt herself rising, she saw his huge wings wrap around her

    2. She was an attractive young woman dressed only in a wrap-around skirt that didn’t wrap around anywhere near far enough around for it left a clear view of the soft brown curls tucked neatly between the tops of her thighs

    3. Alec was thankful for the abrupt end to his words, but much less so when he saw the shadowed hand wrap around the man's neck

    4. I tied them into a lasso and I sent it out to wrap around the inner circle

    5. Stir in the butter, and continue stirring until the mixture is thick enough to wrap around the spoon

    6. Helen was wearing a two-piece swimsuit with a sheer wrap around her waist

    7. I close my eyes, and hands wrap around my arms, right where they join with the shoulder

    8. Some of them sit on the tiered benches that wrap around the edge of the room, but there isn’t enough space for everyone, so the rest are crowded around the Candor symbol

    9. Hands wrap around my arms and shoulders and chest, forming a cage of flesh and bone, but I keep straining toward her

    10. The cushions seem to wrap around him

    11. My hands encircle his neck while his wrap around me as he leans forward to whisper in my ear

    12. I felt his arms wrap around my waist tight as he brought me into a safe heaven

    13. Coast Guard officials informed inquisitive reporters about the nonlethal techniques and technology the service uses to stop escaping vessels and subdue crews: sharpshooters who hit engines and outboard motors, small “sting ball” hand grenades that disorient crews, and nets which wrap around stern propellers (“Coast Guard Praised for Cocaine Busts,” Associated Press, Post Bulletin, 29 September, 2000)

    14. So if you’re having trouble wrapping your mind around these things, stop! Instead let His mind wrap around you! Let the mind of Christ that’s in your spirit, wrap around the mind of your soul, and fill it with His love! His mind is far too big for us to try to understand it without Him

    15. “Wrong?” Aunty Em said, reaching up to undo the wrap around her head

    16. He was trying to hold open a section of the net for us, but wherever he touched it, the golden threads started to wrap around his hands

    17. As he tended to her wounds his mind couldn’t quite wrap around the torture this woman had gone through and he couldn’t help but wonder if she was involved in something elicit

    18. ” Nikole felt Alec’s hands wrap around her waist and then one hand slip under her legs as he lifted her into his arms and started the climb up the stairwell

    19. Then the iron I had swallowed a few miles back began to kick in and I joyfully liberated the beast within me, and let its rage wrap around my soul and obliterate my anguish, like a dose of morphine that erases pain and leaves you feeling good

    20. Here people waste their time and energy arguing, as you say, about what sort of scarf women should wrap around their heads

    21. 2) The second type of gravity causes space itself to wrap around

    22. As I look down I notice that he has nothing on but a towel wrap around his waist

    23. She felt Alex's big, protective arm wrap around her and this time she didn't pull away

    24. ” Her fingers curled around his briefly before sliding away to wrap around the coin

    25. was a used linen drop cloth large enough to wrap around her

    26. She made the final jump down, wishing she had a shapeless cloak to wrap around her

    27. His arms wrap around me

    28. Just then she felt a hand wrap around her ankle

    29. mouth and the whisky wasn’t helping my tongue wrap around the words

    30. typically do in a kata, wrap around with the arm being grabbed and

    31. He nearly groans with frustration as they veer off to wrap around his waist, and he pulls her closer to make up for it, to try to reduce the demanding need to have her touch him

    32. He doesn't know why, but he holds out a hand, and she easily slips into his embrace, letting his arm wrap around her waist, gliding down to sit next to him on the edge of the window seat

    33. Then, he shredded a length of the flour sack to wrap around his face

    34. I slide my arm off the back of her chair—it wasn't even touching her—to wrap around her shoulders

    35. which headed for the large wrap around porch and the

    36. I felt his arm wrap around me with his hand clasped tightly to mine as he led me

    37. She switched the machines off and grabbed up a blanket from off the bed to wrap around her, as she stepped out into the chilly morning air barefoot

    38. Strong hands grabbed her by the shoulders and before she knew it, Amelia was slammed hard up against him, his hands bringing her legs up to wrap around his waist

    39. “Is it Ulrich?” Her mind was trying to wrap around it

    40. She felt his arms wrap around her as he chuckled and kissed the top of her head

    41. Reluctantly, she played her part, held her own hands out to him, then leaned her head against his chest, feeling his arms wrap around her, feeling one hand slide down to her buttock and squeeze

    42. hands wrap around his neck

    43. This one also uses cuff to wrap around your arm but this however is more reliable compared to aneroid blood pressure monitors

    44. He puts me down against the cross briefly while he slides on a condom, and then his hands wrap around my thighs as he lifts me again

    45. From there, I could wrap around the block near the park at the top of the hill

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