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    1. Except for Rogers over there who has to keep the xerox machines warm

    2. The world was on the brink of turning into a wasteland, and we were discussing the need for xerox machines

    3. The Xerox 9500 was a photocopier in name only; it had the speed to compete with our small presses yet it could be operated by a bindery worker with a minimum of training

    4. Xerox Corporation up on its offer

    5. by Stallman during his 1980 troubles with the Xerox laser

    6. over the Xerox laser printer, had it not been for the personal

    7. Coming on the heels of the Xerox laser

    8. Xerox laser printer, taking a moment to deliver the same

    9. the inefficiency of checking the Xerox laser printer two or

    10. (Xerox at that time)

    11. because Xerox owned all the patents)

    12. including Xerox and IBM, involved a team of 30 researchers who

    13. Aren’t there enough consultants already? Do they use a Xerox machine in this process?

    14. growth over stability is fine as long as the growth is Xerox in the 1970s or Google in the

    15. In this example, we use Xerox, a darling of the 1960s and now a struggling

    16. competed with Xerox when that

    17. Cam unrolled the papers, which turned out to be Xerox copies of city statutes

    18. large collection of text to find "factiods" (not opinions or causes or chainsof events) in response to questions such as "what is the capital of Uganda?" or"how old is President Clinton?" or "who invented the xerox process?", and theydo so rather better than I had expected

    19. “Why don’t you check in with Marybeth?” I said brusquely, and pointed to my mother-in-law by the Xerox, making endless copies of Amy’s photo

    20. This theory was substantiated by such giants as Xerox, IBM and General Motors where the purchase of stock escalated into a return of 100-fold and more

    21. These striking losses did not indicate any doubt about the future long-term growth of IBM or Xerox; they reflected instead a lack of confidence in the premium valuation that the stock market itself had placed on these excellent prospects

    22. 4% annual growth rate for Xerox and the extremely modest 2

    23. The price earnings ratio of Xerox, on the other hand, is quite representative of speculative enthusiasm fastened upon a company of great achievement and perhaps still greater promise

    24. As it happened the actual growth for Xerox and IBM proved very close to the high rates implied from our formula

    25. But the moderate rate of 5% did not involve the mathematical dilemma of Xerox and IBM

    26. They quickly find buyers; their prices are often bid up enthusiastically right after issuance to levels in relation to assets and earnings that would put IBM, Xerox, and Polaroid to shame

    27. (At that time IBM was selling at about 9 times and Xerox at 11 times book value

    28. 3 group because they wanted to avoid creating any impression that the standard was based on a commercial product that had been registered as a trademark by Xerox

    29. In many cases, the companies will have expansion opportunities—such as Xerox and Texas Instruments had—which make share repurchase relatively unattractive

    30. It appears that many of the most successful outside investments have resulted from having such confidence, whether it was by buying and holding General Motors common through the 1933 decline, or by acquiring Japanese insurance stocks at the depth of that country’s extremely sharp business recession and stock market crash of 1965, or even by buying such Japanese securities in 1970 after they had doubled, or Xerox and Holiday Inn when they were emerging securities, or Chicago Northwest Railway and Berkshire Hathaway when they were workout situations, or deep-discount, high-yield, medium-grade bonds in 1974, or Apple Computer when Steve Jobs resumed leadership of the company in 1997

    31. Only a small minority of the Wall Street success stories come out of an outside investor’s acting on a feeling about the growth of a particular industry, such as feeling in 1955 that “copying is going to be a great business; ergo, I shall buy and hold Xerox

    32. Let’s say you bought 600 shares of Xerox in September for $27 and sold six Calls at the $25 October strike for $3 each

    33. Xerox, which was growing at a 32% annual rate before its shares soared 700% from March 1963 to June 1966

    34. In June 1962, when the stock market was at rock bottom, a big Beverly Hills investor barged into the office of a broker friend of mine and shouted that, at 50 times earnings, Xerox was drastically overpriced

    35. put Xerox on its institutional avoid or sell list at $115

    36. Until then, Xerox had been one of the most amazingly successful and widely held institutional stocks, but our data indicated that it had topped and was headed down

    37. Institutional investors went on to make Xerox their most widely purchased stock for that year

    38. Consider the decline of some of our auto companies and their unions, Alcoa, Eastman Kodak, International Paper, Xerox, CBS, Gannett, and Citigroup

    39. ” Many of the huge gainers from the 1950s were still dominating trading, with Xerox, Polaroid, IBM, and Control Data still years away from the speculative highs they would achieve on their way to becoming members of the “nifty-fifty

    40. he very backbone of a bull market is growth-new products, new presentation, new technologyspectacular growth opportunities that offer an investor the portfolio appreciation of the next Xerox

    1. I'll get the stuff Xeroxed and over to her office as fast as I can

    2. Melissa picked up the Xeroxed copy of his diary and flipped open at a point she had marked with a bright yellow sticky

    3. and Xeroxed pieces of paper

    1. I'll find a place that Xeroxes and I'll send you what I've typed which is now 14 pages

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