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    Usa "yacht" in una frase

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    1. They turned right onto the tenth floor street of third canal, indoor at that point, and were immediately outside again between third canal and the yacht basin

    2. Normally when she came over for lunch they rummaged the kitchen and took their booty to the fourteenth floor balcony on the far side of this yacht basin

    3. "Morg might want to be close enough to get to your place on the yacht," Glenelle said

    4. His yacht was something he loved and would notice if something was out of place

    5. She had not been on the yacht for three days when her backup was taken, but she didn't think he had either since they were both busy with departure at that time

    6. She wandered around the yacht, tossing things where they looked most comfortable

    7. If he wanted to adjust the magic level of his universe he could bring that interface with him, but as it was he allowed it only at the kitchen table and the den of his house and at the desk of the main cabin in his yacht

    8. Herndon could still remember the construction of the Presidente Lula in low orbit above the Sao Luis Megalopolis, then a sprawling collection of seventeen million in balconied skyscrapers overlooking yacht basins all around the bay, the whole peninsula nothing but skyscrapers along the reconstituted beaches, or industrial plant in the interior

    9. He should stop thinking about refining the design of their speed yacht and concentrate on using it

    10. There were two levels of bridge across the mouth of the yacht basin where she lived, the drawbridge of the keda teams that he and paddlers could get under, and that of the pedestrians eight floors above that

    11. Most of the buildings on the back side of this yacht basin were similar, while those out front along third canal had twenty to thirty floors of stone and crystal instead of ten to fifteen, and the eleventh floor street was indoors

    12. A kayak or needleboat could have gone under the dock and cost a lot less, he had to pay for a yacht berth

    13. Yacht: If you see that you are a guest in a yacht, your social status will rise and your financial condition will improve

    14. On behalf of all the passengers, I complimented the skipper on protecting the graceful lines of his yacht

    15. She's turned up out of the blue and is staying on a big yacht down at Dorini

    16. Thom knew that Archbishop Saint Arthur O'Conner was usually stashed in a deck chair next to the pool on his yacht when hearing confession

    17. The yacht swayed on the waves

    18. The Princess of Stephanos took its chance and somehow cleared the rain and passed into the lagoon, all hands on the port side staring at the yacht

    19. The tempest grew in anger and raged upon the yacht

    20. There was the deafening crack of splintering wood as the yacht was chopped and shredded

    21. And there were snakes, all over, in the water swimming round the yacht

    22. “I was thinking of you at the rail of my porch on the eleventh floor on Third, overlooking the candles of the yacht basin

    23. He had Athnu bring them breakfast on the turret porch, again overlooking the yacht basin, but this time the boats were brightly lit by the sun of the new week

    24. ” He pointed to the back way out of the yacht basin that lead to a small lock and residential canal

    25. There were any number of people in any number of apartment trees around this yacht basin who could certainly watch them, but Bethai was impossibly vain about her breasts and probably loved to have the public watch her get them exercised

    26. On top of that, he provided a delicious breakfast, made by his servant, on a deck overlooking a yacht basin right back of Third Canal

    27. He had the biggest yacht basin in the neighborhood just a hundred feet below his balconies

    28. When he arrived back at Kulai’s he was brought inside to a large room overlooking a major street that ran toward the canal along the yacht basin ten stories below

    29. Morg’s space was a playground, and it was huge, big enough for year-long cruises on his yacht and fish three times the height of your personification

    30. Song pointed out, “She's got the sturdiest exoskeleton ever fitted to a space yacht

    31. As the Alabama sank, some twenty minutes after the firing ceased, most of her crew were rescued by the Kearsarge and by the British yacht Deerhound

    32. But a gunboat, previously a private yacht, had sighted two tramp steamers, and from unexplained reason, taking them for Spaniards, showed a clean pair of heels to Key West with the tidings

    33. Hearst, from his yacht “Sylvia,” sent several tons to the hospital ship “Olivette” and to Siboney, and thus by private ministration fevered wounds were kept cool, and dangerous complications averted

    34. In fact, the Lennox Yacht Club harbour is man-made, and the channel was deepened in the 1930’s

    35. Thank God it changed direction that night, and two days after, together with other family members still in Cebu, we boarded a magnificent yacht and arrived in Pilar in five and a half hours

    36. It left by overnight courier, arriving the following morning in Charleston at the home of a man whose name Sylvia received from the Charleston yacht club

    37. She saw a momentary image of Truman and herself in a mansion with butlers, a yacht and their own private plane

    38. “Another frickin’ yacht,” concluded Brendan

    39. during a luncheon at the Yacht Club in Perth Amboy

    40. “I was cruising the China Sea alone on a yacht called ‘Honey’

    41. The captain of the yacht said his goodbyes after helping with our luggage and he left us

    42. My mouth dropped simultaneously with Carmen’s gasp as we both took in the big yacht in front of us

    43. Everyone seemed to be having a great time and who wouldn’t? The yacht was amazing inside and out

    44. First, I detected that Ned Marandino had had the incredible chutzpah to have $40k worth of repairs to his yacht done on the clock by Ingalls workers and billed to one of Rickover/Schroeder’s contracts

    45. Prince Binyacim of that tropical archipelago presented them with a fourteen-meter sailing yacht named Sunrunner, which had been grown into shape from a single tree

    46. “Now the yacht given to you by The Stone Islanders is a very fine little boat, we buy them ourselves for visiting river ports and other shallow anchorings, and for private excursions

    47. In your long lives it is certain that you will eventually hear the call of the sea, and you may wish to spend a few years or decades or even centuries enjoying a shipboard life upon the deeps, and for that you will need more than a yacht

    48. “The cottage at Hilia is also furnished and complete, as is the suite at the Dragon’s view Inn, the ranch house at Winghoof Estates, the yacht Sunrunner, and the Queen of Waves

    49. Prince Binyacim of that tropical archipelago presented them with a forty-four foot sailing yacht named Sunrunner, which had been grown into shape from a single tree

    50. Maria looked over his shoulder, saw the yacht, and said, “Madre de Dios, that's a monster! Gee,

    1. He lived in a large house on the waterfront in Marblehead, a yachting community north of Boston that had a substantial population of substantial Jews

    2. Mainly, for me, he was a sharp tapping of heels round the corner of the deck-house, a white yachting cap and a green overcoat getting periodically between my eyes and the shifting cloud-horizon of the ashy-grey North Sea

    3. Even as the last Americans were still passing Hitler, the first German athletes began to emerge from the tunnel, dressed in crisp white linen suits and sporting white yachting caps

    4. There was a small picture of Gatsby, also in yachting costume, on the bureau—Gatsby with his head thrown back defiantly—taken apparently when he was about eighteen

    5. A few days later he took him to Duluth and bought him a blue coat, six pair of white duck trousers and a yachting cap

    6. Eventually, they reached the outermost orbit of guests, where a gangly boy in a yachting sweater stood smoking

    7. What I saw was what I had seen for years around Hollywood, a man lean as whipcord and leather; hard riding, tennis every day, swimming, yachting, and mountain climbing had fined him down to this

    8. On these occasions many little incidents and adventures have occurred, which, though full of interest to any one fond of yachting, yet are hardly worthy of print, and it was not until about a year and a half ago that the following events took place, and seemed to me of sufficient interest to record

    9. A rosy-faced man in white ducks and a yachting cap stood over him with a glass of brandy

    1. Most of the yachts below were garden floats, fancy entertaining rooms on the water, most had upper floors with lavish trysting suites and rooms below decks for serving staff and crew

    2. There were some yachts with more than one mast with crews of six sitting around and puttering at maintenance

    3. There were plenty of the small power boats with the name that translates to 'needleboat' around, many hauled aboard some of the yachts or 'Garden Floats' as the gazebos are called

    4. There was time for the Huntress and her two yachts to perform a most thorough survey of the Corona Zed system, as well as the neighboring system not two light-years---four days---away

    5. vessel arrived at anchor near Williamstown, there began a steady stream of boats, yachts, and sightseers steaming or sailing close by to have a good look at the visitor

    6. The other half of the force had yachts and stuff

    7. “If they get a proper fighter, instead of converted yachts, if they had any idea of what they were doing, we could be in trouble,” said Brendan

    8. It is one of the most frequented vacation resorts in the United States and can boast of a Venetian style system of channels that serve as public thoroughfares for the yachts that dock at the mansions along its waterways

    9. Known as the “sail city” for its quantity of yachts, Auckland displays for visitors its shining and radiant face with its notable marine port that is, besides, the busiest and most active in the country

    10. Politicians and religious leaders living in palaces, traveling in private jets and yachts, and living a life of luxury

    11. While the others stayed for roulette, I returned to the quay, found a private spot between luxury yachts, stripped, dived in for a swim, then lay in the sun

    12. Antibes city, situated on the eastern side of the peninsular, was first a Greek, then a Roman garrison, and on this visit a quiet fishing port with narrow streets, ancient walls, a fortress and a few yachts

    13. Today it is the largest port for luxury yachts in the Mediterranean, and the peninsula that I knew as a quiet stretch of rocky land covered in pines and scrub, dotted with hidden private villas, is mostly built up and boasts the most expensive real estate and the most luxurious residences in France, being the preferred choice of the really wealthy – more prestigious even than Cannes

    14. I didn't troop goggle-eyed around the villas of the obscenely wealthy like Barbara Hutton – the Woolworth heiress, or hang around the cafés and expensive yachts in the harbour

    15. Two villas, ordinary folk would call them palaces, were perched majestically on brown, rocky hilltops overlooking sandy coves complete with luxury launches and yachts anchored in the deep, clear azure water

    16. She looked every part the millionaire's mistress in her striking red suit, and had Rosa not told me before that Claire was single and worked as a holiday receptionist, it wouldn't have surprised me in the slightest had one of the yachts belonged to her lover

    17. Again, I looked at Rosa who was mesmerised by the twinkling lights of the yachts moored in the bay

    18. He employed pilots, blimp crew, maids, cooks, drivers, flight attendants, and boat crew for his three yachts, all to serve his pleasure

    19. Wilmington would work as well, and its less commercialized port would be more conducive to his arrival due to the less stringent customs representatives since most of those vessels docking there were privately owned yachts and charter boats rather than shipping lines

    20. Looking out the window he had a panoramic view of Rushcutters Bay with all its yachts tied up in the Cruising Yacht Club marina

    21. He was kneeling at the dock's first boat, wrapping a yachts thick rope around two metal anchors on the wood

    22. They loved each other, there on her comfortable bed, bathed in sunlight, surrounded by the sounds of soft music and the tinkles of the halyards hitting the masts of the gently rocking yachts, moored in the bay outside

    23. Then I'll give you a tour of the shipyards to show you a couple of yachts we are currently building

    24. It had three indoor dry/wet docks used solely for repair and retrofitting older yachts, whether that entailed adding new features, repairing structural or mechanical issues, or sometimes gutting a boat and replacing all the innards (my father's word)

    25. Alex pondered the matter quietly, gazing out at the yachts in

    26. There were million-‐dollar yachts moored just

    27. I have seen their houses and cars and yachts

    28. There were white sailed yachts skittering across the ruffled waters on the brisk breeze nearer the shore, while, on the other side of the launch, further out, a small float plane left a creamy wake as it took off from the watery runway, marked out with orange buoys

    29. the thousand foot yachts

    30. (Trevain had jealously insisted that his ship was worth a hundred useless pleasure yachts

    31. They drove past all these pleasant, speedy toys and came to the bigger ships, the private luxury yachts fit for international travel on the high seas

    32. Generally speaking yachts owned by wealthy Greeks left Crete for Athens without any passport checks or hindrance

    33. They made their way to the part of the harbour that was known as the “millionaires’ playground” where the superrich kept their yachts, and lived a very comfortable life indeed

    34. On the decks of luxurious but endless rows of yachts, women in bikinis lounged around drinking champagne that was being served to them by beautiful young Greek waiters

    35. The colony had their choice of any number of Yachts and

    36. But if a corporate executive manages to swindle people out of billions of dollars, he is given a slap on the wrist and allowed to go back to his fancy yachts and mansions to live in comfort and ease

    37. And if a corporate executive manages to swindle people out of billions of dollars, he will no longer be given a slap on the wrist and allowed to go back to his fancy yachts and mansions to live in comfort and ease

    38. They started pairing off on their evening strolls on the keys of the small village port with the luxurious yachts and fashionable cafés, at the beach in the mornings and when lounging at the lavish villa

    39. “How much is a life worth? I’ve saved his on several occasions and gave him a tip once that paid off in the purchase of several yachts larger than this one, if he wanted to upgrade

    40. The trip had been made by a German paddling a kayak in the 1930s, by an 18 year old woman sailing alone, by thousands of retired sailing couples returning from a season on the Mediterranean, and, of course, by countless private yachts

    41. glass windows with a view of the marina and its myriad of yachts below and luxuriated in

    42. There were a few yachts in the river mouth and as usual we got in

    43. "The rest of you make sure that Andrina can’t use those yachts for a while

    44. She stopped in front of her ruined yachts, two of which were sinking into the water, and stared after them

    45. He had been a meatman, one of the caste which earned a perilous living in large, sail-powered land yachts that ventured far out to land and hunted the shoals of deer and buffalo that abounded in the stormhaunted continents

    46. Go but to Portsmouth or Southampton, and you will find the harbors crowded with the yachts belonging to such of the English as can afford the expense, and have the same liking for this amusement

    47. Still, for most who sailed their yachts up the Hudson to watch the races each June, whether from Manhattan or from the Hamptons, it remained a natural assumption that this year the East would once again resume its proper and long-established place atop the rowing world

    48. Between the two bridges and down to the finish line, the river was jammed with yachts at anchor, their teak decks crowded with race fans, many of them wearing crisp nautical whites and royal-blue caps with gold braid

    49. Canoes and wooden motorboats darted in and out among the yachts

    50. ” Fans on the docks and yachts in Poughkeepsie began to take up variations of the same chant as the boats came into view upriver

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    Sinonimi per "yacht"

    racing yacht yacht