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    Usa "yahwe" in una frase

    yahwe frasi di esempio


    1. The spirit of man is the candle of Yahweh,

    2. Those who are redeemed of Yahweh are like a rich garden that is enclosed by a wall

    3. world that Yahweh is the God of creation and Jesus is His Son,

    4. reigned supreme, turned and chose to follow Yahweh with all

    5. once again, and Yahweh will be seen in the earth as a God who

    6. prove that Yahweh is the true God, and all nations will know it

    7. Later that evening in Darniil’s quarters Zarko had the opportunity to convince his future brother-in-law of his sincerity to learn about and adopt the worship of their God, Yahweh

    8. But surely the wise men would have called on the gods first or looked at the stars for guidance? So why weren’t they helping? He wondered about Darniil’s God – Yahweh

    9. Yahweh had come to their rescue, the crisis had been averted

    10. Our God, Yahweh, whom we worship, is able to rescue us out of the burning, fiery furnace and out of your hands, O king

    11. Yahweh was indeed more powerful than all of his people’s gods put together! Babylon’s gods were no gods at all – they were mere handmade idols! He mounted Koyo and as he made his way back home, his mind wandered away to other things

    12. Helda’s mother was proud to be a worshiper of Yahweh

    13. “I have told you before – Yahweh is the true God

    14. Zarko is not averse to becoming a worshiper of Yahweh

    15. What we do find, however, is the Name of God “Yahweh” or “YHWH” in Hebrew with a 7-letter skip in Leviticus

    16. Why did he feel that need except that there was a remnant of the followers of EL in it and other places, that the followers of Yahweh felt a strong need to take, or was it really to retake? Jebusites had settled there or taken it by force at some time between the time of Abraham and David

    17. We started out with Moses and a snake-on-a-pole in the desert, and by an odd circuitous route ended up all over the lot of time and place, discovering in the process that Yahweh, the Hebrew God of the Exodus, at an earlier time was called EL

    18. The post-Exodus Hebrews dared not call their God by his ancient name “EL” for all the centuries of their succeeding history, substituting the Tetragrammaton, Yahweh (YHWH)

    19. This influence, in all probability, came from that old battle cry of the Jewish religion, “There is but one God and His name is Jehovah” (a Germanization of the Hebrew Yahweh)

    20. ” And the rest is the history of the Hebrew people through the Exodus and after when his name changed to Yahweh, which led directly to the Christian Deity simply known as God

    21. «Yahweh God planted a garden in Eden, which is in the east, and there He put the man He had fashioned

    22. «The man and his wife heard the sound of Yahweh God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from Yahweh God among the trees of the garden

    23. But Yahweh God called to the man

    24. Then Yahweh God said to the woman, “Why did you do that?” The woman replied, “The snake tempted me and I ate”

    25. Then Yahweh God said to the snake, “Because you have done this, accursed be you of all animals wild and tame! On your belly you will go and on dust you will feed as long as you live

    26. “I have acquired a man with the help of Yahweh”, she said

    27. «Cain left Yahweh's presence and settled in the land of Nod, east of Eden

    28. It seems to me that this is precisely the reason for the creation of the chosen people, the Jewish people, who will be in charge of first purifying those peoples that no longer have a chance to join the new "monotheistic system" -so to speak- and then imposing the belief in Yahweh, their God, the only God

    29. "Now, the snake was the most subtle of all the wild animals that Yahweh God had made

    30. Samuel just arrived and only said he is to wait on Yahweh

    31. With those simple words Israel rejects the Kingship of Yahweh and paved the way for their eventual downfall and destruction

    32. How many times before has he done the very same thing? Always before Yahweh was on his side, but now? It was pointless thinking about the past

    33. Capernaum was a strong Roman military post, and the garrison's commanding officer was a gentile believer in Yahweh, "a devout man," as the Jews were wont to designate such proselytes

    34. And they discussed again and again all the religions of the world, Jesus endeavoring to point out to this young mind the truth in each, always adding: "But Yahweh is the God developed from the revelations of Melchizedek and the covenant of Abraham

    35. Said Jacob to Jesus: "But, Rabbi, Moses and the olden prophets tell us that Yahweh is a jealous God, a God of great wrath and fierce anger

    36. 2 Jesus mildly upbraided the twelve, in substance saying: Do you not know the traditions of Israel relating to the growth of the idea of Yahweh, and are you ignorant of the teaching of the Scriptures concerning the doctrine of God? And then did the Master proceed to instruct the apostles about the evolution of the concept of Deity throughout the course of the development of the Jewish people

    37. The Supreme Yahweh

    38. Have you not read in Samuel where it says: `And the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel, so much so that he moved David against them, saying, go number Israel and Judah'? And this was not strange because in the days of Samuel the children of Abraham really believed that Yahweh created both good and evil

    39. But when a later writer narrated these events, subsequent to the enlargement of the Jewish concept of the nature of God, he did not dare attribute evil to Yahweh; therefore he said: `And Satan stood up against Israel and provoked David to number Israel

    40. When the children of Israel came out of Egypt in the days before the enlarged revelation of Yahweh, they had ten commandments which served as their law right up to the times when they were encamped before Sinai

    41. 21 "And then, amidst the thunders and lightnings of Sinai, Moses gave them the new ten commandments, which you will all allow are more worthy utterances to accompany the enlarging Yahweh concepts of Deity

    42. In return for their friendship Alexander gave the Samaritans permission to build a temple on Mount Gerizim, where they worshiped Yahweh and their tribal gods and offered sacrifices much after the order of the temple services at Jerusalem

    43. The Jews at least know whom they worship; they have removed all confusion by concentrating their worship upon one God, Yahweh

    44. O King, helper, savior, and shield! Blessed are you, O Yahweh, the shield of Abraham

    45. Blessed are you, Yahweh, who blesses his people Israel with peace

    46. Have you not noted that the concepts of Yahweh grow in beauty and glory as the prophets make their records from Samuel to Isaiah? And you should remember that the Scriptures are intended for religious instruction and spiritual guidance

    47. And when the Master made reference to his Father as God, he usually employed the Hebrew word signifying the plural God (the Trinity) and not the word Yahweh, which stood for the progressive conception of the tribal God of the Jews

    48. No longer did these believers look upon Yahweh as "the Lord of Hosts

    49. The Tree of Yahweh

    50. “ This is the tree of Yahweh of what the prophets of old had spoken of

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