Usa "yellowish brown" in una frase
yellowish brown frasi di esempio
yellowish brown
1. There were rays of gigantic size, five meters long and with muscles so powerful they could leap above the waves, sharks of various species including a fifteen–foot glaucous shark with sharp triangular teeth and so transparent it was almost invisible amid the waters, brown lantern sharks, prism–shaped humantin sharks armored with protuberant hides, sturgeons resembling their relatives in the Mediterranean, trumpet–snouted pipefish a foot and a half long, yellowish brown with small gray fins and no teeth or tongue, unreeling like slim, supple snakes
2. During our crossing I saw numerous baleen whales belonging to the three species unique to these southernmost seas: the bowhead whale (or "right whale," according to the English), which has no dorsal fin; the humpback whale from the genus Balaenoptera (in other words, "winged whales"), beasts with wrinkled bellies and huge whitish fins that, genus name regardless, do not yet form wings; and the finback whale, yellowish brown, the swiftest of all cetaceans
3. The book was thick and the drink was yellowish brown, like the color of her eyes, with ice in it
4. The book was thick and the drink was yellowish brown with ice in it
5. The bituminous shale presents the usual characters; intermixed with it are numerous nodules of the common clay ironstone, the colour of which is a yellowish brown, these also frequently present characters common to the three substances, and throughout the beds, the passage from the one to the other is distinct