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    Usa "yours" in una frase

    yours frasi di esempio


    1. is that, you must seek God’s agenda above yours before

    2. "I know you don't want me to know this," Ava said, "but I think we both think she's working for that rogue Colonel of yours

    3. ‘I saw that friend of yours Amy today … she brought her car in to have the tracking checked and I asked her if she was still going along to them

    4. ‘She knew nothing about these classes of yours … what do you say to that?’

    5. Yours, Andrew Lopez

    6. “That isn’t yours,” The Operator managed to say

    7. It is fortunate that you will be spending detention time with me, where I can perhaps find a way to get that one track mind of yours on the right track

    8. This home is as much yours as mine in all things but to sell, as I hoped you understood by now

    9. 661, my odds of survival are less than yours

    10. Could have been yours

    11. A very caring and thoughtful friend of yours

    12. "The money is yours but you have to take this too

    13. ‘Sounds like a sensible idea, this annexe of yours

    14. Which house is yours exactly?"

    15. wife of yours and tell her you’re staying overnight

    16. Give Him your body, and it will be no longer yours, but the body of

    17. getting that fat head of yours

    18. dark matter, whereas yours lists the stars that shine for bright, sparkling mortality

    19. ‘… and then you’d better ring that daughter of yours, Liz

    20. He was a client of yours

    21. ‘This was a brilliant idea of yours, Stephen

    22. "Were the tattoos yours?"

    23. ‘Emma is a bit up in the air about this guy of yours, Liz

    24. "If I have something of yours, you're welcome to it,” Leonora said, and stepped back, gesturing with her arm for Kandhi to come inside

    25. “Hey buddy, could you move that shiny head of yours a couple a inches? The glare is hurtin’ my eyes over here

    26. Wait tell me what is yours

    27. She has taken to coming along now and we’ve had one or two weird conversations about both of us being Dave’s wife! The baby is a sweet little thing but not keen on sleeping nights … I reckon I would go off any baby, however sweet it might be, under those circumstances, but it’s probably different if it’s yours

    28. ‘Go on,’ he said, ‘You open yours first

    29. It's in yours

    30. ‘These are yours, then

    31. to throw in my lot with yours

    32. Well, the choice is yours of course; you can take it or leave it

    33. "You're not wasting yours or complaining about it

    34. "But what were yours?" Luray asked

    35. " She shuddered when she said that, but immediately went on, "So what was yours?" the teacher asked the blond

    36. "But what's yours?" the teacher asked Alan

    37. Fumes: If they come out of the earth, a relative of yours will die

    38. Leak: A well hidden secret of yours will finally be revealed and this will cause negative changes in your life

    39. “This treasure is all yours but I can not let you steal one of my women

    40. Vinegar: It bodes nothing good; if it is red, someone will abuse you; if it is white, a friend of yours will have an accident; if you drink vinegar, you will have a bad quarrel with a family member or a colleague at work

    41. None of it’s dramatic, not in your way…I mean, how do you make a public drama out of the long drawing down of a cancer, or the slow meander of a mild epidemic, or that fatal nudge into oncoming traffic? Oh, I do things with a flourish sometimes, I suppose, the knife and the psychosis, but no, my book is made up of dark matter, whereas yours lists the stars that shine for bright, sparkling mortality

    42. My room of that is about the size of yours

    43. Power of Choice is another Invisible Power of yours that you

    44. I got yours too if you want it

    45. Kara – These lapis lazuli beads come from the mountains of the Russian steppe … Lapis is deemed to be the stone of truth (though you know my skepticism of such ideas!) but seems appropriate as no soul is more truthful than yours

    46. Its not my daughter and that’s what counts, not yours either,

    47. The success you desire can be yours when you adapt these ‘Habits of Success’

    48. Catwhiskers, and yours truly astound with displays on our

    49. my television because it was newer than yours

    50. Daniel’s eyes got wide, “You know about that also? Jesus, have we no secrets?” Daniel looked about gathering his thoughts and then told him, “Listen, Collin, you better keep this ability of yours under wraps for a bit

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