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    youths frasi di esempio


    1. As I stood waiting on a deserted platform, a gang of youths appeared

    2. In relative terms everything seemed to be going well for the young woman until she encountered a group of local youths one Saturday afternoon

    3. The young man with the broken wrist was of some ethnic stock, while the three other youths were Caucasians and Miss Jones was no fool

    4. She looked straight at the charging youths and yelled at the top of her voice, “You’ll have to answer to me to first!”

    5. on the poor, unsuspecting youths within

    6. living room, where the youths had been relaxing

    7. like a banshee, running two of the youths over as they stumbled

    8. charging youths as they crashed into his stomach

    9. towards the bundle of scrapping youths

    10. out, until Karen was one of the last youths standing, but still her

    11. of some ethnic stock, while the three other youths were Caucasians

    12. She looked straight at the charging youths and yelled at the top

    13. It seems that three drunken youths tried to break in

    14. Police arrived in minutes and arrested the youths who were ranting about wanting to fuck the whores

    15. arrived to see a group of youths pillaging their church, and

    16. For years Minos demanded a payment of youths from Athens to feed the creature

    17. Older youths knocked down younger ones who’d climbed onto the roofs

    18. Pretending they hadn’t heard Father, the youths continued carousing

    19. As the two youths descended, an enormous geyser broke over Philippos's back

    20. The two youths had joined Eury and the

    21. Nerissa told both youths that they were free

    22. The two youths watched the policeman

    23. The two tracksuit-wearing youths, having dispensed with their chewing gum, sidled up to Danny and Ben

    24. ‘See you!’ said the youths in unison, departing the time-worn marble foyer of the ancient and wonderful city library

    25. As they moved out of sight the youths glanced up at the imposing structure with its round dome sat on a square Roman styled building

    26. The slighter of the two youths wondered what treasures might be found within its ancient walls

    27. They were fulfilled, satisfied, by the strength of the youths who serviced their needs

    28. Other people employed youths for similar reasons

    29. There is a lot of talk these days of the so-called “lost generation” in South Africa, which usually refers the black youths of 1976 who left school and country to join the Liberation Movements

    30. At the same time the lower ranks of the terrorists groups are mostly uneducated and jobless youths who are seduced by the desire of adventure and serving a cause they believe in

    31. Nor do I wish to overly engage the prurient interest of misguided youths

    32. A virtual reality place, an escape from stuffy classrooms and oppressive family situations, a place you never tell your mother about, and she never tells you about, but which you both know about; the daydream blueprints which suffused our youths with rosy forward-looking

    33. Just as the two youths reached where Hornsby, Colling and their mother were standing, the two sergeants who had been searching the house emerged

    34. Tonight he stood behind a raucous group of youths who broke into regular paroxysms of laughter

    35. It was more difficult to communicate justification, but finally the story of the slaughter of the three tribal youths became vaguely understandable

    36. Outside, they were met by Laino and his men except for Lumit and Tavil who stood with the other youths in the large group

    37. He nodded briefly to his men and they ran out and scattered around the group of more and more terrified youths

    38. All of his men laughed aloud, even Calras, Merdo and Varwo laughed, but in the group of youths, only a low, desperate moaning was heard

    39. Laino set off and his men quickly pushed the youths along until the whole group ran together at Laino's heels

    40. His study was of 11 youths who had strikingly similar behavioral similarities

    41. youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: 31 But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength;

    42. with their becoming and ingenuous mien, smiled on them, and calling them near, said: 4 O youths, with favourable feelings, I admire

    43. 24 We six youths have destroyed your tyranny

    44. feet are moved sympathetically with the directions of the soul, so those holy youths agreed to death for religion's sake, as through the

    45. 7 O holy seven of harmonious brethren! for as the seven days of creation, about religion, 8 so the youths,

    46. 12 For the mother of those seven youths endured the rackings of each of her children

    47. those articles for his protection because he had been threatened by a gang of youths

    48. At his hearing it was determined that on several occasions a group of youths had chased him or threatened him with assault

    49. “You’re a fine group of youths

    50. And it will always be the case that such groups of special youths will occasionally need a bit of lecturing, to keep them from thinking that they’re any more special than they truly are!

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