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    accrued frases de exemplo


    1. himself might say it was faith in his loving God of all mankind and all the good Karma accrued from fighting the good fight

    2. and the accrued knick-knacks

    3. "I can tell you that, the master believed he’d accrued all of his knowledge from the time he held a body

    4. Checking the balance, Frank felt a little dizzy when he saw the interest it had accrued

    5. For their part, the first colonists soon settled their roots in the growing big city and constructed public and private buildings thus mirroring the great prosperity that their efforts had accrued

    6. He had spent most of his time in fighters and had accrued a modest 20 missions flying an F-86 from Kimpo during the Korean War

    7. In those cases, not only must the consumers pay for products and services produced by the government, they must also pay the added-on losses accrued by that non-entrepreneurial activity

    8. Each of them had accrued heightened experience with edged weapons during their campaign

    9. This will allow the bank to repossess it and then we will have to look into some form of long-term payment plan for the interest accrued on the mortgage to date and the overdraft

    10. answers on the cards they have accrued for each of the key concepts, together with the

    11. interest accrued to your father’s investments

    12. “They are docked accrued leave from the time they left wherever they came from to the time they arrived here and their enlistment contract is extended by the difference between the accrued leave and the time away

    13. “If she is allowed to stay, she will lose all time in grade, accrued leave and her enlistment contract will be extended by the time away

    14. -The monies accrued from prostitution are not given to the

    15. The years accrued and we still continued to move through the same quiet and uneventful path and on the surface, nothing appeared to have changed, but what had been the quiet of content had now become the silence of guilt

    16. principal and accrued interest to compound over the life of the investment for a higher total

    17. For example, if you put $10,000 in a savings account at 5% interest, at the end of one year you would have accrued $500 in interest

    18. That and a big old trucker's belly that I have accrued

    19. The loaned money would be paid back to the bank by interest accrued payments, which they thought was sufficient backing for the newly printed money

    20. marker that he had accrued in a losing hand of poker

    21. “Make sure you twist their tail, though, and insist on keeping the interest that will have accrued while the money was on deposit

    22. with the condition that she could use the interest that accrued on

    23. Weal mocked her with carnival arcade sounds of levels attained, rewards accrued, and bonuses won

    24. Saleem explained that there was an accrued amount which he needed as he was in debt, and gave his brother his identity card to facilitate the process

    25. The benefit from collectively accrued wealth creation is less labor

    26. gardless of when the cause of action accrued and not-

    27. Returns the accrued interest for a security that pays

    28. Returns the accrued interest for a security that pays interest at maturity


    30. She had previously heard Anvi telling her parents about the incident at her shop in which all the money that she had accrued over the years was stolen

    31. He was thinking about quitting his driver job soon, but only after he had decent amount of money accrued with him

    32. Accrued interest / income : Income / interest earned but yet to be received /

    33. income that has already accrued to the account

    34. Ergo, we have decreed it necessary for the Devatas to burn off the negative Karma that they have accrued throughout their tenure in this realm

    35. All the money I have in the bank, which with all the interests accrued is something under two million, I shall turn it over to your name with the proviso that it shall be invested in safe US Treasury Bills and for two years, I shall have their yield

    36. Re-living a traumatic experience only on a shallow, almost painless level; prevents the person from benefiting from the accrued wisdom of their own experiences

    37. A few years ago, there was a lady while she was in college, she had accrued a credit card debt of about $2,300, and she couldn’t pay back so she committed suicide

    38. should have accrued to the new licensees in the form of huge capital infusion for

    39. One way to ease your payment is to apply for loans, but the interest accrued can follow the student far after the graduation cap has been thrown into the air

    40. Carrying what has accrued to it from the moment of birth to the

    41. counterparts of what accrued to them in the seen world,

    42. And yet you manage to unload it to your father-in-law at eighty-nine cents on the dollar, write the difference off as a loss, and three months later when the bailout comes through, they’re cashed out at face value plus accrued interest

    43. 25 and a cash accrued dividend of about $2

    44. As a result, not only were most bondholders unaware of the poor showing of the venture until default had actually taken place, but—more serious still—at that time they frequently found that large unpaid taxes had accrued against the property while the owners were “milking” it by drawing down all available cash

    45. Excessive Emphasis Placed on Amount of Accrued Dividends

    46. , by the amount of the federal income tax accrued

    47. by the tax accrued

    48. We think that loss on property retired (in excess of depreciation already accrued) should be charged against the year’s earnings, rather than against surplus as is done by most companies in other fields

    49. A large profit-sharing royalty would be payable on the sulphur produced from the new project, whereas the old Bryanmound was owned outright by Freeport and hence its profits accrued 100% to the company

    50. As we pointed out in the analogous case of convertible bonds, as soon as a substantial profit appears the holder is in a dilemma, because he can hold for a further gain only by risking that already accrued

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