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    adapt to frases de exemplo

    adapt to

    1. "The vine is the easiest part of the native civilization to adapt to

    2. Here is a spraying schedule that you will learn to adapt to your own use

    3. There is a form of email called eye messaging on this planet and he checked for messages and found nothing but petty complaints of some in the community toward some others in the community or some aspect of local custom they don't want to adapt to

    4. He couldn't even adapt to monogamy

    5. She felt guilty for forcing Alan to adapt to their culture and guilty for insulting Luray by forcing Alan to mate with her

    6. It was all because those cultures had religions that couldn’t adapt to science

    7. I reckon it's going to be harder for you two, you're not kids, but bloody-minded, so-called mature adults, and in some ways it is going to take more effort to adapt to living together

    8. But she can't become a native here, she can't adapt to this society

    9. Non-the-less, X’ander was quite confident she would adapt to its use effortlessly

    10. quit your job or keep it, you’ll have to adapt to a new way of thinking to

    11. When this function is compromised, we have a hard time seeing the consequences of our behavior, and being flexible enough to review our plans and adapt to changing conditions

    12. We are, in short, addicted to having things, and to “having” people, and when we adapt to what we have, we want still more

    13. ” The Elf had been really poor at catching on to several of her more physical training exercises over the last months, primarily because she couldn't adapt to having that tail

    14. However, they would adapt to life back in New Bedford rather

    15. Would they be able to adapt to a free life? Would Balzar keep them as slaves? How would he, as he seemed to think himself alone to the task, steal the Globe back and place it in its resting place? Would Balzar give it up freely? He didn’t think so

    16. Its flexibility wisely allows our judicial system to adapt to political, social and economic arrangements vastly complex in proportion to the evolving requirements of a pluralistic society

    17. The above was challenged many times in court by the long haired liberal lawyers, and the commissioned officers soon learned to adapt to the conditions

    18. Though presently abandoned, the latter is being planned for restoration by very enthusiastic descendants of that venerable family who want to preserve its external basic structure of the past while changing its interior to adapt to modern comfort

    19. It was understandable that he would be proficient in survival skills, but his ability to adapt to changes in climate and terrain seemed unrivaled

    20. Adapt faster, adapt better, adapt to things that no man should have to

    21. continue again, until don't adapt to the pain, to check into the terminal cancer

    22. will adapt to the intensity

    23. I guess there’re some things that you just can’t adapt to

    24. Would the enormous costs of what the hottest of the warmers propose be worth it? Or would a more plausible approach be to accept “autonomous adaptation” to the warming over the century or so during which it would occur? Human beings have been known to adapt to new and difficult situations, and with a century to work on might well do so in respect to global warming

    25. its processes and workflows to adapt to the

    26. I analyzed how well you flew our ship back on Earth and how your mind was able to adapt to out of body communicating

    27. Experience says that humans need time to adapt to a reveal like this

    28. self-regulation - being able to manage your own emotional states and adapt to changing

    29. adapt to other sources of energy; mainly the

    30. does to a child, so early humans adapt to their

    31. We must anticipate change, adapt to it, and be prepared in advance to confront it

    32. The give-and-take between students and EMBA Programs helps programs as they adapt to changes in the marketplace and changes in needs of students and organizations

    33. While it is true that often humans adapt to their environment, it is also true that often humans

    34. Organizational learning allows a company to adapt to market changes and trends and grow in the process, and in some cases helps reduce the risk of

    35. you learned by heart, it is about how fast you can adapt to an ever-changing

    36. He is often praised for his ability to adapt to the needs of his body and yet keep scoring consistently

    37. Magicians always adapt to the times and fashion!

    38. At the time I thought in Beatrice and how she would feel to be a guest in this medieval world, what would my sister do without their "Silver" or money to spend? Would she adapt to this barter system? Certainly, for her, it would be the end of the world

    39. thinking about breeding new strains of trees and plants that can adapt to the local conditions

    40. explaining that the younger children would adapt to terms, sayings, and even accents over here, they being so young when they left

    41. If you have to adapt to a few changes here and there, then so what! If you resist, they’ll just close the plant anyway

    42. The world will adapt to you

    43. to adapt to the new things

    44. learn and adapt to the changes

    45. to see that the people adapt to it within

    46. Instead, adapt to them as best you can

    47. Adapt to conditions as best you can

    48. Adapt to situations as best you can

    49. In the meantime adapt to situations as best you can and work to cultivate your social skills

    50. It’s best now to adapt to situations as best you can

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