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    adjustments frases de exemplo


    1. A failure to recognize changes in old relationships and making appropriate adjustments can be misread as indifference

    2. Glenelle had to admit that even though Ava did her best to make the war back at Sol sound exciting, it seemed long ago and far away compared to the adjustments she had to face, being a clone and her whole time had been turned into a fantasy realm

    3. Because she was looking at the limb of the world with the main scope, she could see a fifty mile wide swath of land at once, and could scan fifty miles in each direction with some fine adjustments to the scope positioning

    4. A few adjustments

    5. Adjustments need to be made, Josephine

    6. “If it was perfect I would have my med panel and personification adjustments and we could blink out of here

    7. A few adjustments and the camera zoomed back and they got their first view of the three ships

    8. They lengthened their vowels more and Ava had to play with some adjustments on the translators before she could understand some of the conversations

    9. For the next few minutes Mingalle fooled Desa into thinking she understood what she was saying about the patches and their adjustments, til she found out Mingalle still hadn't figured out the effects of patch cords vs

    10. adjustments, instead of interfering with it

    11. Izzy, couldn’t bring herself to tell her mom that she hated the adjustments, and instead wore them

    12. Adjustments or relocations may be necessary but these weather anomalies do not signify the end of humanity

    13. Eric was still making the final adjustments to the software so

    14. "A few adjustments, that's all," said

    15. The adjustments were done very neatly and it actually looked good

    16. The Stock Market reacts irrationally at times although ―irrational‖ (investor) behavior, influenced by (seemingly) plausible signs, (oftentimes) represent illogical adjustments or illogical responses operating under illogical assumptions whose illogical designs are seemingly logical

    17. The machine rocked and jiggled from time to time, as they worked on it and made small adjustments and safety checks, but he had gotten used to it over the years

    18. It is achieved through the commitment to understand the nature of negative thought patterns and the resultant stress (negative emotional patterns) and finally, the habits and behaviours that stress supports and the willingness to make adjustments in life-style to dissolve stress and support new health-promoting habits and behaviours

    19. We now have about a year and a half to find out what was in the bill and the adjustments that are already

    20. Man has made these many wrenching adjustments with capacities that he never realized that he had acquired, and that had never been expressed in quite this way before, nor exaggerated to this degree until Man

    21. Adults have made adjustments to mask the problem but it is still there

    22. able to collect the responses can make adjustments to their

    23. Irrespective of the number of years you have loyally served an organization, if you don’t anticipate the changes around you and make necessary adjustments in your skills, tempera-

    24. Once we were finished eating, he led us down to the shore where Juchi was busy making the final adjustments to his cargo and boarding his rowers

    25. gesture; her best laid plans at removing Derek out of her life would require a few more careful adjustments

    26. These adjustments will only be made for substantial changes,

    27. Within that framework adjustments

    28. As the beginning of the 1975-76 school year was approaching, the Fernández family was pressed to make quick adjustments to their new reality

    29. buckled the guide came over, made several adjustments on the

    30. , Mike had the same adjustments as the others, multiple subjects taught by different teachers, and having to rotate among classrooms

    31. Cost-of-living adjustments, a shield against inflation, hasn’t-been given , since the 1980s, in the private sector

    32. With a few minor adjustments, which were done in the office on Monday, the campaign was hand-carried across the Canadian border by courier and delivered to our Canadian office for presentation to Unilever the next day

    33. “With some adjustments, he could have built a company two or three times the size it is now

    34. Myers made some more adjustments with the

    35. As soon as they were intercepted, adjustments were made to correct her breathing difficulty, but it’s taking her body a few minutes to respond

    36. “Companies have to be responsive to new demands in the market,” says Selva, and as EMBA Programs understand those market demands, they can make adjustments that help prepare students to meet them

    37. This happened again and again, forcing Kinnard to run around with a long carpenter's level, calling for continual adjustments

    38. Remarkably it didn’t have a peculiar smell, engravings in the bathroom, adjustments to decorations, etc

    39. She retrieved a ruler to provoke this obvious fact and now had executive control on adjustments

    40. and the significant adjustments to their reimbursement so that they can

    41. Savvy companies may have made adjustments for that, but if you want to try that when you’re

    42. adjustments as a chiropractor, you want to re-expose those existing customers and clients to

    43. The engine chugged to life, and after Mark made a couple adjustments to the mirrors,

    44. slight adjustments to respond to changes in the operational or

    45. In the course of these exhortations to the twelve apostles, Jesus sought to reveal this new concept of fatherly love as it is related to certain emotional attitudes concerned in making numerous environmental social adjustments

    46. Generally this involves lifestyle adjustments

    47. Our beliefs determine our life and it is good that the incorrect ones (or partially correct ones) get revealed so that adjustments can be made

    48. This can bring a short-term financial disturbance, but it will also bring needed changes and adjustments

    49. Things are not as they appeared, and some financial adjustments have to be made

    50. The loss of six million will have an adverse effect for a while but then we should be able to counter balance the loss with tax adjustments and other things that will benefit you

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