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    Use "aft" em uma frase

    aft frases de exemplo


    1. They hung together in their pleasure a little longer, then he got out, shook a little water off, put his clout back on, and strolled aft

    2. He showed them that much while they were still walking the aft deck

    3. They went up a flight of stairs just aft of the middle mast and into a wide hallway with a nice kitchen in the middle, between two large tables, a few lounges with bookcases and candlelanterns nearby

    4. There was a door out to the topdeck, and one to another room aft of this

    5. But there was enough room on deck for three crew and a good catch with nets and baskets stored for and aft

    6. "This is Fyuanuran," a big-boned dwarf with the longest, thickest white hair and beard of all of them, more than waist length fore and aft

    7. With sufficient force the explosion could rupture the hull causing complete depressurisation of much of the aft section

    8. “Negative, sir,” stated the computer unexpectedly, “The fire could not be sustained once the atmosphere within the aft section has been exhausted

    9. There was a dull, metallic thud as the pressure door on the aft side of the tube between the two sections slid firmly into place below them

    10. They sprinted along the transverse corridor to the junction with the main corridor leading aft

    11. “We’ve got damage reports from the automatic systems coming in from all along the mid and aft sections captain

    12. The emergency beacon is above the aft section and there’s no top hatch in that section

    13. These guns constituted their battery of firepower along with two twelve pounders, aft, which were already in position when the

    14. Consequently the gun carriages were secured fore and aft of the

    15. The remaining coal was then moved to the aft berth deck

    16. To do this, they brought out two hawsers on the aft deck and tied a bite to

    17. There were others in the corridors, some headed aft, towards engineering, others fanning out

    18. His scanner estimated the nearest one to be over twenty kilometres from fore to aft

    19. The Calamity was beginning to pick up speed, yet finally, the port agent noticed something on the aft side of ship

    20. They stopped on the aft deck

    21. We could rotate the gadget, mounting it in another way, for example in the ‘fore and aft plane of rotation,’ as the explanation went

    22. This left one or two French ships using their fore and aft guns, the only ones that would bear, against an entire British fleet firing the usual broadsides, from both sides of the ship at once

    23. the roar of the coal filling the aft hold

    24. area, a cabin just aft and below the wheel-house

    25. The captain shouted, “Make her fast, fore and aft!”

    26. With all men seated, the tall leggy blond hostess took everyone’s order and then moved off towards mirrored aft dividers and sliding doors

    27. She locked eyes for a moment with the tall man then, in synchronized motion, they turned to look aft into the foam of the wake at the figure thrashing there, then forward again, still in unison, to see Truman emerge from the door of the wheelhouse

    28. Just aft of where Raul was handcuffed, on the starboard rail, was the after throttle

    29. Then miraculously, it looked as though a chance might come: Mike went aft, grumbling instructions up to the fat bastard still aboard the barge, and it almost looked as though he intended to climb the ladder and offer aid

    30. But, it was too soon to act! Aft, frustrated at the fat man’s inability to negotiate the steel rungs of the ladder, Mike ambled closer to the stern and looked up to him, grumbling profanity

    31. The skinny devil was propelled sideways and tumbled aft, while Truman minimized his skid by lying on his back with palms to the deck and the soles of his shoes pressed flat

    32. He scanned aft and fore and saw no-one

    33. having the SEALs and Marines enter the aft ends of the diving chambers

    34. Cheever strode aft past the coffer dams, across to the starboard companionway and down toward the compartment at the end

    35. When you bang the throttle outboard to engage the burner, eyelids on the aft section of the tailpipe open up about two or three seconds before the burner ignites and kicks you in the butt with the extra thrust

    36. He pumped his control stick fore and aft to make his F-100 bob up and down, the signal for his flight to go into trail formation, one behind the other, with about 500 feet between each airplane

    37. The boomer, lying prone in the aft fuselage under the tail of the giant tanker, looked out at the F-105 flying formation a few feet under and behind the giant tanker

    38. The boom method required someone to lay down facing aft in the rear end of the tanker and fly the boom tip into the gizzard of the receiver

    39. gun mounted aft and two machine guns on the bridge

    40. Backwash: water thrown aft by turning of a ship"s propeller

    41. Three propellers, one in the bow and two aft, were powered by electric motors

    42. The twin-engine Response Boat is equipped to mount a grenade launcher and light machine guns stern and aft

    43. I've always got a couple of aft missiles ready to go

    44. "Staff Sergeant Davis, take Nassar and Uzbeck and search the landings and the aft sections

    45. Summers typed her report into the command panel of the access station on the aft side of the bridge

    46. ‘Twas aft these words I sensed this truth, that struck me like a thunderbolt: it was Reality I saw, the Lights of Life in everything

    47. the aft section of the bridge, she finished by checking the external cameras before they too would

    48. One of the pilots obliged and rotated two of the cameras aft

    49. The passenger pods were located further aft, hundreds upon hundreds of them, filled with the

    50. ―Excuse me!‖ Mulligan said, popping in the aft door of the cockpit, almost knocking the

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    Sinônimos para "aft"

    aft abaft astern rearward behind back to the rear