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    agreed upon

    1. With the collaboration agreed upon he would make his way back to his stall, only to have the young woman eventually make her way to it after inspecting the wares hawked by the other merchants

    2. When a motion is voted and agreed upon it is carried

    3. When it is voted and disagreed upon it is failed

    4. If peace could be agreed upon without bloodshed, the noble and righteous would grant peace

    5. These men prepared for what they would have to do if peace could not be agreed upon

    6. Legal covenants governing a civilized society, its rules of law, are based upon a system of morals and values agreed upon by the majority of its citizens seeking some level of assurance while avoiding extremes

    7. Goodness and Justice, understood within a temporal framework, represent conventional ideas based upon (plausible) principle abstractions consensually agreed upon by majority opinion in order to promote a proper ordering of things within a society or between nations

    8. Sometimes marriage had even been agreed upon because of such a circumstance, but never between classes of such great disparity

    9. “That’s not what we agreed upon

    10. But I can’t really see why passage of a law enforcing the mechanism would be necessary, if verifiable, nonpartisan auditing procedures are put in place and agreed upon

    11. The ordeal lasted one hour and the price escalated from the original one agreed upon

    12. One month later, I was told by Motorola that I was being transferred to Phoenix two and one-half years earlier than we had mutually agreed upon because the assistant GC was deathly ill with Valley Fever (which nearly killed my late wife, Dixie, in fall 1974 while we were in Oakland

    13. She made an all-cash offer and agreed upon a quick closing

    14. “Doesn’t it seem peculiar, therefore, that he later apparently disregarded the safety precautions that both you and he had agreed upon?”

    15. To explain the proposal we have agreed upon, I present Citizen Amirgath

    16. forfeit the initial and agreed upon price towards the lease purchase

    17. As Isabella sings her songs of peace over her herbs in preparation for what Johan and Hartstongue have agreed upon, it occurs to her that she feels no sorrow over this small loss

    18. However, it is generally agreed upon by archeological scholars that

    19. compromise that was agreed upon was for the funeral to take

    20. I repeated what her mother and I had already agreed upon

    21. Finally, the deadline agreed upon by all concerned is written in the When column

    22. things they all agreed upon: one, the system was being evacuated

    23. Unfortunately, I think it’s that mentality that has gotten us to where we are, and even though this seems like it’s over, I’m not so sure, any kind of deal that works has to work for both sides, and I’m not sure what kind of deal they have made, a lot of smoke up OUR asses, as you would put it, but what was really been agreed upon

    24. conversation that the final agreed upon

    25. 5 The first item the group agreed upon was the adoption of the prayer which Jesus had so recently taught them

    26. 11 Many other minor matters were considered and their solutions unanimously agreed upon

    27. When the men who were hired at the beginning of the day saw how the later comers were paid, they expected to receive more than the amount agreed upon

    28. Finally they agreed upon appointing five groups to go out among the people and seek to entangle him in his teaching or otherwise to discredit him in the sight of those who listened to his instruction

    29. 5 And now they presumed to formulate three charges, with which to go before Pilate, on which no witnesses had been heard, and which were agreed upon while the accused prisoner was absent

    30. They spent the next day moving the containers to their agreed upon locations

    31. ‘I give you the girl in my guardianship in marriage in accordance to the Islamic Shari'ah in the presence of the witnesses here with the dowry agreed upon

    32. Siri replied, ‘I accept marrying your guard giving her name to myself in accordance to the Islamic Shari'ah in the presence of the witnesses here with the dowry agreed upon

    33. A common and agreed upon estimate of the

    34. After Rebecca and I agreed upon the pre-conditions we

    35. After numerous postponements, she shut herself up in her room on the date and hour agreed upon, covered only by a white sheet and with her head pointed north, and at one o’clock in the morning she felt that they were covering her head with a handkerchief soaked in a glacial liquid

    36. rules are generally accepted and agreed upon by the majority of the

    37. It was agreed upon to have an important event known as

    38. If it is determined that it is not possible to make a pay back, and the illegal family or individuals represent a continuing drain on our economy, then they should be deported, with some agreed upon settlement for what they can afford at the time and how much time they have to leave

    39. Their unanimously-agreed upon destination was a popular strip club in the center of downtown Ft

    40. This was agreed upon

    41. He then settled in his office to make arrangements for Cartwright’s meeting with Fairmont, which had been agreed upon by Cartwright following a phone conversation on the ride back to the FBI’s local office

    42. Therefore, it’s plain to see that international authority, just like more localized governments, should be based on high agreed upon ideals unhindered by selfish desire and offering broad benefit

    43. We should be careful about using them in a haphazard way until an official doctrine could be agreed upon

    44. "I am explaining this now because I want you to know that none of us, once the pact was agreed upon, ever supported Hurd

    45. 3 It could have been contractually agreed upon as a way to be in a

    46. 6 It could have been contractually agreed upon as a way to clear

    47. What we’re here to discuss is the establishment of a De-Militarized Zone around the agreed upon systems, which will be an addendum to the

    48. When he reached their agreed upon place, he

    49. woman, she would receive her money that was agreed upon when

    50. "Of course I don't think that, but this specific decision is mine and mine alone, just as our father said it should be and as the board, including everyone here agreed upon

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