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    air brush frases de exemplo

    air brush

    1. A soothing bank of cold air brushed over me

    2. Her hair brushed his face and was thrilling

    3. She grabbed her hair brush from the dresser and threw it at me

    4. ” He leaned forward until his hair brushed his temple as he looked at Sebastian, considering

    5. Just then the door opened and Rosemary walked in, letting a sudden draught of cold air brush in behind her

    6. waved the hair brush where Orphenn’s spirit had been

    7. She felt his black hair brush her cheek and his breath in her ear

    8. Brian nodded his approval which made his hair brush the roof

    9. The tears had been washed from her face, her blonde hair brushed and tied back with a blue ribbon

    10. A goddess, with fir red wild hair brushing off her shoulders she looked amazing, enchanting, she was Aphrodite, Venus everything that was good and beautiful in this world had nothing on this begin in front of me

    11. “I didn’t think having your hair brushed could feel so nice

    12. Within minutes she returned with her wet hair brushed back into

    13. He lay on the spike bleeding from his stomach, his head hung down and his hair brushing in the grass

    14. Your hair brushed to the side, breath on the side of your face steady, lips against your cheek, fingers run through your hair

    15. I would offer to brush that mane he has but I am afraid my trusted hair brush with the fake ivory handle would break in half

    16. Jags strolled over in a yellow, printed sari holding a hair brush and stopped

    17. More than once, Hank’s hair brushed against the ceiling or some corner between tunnels

    18. His hair brushed against the barb wire that crowned the top of it

    19. The warm air brushing

    20. The weave of delicate strands hummed softly as a little of her hair brushed the billowing surface

    21. dressing table, hair brushed but frizzy with sleep, her face turned to the sun

    22. I started with his tooth brush, hair brush, manicure set and shaving gear

    23. I can still feel them there, like she's here right now, her warm breath, the smell of her perfume and God damn it, her hair brushing lightly against my skin

    24. His hair brushed the top of the shelter as his shoulders broadened

    25. I stumbled back and bumped into a weighty man, with fine hair brushed over his balding head

    26. Isabella reached up and put the hair brush between their lips and they both sucked and licked it dry, taking turns pushing their new lover deep into their throats and laughing as it popped out, glistening and always ready

    27. I leaned into him and breathed in the warm scent of his skin and felt his heavy hair brush against my cheek as he held me, even as I ached for him to turn around so he could kiss me

    28. When she emerged half an hour later she looked radiant, her skin shining and loosely draped in a white woollen robe, and her hair brushed back

    29. He was afraid to breath, afraid to move, al 's that processed in his brain was the feeling of her body shaking slightly with quiet sobs, the way her hair brushed his fingers, and the feeling of warmth her body created against his

    30. He had red hair brushed off his forehead and freckles dotting his skin

    31. I would just feel the air brush against me while she made certain signs and symbols in the air

    32. The three of us awake early, we heated water to wash and Arthur showed me how Arial had showed him the best way to brush teeth; a tiny bone and horsehair brush he used

    33. It is of course the privilege of gods to control their apparent outward form, even to other gods; the Fate of the Discworld was currently a kindly man in late middle age, greying hair brushed neatly around features that a maiden would confidently proffer a glass of small beer to, should they appear at her back door

    34. She called it going on pilgrimage, and took a travelling bag containing her hair brush and a favourite doll

    35. It was still and Cookie with a steaming kettle, a clean hair brush and frantic wavings in front of an damp to the knees and still spotted about the hem, despite the frantic efforts of Mammy open fire

    36. He returned with strange magazine clippings of him fooling around for the camera with his jacket on backward and his hair brushed forward in a more fashionable style

    37. She wraps her arms around herself as the cool night air brushes her skin

    38. The young, anaemic artist, with his oily hair brushed behind his ears, looked into the dark corner of the room, with his blue, dull eyes, and nervously twitching his lips, pulled toward the letter v

    39. His water was ready, and everything on the washing-stand and dressing-table was ready for use and properly laid out—his soap, his tooth and hair brushes, his nail scissors and files

    40. Moist eyes of almond shape, smiling red lips, a little moustache well waxed, hair brushed in the latest fashion, a vulgarly pretty face,—what the women call ‘not bad,’—feebly built physically, but with no deformity; with hips as broad as a woman’s; correct, and insinuating himself into the familiarity of people as far as possible, but having that keen sense that quickly detects a false step and retires in reason,—a man, in short, observant of the external rules of dignity, with that special Parisianism that is revealed in buttoned boots, a gaudy cravat, and that something which foreigners pick up in Paris, and which, in its peculiarity and novelty, always has an influence on our women

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