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    Use "any time" em uma frase

    any time frases de exemplo

    any time

    1. I offered to attend at any time in the event of potential employer

    2. If you have spent any time at a

    3. "I was overwhelmed, but after almost two years I think Kulai and I still haven't done it as many times as you and I did

    4. "You had that in your hands many times?" he asked, pointing to the note she was stuffing in her bag

    5. with God, is many times that caused by their hunger for Him

    6. To control, concentrate many times their more on the health of the soil and the health of the plant and less on controlling the red spiders

    7. Herndon had seen this tunnel many times, the last time during this very year

    8. This works like any MF but the difference is that any time in future it can be exchanged with gold at the price prevalent at that time

    9. "As far as I'm concerned you can make a cherub of him any time

    10. He'd always wanted to be a monster since he was little, but Peter had gotten his head beat with the reality stick one too many times (that's what Ma called her favorite cane) and he knew a panhandler was all he'd ever grow up to be

    11. Maybe I have taken you for granted the last few weeks you were here? Maybe I forgot to tell you how honored I am any time you could grace me with your presence? You are welcome in my home and in my bed at your pleasure, as I hoped you understood by now

    12. Those who can train themselves to be sufficiently one-pointed can withdraw their thoughts at any time and in any place to a centre within themselves, and achieve oneness with the chosen objective

    13. "Jesus, Vagina, how many times I told you, don't bite the thing off, init!"

    14. Despite the contempt of the little man, Travis was more than able for this kind of torture and had undergone it many times in the past

    15. After a comatose night of rest in the Darklow Bridge Hotel Theo didn't intend wasting any time the following day

    16. How many times had she complained to Chris, to Tom

    17. I repeated them many times

    18. He had long since decided to abandon all methods that purported to achieve anything, anywhere, at any time at all and he seemed to be getting along just fine

    19. I learned to control my body so that I didn’t have to use the bucket too many times, hating the crawling stink of my own detritus, and, oddly, I did not want The Kid to be offended by my bodily waste

    20. However, any time I try to hold him, his concerned mother hastens to take him off my hands at once!

    21. If as it happens so many times, he/they own the property, begin a new congregation

    22. No doubt he and the Haadij had already argued about it many times in the fifty years they had been on this expedition together

    23. By the way: The computer I work on has been upgraded too many times and, as a result, it breaks down every now and then: Sometimes the screen turns black, or the program fails, or the printer doesn't work properly and so on

    24. In the negligible gravity of this iceberg, those tons of devices, outweighing the bot by many times and much larger in size, could be simply strapped to its back and carried along

    25. He knew he as able to look up the status of his zygotes on any public panel any time he wanted

    26. How many times have I heard that this is a message to the Jewish religion? How many times have I heard that Jesus cursing the religion of men? Jesus was cursing all religion! Anything that would purport to bring you close to God by hiding the fruit instead of letting it be open before all is a false religion

    27. Many times we read the story and we think, “Oh good for Abraham!” He gets onto the top of the mountain, and builds the altar, and Isaac asks, “Where is the sacrifice?” Abram then says that God will offer the sacrifice

    28. How on earth do you know which ones to press and when? Then the array of dials set into the surface above the steering wheel caught her eye … what did they all mean? She’d been in taxis many times but never in a personal vehicle like this

    29. How many times have I heard this passage references, or read this passage in the Bible? How many times have I heard someone say that Jesus’ death on the cross delivers us from sin? How many times have I heard it equated that Jesus is the Messiah because He sacrificed Himself for our sakes? All of these statements, as true as they might be, were shallow clichés that missed entirely the point

    30. How many times has it been that someone will start a church with the heart to truly live and teach others to live the apostolic lifestyle, but after a certain point in growth and after gaining a certain amount of property, they suddenly change

    31. He will have to notify his employers that he is leaving, but apart from that, he can leave at any time so we should be able to travel soon

    32. All the children in our village knew they could call in any time and find a drink or something to eat …’

    33. and further apart; which made this practice less and less than perhaps any time in our history!

    34. "Bring these needs to me any time," he breathed, "I'll sample all of you that you care to share

    35. "I can hardly call it my religion any more," Alan said, "I've been with Kaha, been wasted on yaag, I've deserted my post, I've lived with you out of wedlock, I've missed service many times in a row now

    36. Whatever was making this noise was approaching quickly, many times more quickly than a storm

    37. If what she thought was true then the address space here was many times that of Sol's civilization

    38. ‘Yes … we have performed together many times

    39. Any time there are multiple humans it is cause for concern

    40. Occasionally a chuckle would erupt into the sunny day; and many times, yes, yes! Let your hearts be joined as one

    41. Any time that she would speak to me the truth straightforwardly, I assumed that she was bullying me

    42. Gilla is floating round the house singing to herself and, although I am delighted that she is so happy, quite frankly, it gets on my nerves and only serves to point up my own pretty parlous situation with regard to relationships … their non-existence generally and, more specifically, the chances of one actually manifesting itself at any time in the future

    43. CARRIE: Many times, women change their minds about having sex after they've had it, and their guilt and shame convinces them that they had not wanted it

    44. “How many times have you used the Travel Device?”

    45. ROBERT: At any time during the evening, did you tell him you did not want to have sex with him?

    46. Not wasting any time, Joris, using a knife I didn’t realise he had, rips off the sleeve of Berndt’s tunic, and inspects the damage

    47. They were all very self sufficient, and were left on their own many times to finish their lessons at their own speed

    48. Practice this exercise at any time of the day you possibly can and incidentally, if you have round shoulders it will greatly improve this condition

    49. "You're welcome back any time," Yarin told her

    50. "We shouldn't worry about that, how many times have our hearts been broken?"

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