It has become more than a cook's court now, it is where the top aquatic food chefs compete at large elaborate counters with flaring flames and loud sizzling
Aquatic plants need a steady supply of oxygen to keep them alive and thriving
Monique had felt no concern – much less any guilt – for the others below when (as one of the chosen) she’d been confined to deep aquatic complexes, then polycarbonate domes as the world decontaminated
‘…at this time the larvae, which are reddish orange with black spots and are known as red efts, leave the water and spend the next few years on land…living under stones and logs in damp, wooded regions…the larva eventually return to water, develop adult coloration, and spend the rest of their lives in an aquatic habitat…’
When they fell asleep sitting up, the autonomic aquatic system kicked in
The Wyverns looked awkward, lumbering, animals on land, a far cry from their native aquatic home
In the first edition of The Origin of Species, where he wrote he had observed bears floating for hours in the water with their mouths open eating insects floating on the surface, said: "I see no obstacle to a race of bears becoming, by natural selection, more and more aquatic in their structure and habits, with an increasingly large mouth, to produce a monstrous beast like a whale "
had been woven in the form of a giant aquatic serpent wrapped
tional, aquatic, and speech therapy services
It is also possible in this locality to do nature walking or mountain biking to enter the estuary of the Chilkat River, to contemplate inspiring views of high mountains, observe wild flowers, aquatic birds and migratory oceanic mammals
a deadly amount of salinity and aquatic species that used to dwell
“For two hours all the competing couples will engage in contests of pure skills that are considered important in the militaries of their races; that is humanoids will compete in archery, swordplay, spellcraft for attack and defense, and so on, while couples of selkies will engage in contests of aquatic combat skills, underwater sabotage, et cetera
Her mate’s slight edge in aquatic agility was not enough to prevent him from being overwhelmed by the larger pair when they caught him at the bottom of the lake and attacked him with short swords
“I wonder if other aquatic predators have been deposited in the water through the random portals generated by the Dire Queen
A group of aquatic hunters, calling themselves the Nozroth, has infiltrated the major schools of fish
“By all means proceed, Aquatic Friend,” said Lord Taliesin
A coin was flipped and Constable Green was sent, arriving in the City the same afternoon as a triple murder behind the Aquatic Centre, and a media furore over the shooting deaths of two innocent teenagers by a nervous police officer
There’s still this funny little aquatic race of creatures having a smashing good time down there
It was as if thousands of huge, land-bound, and slovenly beavers had been at work, but all the beavers I have ever known were of normal size and behavior, aquatic and meticulous
"She's the lead legal counsel for Aquatic Expeditions, graduated top 5 in her law school class at Stanford
My first day of employment at Aquatic was winding down
High on the center-most part of the building, Aquatic Expeditions was spelled out in blue in large block lettering, with a large metallic anchor centered in between
Aquatic ran two production shifts and they both overlapped between 5:30 and 6:00 in the afternoon in order for the day shift to brief the night shift on what they had done
He was a local and had been at Aquatic for three years
The second incident occurred in the production building at Aquatic, early Friday morning
but also aquatic life in the sea, and life in the sky
Attracts the aquatic lives to live in it
You can’t smelt ore or develop writing in an aquatic environment
An example is Big Fish and Life Aquatic but these films are the majority
‘’I remember what happened a century ago, when local micro-organisms and primitive aquatic creatures were found to populate the underground oceans of Europa, Callisto and Enceladus
The crimson depths of the Red Sea writhe and boil with strange aquatic life
He really had to admit, that he really did think this had to be as close as a human could get to being completely aquatic
he’s spent at the Aquatic Preservation
that aquatic society thing TK did?
ten fliers, but does not expect you will need any aquatic warriors
aquatic and marsh plants
God placed the dragon in the abyss of water because he claimed the aquatic life to his creativity
aquatic vegetation was thick, and the water flowed clear
Water lilies and other flowering aquatic plants formed coves along the river's
They were totally ignorant of the plethora of aquatic monsters attracted by the new shiny spaceship
The UUIAO, or Universally and Unanimously Insulted Aquatic Organization, has many times unsuccessfully lobbied for the proper recognition of water dwellers
“We believe their evolution into an aquatic creature was directly caused by our presence on the planet
“What can you tell us about the Groller transitioning into an aquatic creature?”
The new aquatic Groller finally found the source of the sacred movies
Plus we might have seen some interestingly rare aquatic creatures
Most of the affected organisms were marine or aquatic in
Noise pollution or sound evolution; water pollution or aquatic reorientation; air pollution or pulmonary adaptations? All are extinctions and transcendences
Griffiths is President of the Aquatic Safety Research Group, LLC
teaching Aquatic Risk Management programs internationally
the risks of an aquatic facility are those parents who
She was his aquatic guardian angel
aquatic eco-systems in the world, covering an area estimated to be 344,400 square kilometres,
The mist from all this aquatic activity rose coolly in the air, floating off as if to bolster the wispy clouds that danced around the peaks
We have been established for longer than your own country! Men, women, children, and even their aquatic pets! Doctors, lawyers, masons, poets, singers, dancers, architects! All you have to do is see it for yourself
When I reached the water’s edge, it occurred to me that there might be aquatic predators to worry about
While you look for clues of a recent hatch, see if any aquatic
a great hangout for aquatic insects that have recently hatched and
To the Spanish Coke commercial that sells coke by asking the question: “How many people will come to your funeral?” Showing a parade of professional actors following a funeral hearse painted in gaudy colors… only to run the hearse along with the coffin in it, off a pier into the ocean: when suddenly a giant fish leaps up and swallows the hearse with the dead body inside it before it can hit the water: this is a regression that goes so far back into the mists of primordial Time it is incredible… back to a Time when giant reptilian aquatic monsters regularly killed and ate anything that moved on the land or flew in the air… just as reptilian fish today still leap out of the water and swallow insects: equating the dead corpse of a human and the hearse carrying it as the shell of an insect, as an insect to be eaten by some undead reptilian monster
It helps that they are aquatic
Phipps put his money to better use in giving the working-men of Allegheny conservatories filled with beautiful flowers, orchids, and aquatic plants, which they, with their wives and children, can enjoy in their spare hours, and upon which they can feed their love for the beautiful, than if he had given his surplus money to furnish them with bread; for those in health who cannot earn their bread are scarcely worth considering by the individual giver, the care of such being the duty of the State
being on vast stretches of water; it's the link to our aquatic past, I expect and I made it a
The life cycles of these parasites involve snails as the first host and aquatic birds or some mammals as the final host (read: seagull and duck poop)
Such times include in summer when the water temperature reaches the appropriate level for snails to reproduce and grow rapidly, when migrating aquatic birds infected with the parasite return from their winter habitats or domesticated aquatic birds return to full activity and the frequency of swimmers and bathers reaches its peak during this period
The ailment is really a disease of aquatic birds, therefore reducing the possibilities of the birds getting infected should be the main focus in getting rid of Swimmer’s itch
Being only à glorious human boy', of course he frolicked and flirted, grew dandified, aquatic, sentimental, or gymnastic, as college fashions ordained, hazed and was hazed, talked slang, and more than once came perilously near suspension and expulsion
I don't know how they felt about being shoved inside this aquatic prison, but as for me, I was shivering all over
How did the commander of this aquatic residence go about it? Did he obtain air using chemical methods, releasing the oxygen contained in potassium chlorate by heating it, meanwhile absorbing the carbon dioxide with potassium hydroxide? If so, he would have to keep up some kind of relationship with the shore, to come by the materials needed for such an
In essence, these nets stayed in our wake for several hours, incarcerating an entire aquatic world in prisons made of thread
As for fish, they always filled us with wonderment when, staring through the open panels, we could unveil the secrets of their aquatic lives
I didn't reply, and while staring at these suspicious waves, I began to put on my heavy aquatic clothes, helped by the longboat's sailors
There were whitish eels of the species Gymnotus fasciatus that passed like elusive wisps of steam, conger eels three to four meters long that were tricked out in green, blue, and yellow, three–foot hake with a liver that makes a dainty morsel, wormfish drifting like thin seaweed, sea robins that poets call lyrefish and seamen pipers and whose snouts have two jagged triangular plates shaped like old Homer's lyre, swallowfish swimming as fast as the bird they're named after, redheaded groupers whose dorsal fins are trimmed with filaments, some shad (spotted with black, gray, brown, blue, yellow, and green) that actually respond to tinkling handbells, splendid diamond–shaped turbot that were like aquatic pheasants with yellowish fins stippled in brown and the left topside mostly marbled in brown and yellow, finally schools of wonderful red mullet, real oceanic birds of paradise that ancient Romans bought for as much as 10,000 sesterces apiece, and which they killed at the table, so they could heartlessly watch it change color from cinnabar red when alive to pallid white when dead
But we were warmly dressed in furs, for which seals and aquatic bears had paid the price
Some were rushing eagerly to enjoy the aquatic games of the
Four servants carried in two casks covered with aquatic plants, and in each of which was breathing a fish similar to those on the table
On 18 February 1852, the Council of the Zoological Society of London (UK) commissioned the building of an Aquatic Vivarium (the original term for a fish tank or enclosure) at London Zoo
The proprietor had a fine nickname: he was called Rousseau the Aquatic
9 Water Chestnut (Trapa natans) is aquatic, with diamond-shaped floating leaves and divided, feathery submerged ones, and small white flowers; widespread in fresh water in Eurasia
Aquatic, in and by freshwater in the southern United States
Fish and aquatic animals will have a higher contamination than land animals from the same area
Of aquatic animals, there are many self-fertilising hermaphrodites; but here the currents of water offer an obvious means for an occasional cross
It has been asked by the opponents of such views as I hold, how, for instance, could a land carnivorous animal have been converted into one with aquatic habits; for how could the animal in its transitional state have subsisted? It would be easy to show that there now exist carnivorous animals presenting close intermediate grades from strictly terrestrial to aquatic habits; and as each exists by a struggle for life, it is clear that each must be well adapted to its place in nature
All the members of the great order of Hymenopterous insects are terrestrial, excepting the genus Proctotrupes, which Sir John Lubbock has discovered to be aquatic in its habits; it often enters the water and dives about by the use not of its legs but of its wings, and remains as long as four hours beneath the surface; yet it exhibits no modification in structure in accordance with its abnormal habits
On the other hand, grebes and coots are eminently aquatic, although their toes are only bordered by membrane
The water-hen and landrail are members of this order, yet the first is nearly as aquatic as the coot, and the second is nearly as terrestrial as the quail or partridge
But as the vast majority of the species in the above two families, as well as most other crustaceans, are aquatic in their habits, it is improbable in the highest degree that their common progenitor should have been adapted for breathing air
Seeing how important an organ of locomotion the tail is in most aquatic animals, its general presence and use for many purposes in so many land animals, which in their lungs or modified swim-bladders betray their aquatic origin, may perhaps be thus accounted for
A well-developed tail having been formed in an aquatic animal, it might subsequently come to be worked in for all sorts of purposes, as a fly-flapper, an organ of prehension, or as an aid in turning, as in the case of the dog, though the aid in this latter respect must be slight, for the hare, with hardly any tail, can double still more quickly
But webbed feet no doubt were as useful to the progenitor of the upland goose and of the frigate-bird, as they now are to the most aquatic of living birds
We may, also, believe that a part formerly of high importance has frequently been retained (as the tail of an aquatic animal by its terrestrial descendants), though it has become of such small importance that it could not, in its present state, have been acquired by means of natural selection
A strictly terrestrial animal, by occasionally hunting for food in shallow water, then in streams or lakes, might at last be converted into an animal so thoroughly aquatic as to brave the open ocean
The cetaceans or whales are widely different from all other mammals, but the tertiary Zeuglodon and Squalodon, which have been placed by some naturalists in an order by themselves, are considered by Professor Huxley to be undoubtedly cetaceans, "and to constitute connecting links with the aquatic carnivora
These just-hatched molluscs, though aquatic in their nature, survived on the duck's feet, in damp air, from twelve to twenty hours; and in this length of time a duck or heron might fly at least six or seven hundred miles, and if blown across the sea to an oceanic island, or to any other distant point, would be sure to alight on a pool or rivulet