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    argue for frases de exemplo

    argue for

    1. enough of being badly used and was willing to argue for

    2. If it meant gaining an insight onto their nature he could argue for the continuation of their contact, though perhaps not of such intimacy

    3. Bush falsely claimed Al Qaeda carried out the anthrax attacks and used them to argue for war with Iraq

    4. “Or perhaps one could also argue for setting up an independent agency, analogous to the Federal Reserve, for this purpose

    5. and external checks that philosophers use to argue for particular propositional hypotheses have

    6. Will argue for either

    7. they would have been in a better position to argue for higher payments for

    8. The selling shareholders argue for a higher valuation on the basis of potential

    9. Though one could argue for all

    10. argue forceful y for the separation of church and state, finding

    11. This could argue for the use of multiple vitamin-mineral supplements by people with minor injuries who might have deficiencies due to poor diets or other

    12. Many time people would argue for the distribution of the food which sometimes led to serious quarrels

    13. His eyes narrowed into slits, as if he might argue for a moment, and then they softened with the pain of the truth

    14. mother will argue for the littlest things

    15. Then the entire concept of points becomes so dicey and absurd, that you could argue for hours over one ‘point’ about whose ‘fault’ it was that the ball was not returned

    16. thought but she could not argue for there were no past loves for her and the

    17. � Punishment doesn't argue for unconditional positive regard

    18. But why does he argue for a “sorer punishment?” Does he not know it prostrates his own position to the dust? Has he not given us numerous examples of this same event and proved its severity and mildness by the people of Israel, who through vileness and idolatrous associations were destroyed, and refused to return, making their faces harder than a rock? Has he not shown what he understands by the words “consume,” “destroy,” “perish,” etc

    19. I know I’m landing you in it,’ Williamson said, as though he expected to argue for a while

    20. How can an investor use that? The uncertainty involved in predicting complex events would argue for some level of diversification and a greater focus on hedging

    21. "You are all like that! Ready to argue for six months to practise your Liberal eloquence and in the end you vote the same as the rest! Gentlemen, consider though, is it true that you are all ready?"

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