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    Use "arithmetic" em uma frase

    arithmetic frases de exemplo


    1. doostEr did some quick mental arithmetic

    2. Klowee can do arithmetic and he made sure she knew what a year was and what an Earth year was and how to figure the difference

    3. "There's a lot of high precision arithmetic involved, much higher precision than the original sensor readings

    4. You base a lot of your theories on Darryl's tenuous arithmetic

    5. There was some arithmetic, the number 431 was boxed in

    6. “You should have checked Althart’s arithmetic with the dendrite growth rates

    7. “I didn’t know arithmetic had a dendrite growth rate,” Kulai said, “I’m familiar with flow rates in med tube and who knows what they’re talking about when I ask them a few questions

    8. ” Ava knew native decades by feel now, it was Earth years she needed arithmetic for

    9. They did, as well as she could trust her mental arithmetic

    10. In 1688, Mr Gregory King, whose skill in political arithmetic is so much extolled by Dr Davenant, computed the ordinary income of labourers and out-servants to be fifteen pounds a-year to a family, which he supposed to consist, one with another, of three and a half persons

    11. Especially as arithmetic was by far his worst subject

    12. ‘They receive rudimentary reading, writing and arithmetic skills

    13. Outnumbered as they were, it would not be a matter of spirit or tactics now, but instead one of plain, unavailing arithmetic

    14. I have no great faith in political arithmetic, and I mean not to warrant the exactness of either of these computations

    15. ” she did some mental arithmetic, “six hours at the outside

    16. In the early ages, both of the Greek and Roman republics, the other parts of education seem to have consisted in learning to read, write, and account, according to the arithmetic of the times

    17. Swift, that in the arithmetic of the customs, two and two, instead of making four, make sometimes only one, holds perfectly true with regard to such heavy duties, which never could have been imposed, had not the mercantile system taught us, in many cases, to employ taxation as an instrument, not of revenue, but of monopoly

    18. How, for example, are future generations expected to balance diminishing global resources and job opportunities between ―ageless‖ populations and its younger claimants? How would arithmetic market growth manage to keep pace with the

    19. “This is a war of ideology, one that I was bound to lose through the tyranny of arithmetic

    20. I couldn't teach Arithmetic, they learned to read all by themselves, I think, but they became the champion singers of the school

    21. As such, it would always outstrip the production of food, which Malthus thought was arithmetic

    22. Jeremy’s poster started with an example of arithmetic progression (1, 2, 4, 8, 16…) compared with geometric or exponential progression (1, 2, 4, 16, 256…)

    23. One teacher, questioned whether she was competent to teach arithmetic, responded indignantly, “I don’t teach arithmetic, I teach children

    24. "Basically, instructions for computer programs consist of five types, input/output, arithmetic, logic such as comparison and tests for status, branching for conditions, and transfer operations

    25. Will went to private kindergarten at the Gautier Baptist Church and learned quickly to read and do arithmetic

    26. that ‘basic arithmetic is still the staple of 8th-grade math

    27. The traditional school stressed specific subjects—reading, writing, arithmetic, geography, history, and grammar

    28. It would not be difficult to incorporate logic gates and arithmetic units in these structures

    29. Maths jumps from arithmetic to calculus, English jumps from grammar to social studies

    30. the most prevalent type, and the second the arithmetic average

    31. That suggested he still loved me despite my investigative flaws and poor arithmetic

    32. Date arithmetic consists of addition and subtraction only

    33. see few of the date arithmetic examples:

    34. As you can see if you’ve done the arithmetic and were paying attention, the refund should have been almost double that since $39 - $20 does not equal FREE! I’m somewhat happy to report that I did receive a check for $20

    35. His arithmetic skills had dulled

    36. MEAN - The arithmetic average of a population is its mean and is the most used

    37. arithmetic average over an entire population, a moving average updates it to reflect the

    38. They had however learned quickly, with a couple of mnemotronic sessions to each of them used to teach them both modern English, basic arithmetic and geometry, something that had done wonders to simplify Fidel’s job as their supervisor

    39. First he offered simple arithmetic and concepts of shape, then

    40. ‘Till that day, we were looking at the election from the point of view of conventional arithmetic

    41. But Shah knew that traditional Hindutva politics could only be one weapon—the real test was in piercing through UP’s byzantine caste arithmetic

    42. " And are we to be told in the nineteenth century, that reading, writing, arithmetic, mathematics, history, languages, and physical science, without a knowledge of the Scriptures, are sufficient to constitute education? God forbid! We have not so learned Christ

    43. At his next failure, Kostya started to count card combinations in his head according to his special arithmetic system

    44. "There is a science of getting rich, and it is an exact science, like algebra or arithmetic

    45. have two hours to complete it before it was time for arithmetic

    46. However, the “tough guy” portraits of Danny, Graham and Theo gave the impression they were working out mental arithmetic while waiting for laxatives to kick in

    47. introduced arithmetic with the zero

    48. One of the more entertaining events was a performance by Jake Lorrent's trained horse "Mathematics" so named because the horse seemed able to count and perform other feats of arithmetic

    49. "Really?" said Tracey as she tried to do the mental arithmetic

    50. I saw him afterwards, and he said: "I spoke the word for my arithmetic, and passed with

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    Sinônimos para "arithmetic"

    arithmetic arithmetical calculation addition subtraction division multiplication computation