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    armored vehicle frases de exemplo

    armored vehicle

    1. She told of the night her big sister had been carried off by the constables in their big armored vehicle to be raped to death

    2. “It’s not so much different from what you’ve done in the mobile armored vehicles we played with on the ground

    3. In the light of the fires from the burning aircraft, Saul could see well staffed gun emplacements and armored vehicles around the building that they had identified as the prison where the Marines were being held

    4. bombs on the mountain from which the enemy armored vehicles had come

    5. The German armored vehicles, artillery guns and aircraft within fifteen kilometers of the city center were targeted, with only a very few escaping destruction

    6. As to their armored vehicles, they were 'confiscated' from

    7. Ingrid herself dismounted, followed by Tregaskis, and took command of one of the squads of dismounted women hugging the rear of the armored vehicles

    8. � Her concept of a family of armored vehicles, where a basic design was adapted to various specific roles by using fairly simple modifications, met with Beaverbrook�s enthusiasm, since it would greatly simplify series production and repair by the extensive use of common parts and would benefit from the economy of scales inherent to a large production run

    9. � Using an amphibious ship and light armored vehicles, the raiders blew up fifteen submarines that were in port at the time, on top of causing heavy casualties to the Germans, at the price of five killed and four wounded

    10. � The 23 trucks carrying the French naval infantry and the six empty trucks meant to help evacuate the sick and wounded followed Nancy�s eight armored vehicles as best they could on the marshy terrain between the Elbe River and the camp

    11. � Four tanks and seventeen IFVs soon joined her two armored vehicles

    12. what it was designed for - the destruction of an armored vehicle, such as a tank, at a distance of

    13. The Ministry of Interior Security major leading the raid then got a radio call from the armored vehicle

    14. The two heavy bombers, part of the 118th Special Support Squadron, the ‘DRAGON LADIES’, lined up on separate, low altitude bombing runs against two vehicle and artillery parks containing hundreds of trucks, light armored vehicles, towed guns, truck-mounted multiple rocket launchers and even a few self-propelled guns

    15. A total of 120 five-inch dual purpose rockets slammed among the heavy armored vehicles, their hollow charge and fragmentation warheads easily burning through the armor of the medium tanks and igniting either their fuel or their gun ammunition

    16. To her astonishment, the three armored vehicles of the ISF checkpoint were now burning, twisted wrecks and many of the soldiers lay still on the pavement or were obviously wounded

    17. Looking down next, she saw the twenty P-47 THUNDERBOLT fighter-bombers continuing to strafe and rocket the remnants of the long column of German armored vehicles and trucks stuck on a road near Châlons

    18. Its primary function is to track armored vehicles and cars moving on paved roads

    19. He counted a total of sixteen of the boat-like armored vehicles, plus eighteen tanks, six huge towed field artillery guns and eight tracked self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, followed by nearly 200 various types of vehicles from big tanker trucks to airport aircraft tractors towing auxiliary power units and jet engine startup units

    20. The United States was also going to provide combat aircraft, armored vehicles and artillery weapons to Israel, so that it could fully defend itself from further Arab attacks

    21. And this doesn’t even take into account the tens of thousands of heavy machine guns mounted on Soviet armored vehicles

    22. We will then spray enemy armored vehicles with our guns

    23. It was more than likely heavily guarded with all types of armored vehicles and dog patrols as well as a wired fence line

    24. Just yesterday, the Falklands, a collection of mountainous, windswept islands in the South Atlantic that Britain has controlled for nearly 150 years, were invaded by hundreds of Argentine commandos, infantry, and armored vehicles

    25. A Marine armored vehicle was working with us, moving down the center of the street as we went


    27. The Army rolled in with tanks, armored vehicles, and trucks

    28. In Berlin thousands of celebrants gathered to watch and to cheer as Hitler reviewed a procession of more than fifteen hundred tanks, armored vehicles, and artillery pieces rumbling through the city’s massive park, the Tiergarten

    29. In addition to the tank Rapp had seen earlier, there were no fewer than five armored vehicles within view—three of which had mounted guns

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