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    as for

    1. He should really say, before he was forced to admit what she was

    2. promise was for the future generations, which was

    3. I also realized it wasn't just for my children, it was for you and your

    4. "I still have a hard time forgetting that you are an electric ghost that has forced Tdeshi's dead body back to life

    5. Gen: 17:4: As for me, behold, my covenant is with thee, and thou shall be a father of many nations

    6. Here are some more ideas for you

    7. "Everyone was forced to establish a relationship with themselves alone

    8. "And didn't know what it was for," she confessed

    9. Here are some formulas for organic fertilizers

    10. As for me, in the

    11. Psalms: 18:30: As for God, his way is perfect: the word of the LORD is tried: He is a buckler to all those that trust in him

    12. "There's a tritium extractor aboard, that eventuality was foreseen

    13. The water rose so high that one man was forced to climb on top of his roof and sat in the rain

    14. The waters covered the house and the man was forced to sit on his chimney as the rain poured down and a helicopter came by and another man urged him to get in or he'll drown

    15. See formulas for strength

    16. This has forced them to curtail on such expenses and also reduce/do away with the assured returns on the pension schemes

    17. Castile works very well against many types of funguses such as black sooty mold as well as for controlling ants outside

    18. It was forty two hours till daylight and the temperature would probably drop sixty degrees from its current seventy one or so

    19. On the other side of the argument, a fast-growing cult of vampires has formed a religion around the Wolf, waking up early every evening to watch The Situation Room

    20. Where did that explosion come from? What was going on? Who had authorized all of this? With no answers to any of his questions, Ackers was forced to take some kind of action or wait under the desk to be caught by someone

    21. In Goa, the principle of community ownership of property still holds which was formulated under the Portuguese law

    22. One thing was for sure, they were definitely going to find it if he kept it

    23. His shunning was for 'participating in the synthesis and distribution of shonggot


    25. I watch him as for and against thoughts chase themselves through his head one after the other …

    26. As for the house not even the slowly setting August sun could bathe it in a

    27. Again, a small line of customers has formed behind him

    28. "I don't think it was for the natives either, yet it has happened to them

    29. the vast emptiness of Smith-time the itch eventually returned, and Smith was forced to

    30. Scanning that neighborhood's watch cameras for the remainder of the night was fruitless

    31. His father didn't believe in Ju-ju, traditional magic and witchcraft, but his mother had always warned him to be careful; that it was for real

    32. Speaking amongst themselves was forbidden on a formal occasion like this for the ranks of most of the crew

    33. Since all souls personifications had to be evaluated to supply the eyestream of the first, Bahkmar was forced to drop the eye-stream by another clock, and when it gets two clocks behind, souls begin to notice that the universe they see and the universe they feel are out of phase

    34. As a tech he was forbidden by solemn oath on the holy book to mention that

    35. For Marwan Tayeh there was forever just the dark and seething now

    36. As I begin to write this chapter, I owe to Tom Thomas for the patience he had in me to

    37. As for the rest, the week in Amarynthos has proved to be really boring, since we've spent most of our time playing cards or chatting with the old crocks

    38. As for the rest: The latest issue of the magazine “Greek Fantasy” came out today and it contains my horror story “Contact with the Netherworld”

    39. As for the rest, we spend our afternoons strolling around the city, which proves to be not so exciting

    40. As for the other two, I could not recall the specifics of their abduction, but guessed that Aban Ganji was probably Persian and quite possibly one of the two television men taken over the summer

    41. As for the second note, I simply shrugged

    42. The rain was pelting down, the thunderhead was formed in Moamar's likeness

    43. From there, via one party conversation or another, he landed a series of job offers that culminated with him moving to London as foreign correspondent for Consolidated World News, better known as CWN, one of the many news agencies that supplied stories for the Middle East newspapers and satellite television channels

    44. The pretence of the hood was forgotten

    45. Just the fact that his home was proudly built out of cut timber and earthenware block was enough to mark it as foreign

    46. "I have never been near it," Herndon said, "My only trip out there was for the kids and we were never within ten miles of those hills

    47. Paul states, “As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of the world and the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient

    48. ‘You mean, she was foreign?’ JJ asked, clearly this was unexpected; he leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees, his chin in his cupped hands, apparently intrigued at the thought

    49. “My son, if you receive my words, and store my commands within you, inclining your ear to wisdom, and applying your mind to reason; if you appeal to intelligence, and lift up your voice to reason; if you seek her as silver, and search for her as for hidden treasures – then will you understand reverence for the Lord, and will discover the knowledge of God; for the Lord gives wisdom, out of His mouth comes knowledge and reason; He has help in store for the upright, He is a shield to those who walk honestly; He guards the paths of justice, and protects the way of His pious ones; then will you understand rectitude and justice, and will keep to every good course; for when wisdom finds a welcome within you, and knowledge becomes a pleasure to you, discretion will watch over you, reason will guard you – saving you from the way of evil men, from men who use perverse speech; who leave the paths of uprightness, to walk in ways of darkness; who delight in doing evil, exult in wanton wickedness’ who are crooked in all their ways, and tortuous in their paths – saving you from the wife of another, from the adulteress who plies you with smooth words, who forsakes the companion of her youth, and forgets her pledge to God; for her paths lead down to death, and her tracks descend to the Shades; none who go to her come back again, or reach the paths of life – helping you to walk in the way of good men, and to keep to the paths of the righteous; for the upright will live in the land, and the honest will remain in it; while the wicked will be cut off from the land, and the faithless will be rooted out of it

    50. Even in the vast emptiness of Smith-time the itch eventually returned, and Smith was forced to concede a fundamental philosophical point

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