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    astrologer frases de exemplo


    1. “Its all in the stars,” said the astrologer,

    2. Only after Reagan consulted with his wife's astrologer and numerology did he finally agree to nuclear negotiations

    3. After the sixth Saptah, a Ramal astrologer predicted that if he

    4. 4 My child be not an observer of omens since it leads to idolatry nor a user of spells nor an astrologer nor a travelling purifier nor wish to see these things for from all these things idolatry arises

    5. He was relieved, he has great faith in his astrologer, “where is my butler, I need a cup of wine

    6. You are attracted to ‘unconventional’ kinds of people – the computer whiz, the astrologer or astronomer, the rebel, the professor or minister

    7. He was a poet, grammarian, author, orator, physician, soldier, scientist, botanist, and astrologer

    8. And every noted astrologer at that time predicted a great flood the likes of which were not seen since Noah

    9. I have held myself out as an astrologer able to give readings of astrological birth charts, yet my readings are replete with errors, as I haven"t the foggiest idea how to correctly calculate the movements of the heavenly bodies across the sky

    10. And Jillian has been an astrologer for years

    11. "Wow--I'd have loved a reading from him! He had to be the most famous astrologer in the world for about thirty years

    12. Morgan? He was a client of Evangeline Adams, that famous astrologer back in the Twenties, and he said, 'Millionaires don't use astrology

    13. "Yes, an astrologer told me years ago she had Pisces on the Ascendant

    14. But surely an astrologer of Carroll Righter's stature would have rectified her birth time, wouldn't he--for a millionaire client?

    15. "Well, being an astrologer, you ought to know his birth date

    16. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Donna Cunningham, an internationally respected astrologer with over 35 years' experience, is the author of 19 books on metaphysical topics

    17. She uses this combined approach in her “Dear Abby” type column in Dell Horoscope and her ongoing series of articles in The Mountain Astrologer

    18. This is why a beginning astrologer with psychic ability will generally give more correct information to a client than a non-psychic astrologer who has been studying the subject for a lifetime

    19. Everyone who visits an astrologer does so because some question is weighing on them

    20. It’s your job as an astrologer to elicit and address their problem

    21. That was my job as an astrologer

    22. Whether my prediction is right or not has nothing to do with how well I did my job as an astrologer

    23. To be humble means to respect the client, to respect yourself as an astrologer, and to respect the craft of astrology

    24. Of course, there are some astrologers out there right now who are already doing this as a matter of course; and practically every astrologer has done it now and again: made an astoundingly accurate prediction without knowing quite how he or she did it

    25. The point is that if you’re going to be an intuitive astrologer, you have to be open to the native (rather than defending some sort of ego trip of your own)

    26. Some half-wit of an astrologer could make it naught with his crude calculations

    27. Nostradamus (1503-66) French physician and astrologer had His predictions expressed by His soul setting himself up as a prophet in 1547

    28. He is an astrologer, palm reader, and mystic

    29. So it had become clear that sorcery and its practitioners tell lies, and he who believes an astrologer has failed to believe the Prophets

    30. The fortune-teller, the augur, and the astrologer all pretend to know what events will happen in the future, and so the one who believes them has stopped believing in Al’lah and his messenger (cpth)

    31. So it had become clear that necromancy and its practitioners tell lies, and he who believes an astrologer has disbelieved the prophets

    32. Your innocence has become clear to me, and the falsity of necromancy and its practitioner, the astrologer, have been unveiled

    33. The notorious Witch of Eye was still with them and so was the astrologer, Roger Bolingbroke

    34. Harald recognised the astrologer, Sir Roger Bolingbrook, who had been arrested with him

    35. Astrologer: Looking to the stars for information, and not to Christ; an action forbidden by God

    36. He was also a renowned astrologer, which is more evidence of a profound

    37. She was the paper’s astrologer

    38. It should be obvious that those in Rome used a “Jewish astrologer” to set the birth date for

    39. This being as it is, it is clear that this ape speaks by the spirit of the devil; and I am astonished they have not denounced him to the Holy Office, and put him to the question, and forced it out of him by whose virtue it is that he divines; because it is certain this ape is not an astrologer; neither his master nor he sets up, or knows how to set up, those figures they call judiciary, which are now so common in Spain that there is not a jade, or page, or old cobbler, that will not undertake to set up a figure as readily as pick up a knave of cards from the ground, bringing to nought the marvellous truth of the science by their lies and ignorance

    40. To which senor astrologer, after having set up his figure, made answer that the bitch would be in pup, and would drop three pups, one green, another bright red, and the third parti-coloured, provided she conceived between eleven and twelve either of the day or night, and on a Monday or

    41. Saturday; but as things turned out, two days after this the bitch died of a surfeit, and senor planet-ruler had the credit all over the place of being a most profound astrologer, as most of these planet-rulers have

    42. "I am an astrologer and I come to restore health to the Princess Badoura,

    43. conduct the astrologer to her presence

    44. "Madam, a new astrologer has arrived, who declares that you will be cured as

    45. In fact, Carroll Righter, an astrologer on whom he and Nancy depend, is openly gay

    46. Her astrologer has predicted that she and her husband are in for a long night of awaiting returns

    47. As with all the president’s travel arrangements, an astrologer living in San Francisco must first approve

    48. Very few members of the White House staff know that Nancy’s astrologer controls much of the president’s calendar

    49. Nancy’s determination to control the president’s schedule and her reliance on an astrologer to chart her husband’s every move struck him as madness

    50. Everything that had ever happened to me in my whole life was mixed into the cement that kept my head perfectly still at the moment an astrologer told me that my father had infected me

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