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    at the time frases de exemplo

    at the time

    1. He was just starting his tenancy with Leand at the time, Tdeshi was thirty two decades in the future

    2. Jorma was just coming off the boats at the time

    3. "I didn't know at the time," she complained

    4. People blamed it on rats or divine intervention at the time, but it was actually a bacteria carried by fleas

    5. It was years too soon, he thought, but he hadn't paid enough attention had he? Or was he just too drunk at the time? No one else seemed to think it was imminent, but there was no denying that it was something huge falling from the sky and it looked like it was aimed straight at the camp

    6. "You told me about him a few times, but we were pretty buzzed at the time

    7. "I was still an Angel at the time, that was still in the 55th

    8. They gave me what I thought was a generous share at the time, a six inch length of quarter-inch titanium tubing

    9. She knew it was a street diagram but it was written in Portuguese with no city identification, it had meant little to her at the time

    10. They were stuck with each other at the time

    11. · The witnesses are not needed while drafting it, but only at the time of signing it

    12. Emma had been away at college at the time … he’d even gone up to Birmingham to collect her and bring her back for me

    13. at the time and he overheard my ideas about the re-design

    14. At the time I thought that the next thirteen years were the happiest of my life

    15. ‘Then its just as well my daughter wasn’t around at the time, or she might well have shared the same fate

    16. “Good gracious, look at the time”, she said forcefully

    17. 331c at the time

    18. With hindsight, it was a good idea but at the time I was less than enthusiastic and I think Liz would have willingly strangled him

    19. Glenelle was thirty seven at the time but still quite beautiful

    20. At the time I was still teaching

    21. Glenelle knew that because she could run it, but she was still on Ava's verandah at the time, still physically in the silicon blades in the core of the two hundred by four hundred foot boulder that remained of Gordon's Lamp

    22. She was still a flesh and blood little girl in North Boston at the time

    23. America was still officially a nation at the time, though Washington was in ruins and the new capital at Dallas not far behind

    24. Neither Glenelle nor Ava had the remotest vision at the time of the Lula's departure that they would be here for its arrival

    25. That was not a part of the simulation of the native music hall she was interacting with at the time

    26. A while later, lying drowsily in his arms, I notice with disbelief what the time is

    27. "Alan said that," Glenelle said, "No one really believed him at the time

    28. It was going round at the time and for a child of her age it was a serious matter

    29. This continual darkness that made day and night obsolete was clearly losing its first, naïve terror, or so I thought at the time

    30. She was in a pretty bad state at the time, her previous boyfriend had been killed in a car crash about six months before, all very nasty …

    31. ‘Yes, I was pretty angry about it at the time, Kate

    32. As I already know, Henry was too young to be called up and, from what he’d told me before, I knew he wasn’t happy about this at the time but, Maureen for one, tells me how glad she was that he couldn’t go and fight

    33. In spite of The Kid’s kindness I decided that the time had come when I had to stop the madness

    34. The urban complex boasted of being within five hundred miles of four of Earth's six busiest spaceports at the time

    35. Elond never thought about kids books, and taught them from the novels or texts she was reading at the time

    36. I don't think you'll get hurt in the nest, other than having to wash whatever you were sitting on at the time

    37. That Nightday had also been his first serious encounter with yaag also, so he wasn't himself at the time

    38. Angie stressed that you were suffering post-migraine effects at the time of the attack so I daresay there is some excuse – just you ensure it does not happen again!

    39. ‘I dread to think what the time is

    40. Karalintze Thwaite – Pippa Akeman and I accept your kind invitation and will be at your house tomorrow morning at the time suggested

    41. His crushed foot had been killing him so much that he wasn't paying attention to much else at the time

    42. The next century of my life I learned quite a bit from the Dwarves in Wescarp, they were much more advanced at the time than the Nordics that lived on these plains

    43. "I was trying to crawl into one at the time

    44. He is warning that the time is now and at hand when destruction and devastation is coming

    45. Wiesse had brought me back across with my mother … funny how I didn’t recognise him … she’d been dying by then, though I hadn’t realised it at the time

    46. " As he said it he knew it was the wrong thing to say at the time

    47. He had also been deep under the influence of yaag at the time

    48. "I had many strange notions at the time

    49. Quickly dressing, and with no accurate idea of what the time may be, I wander up onto the deck

    50. At the time she ran with Oliar, this part of the Lhar's valley was a wide sea, filled with wild lon and enthora

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