Use "atomic" em uma frase
atomic frases de exemplo
1. as it happens on an atomic level
2. He's probably the top expert at atomic level instrumentation of any soul aboard
3. It is not possible to produce these waves outside the atomic nucleus because of the limitation on wavelength imposed by the speed of light
4. atomic bomb and became ill with leukaemia
5. For decreasing neutrons flow in a material there must be elements with low atomic weight, as hydrogen for example
6. To reduce thickness of shrouds of atomic power stations and factories that produce isotopes along with normal weight concrete extra heavy concrete with specific gravity from 2500
7. The use it in atomic clocks
8. He analysed down to sub atomic, and still no signs whatsoever
9. But his lack of understanding also led him to never adequately question the targeting of civilians, either conventionally or by atomic weapons
10. What: The targeting of the civilian populations of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the atomic bomb
11. It did not, in part because Soviets already had atomic bomb secrets obtained from spies
12. For example, Truman repeatedly lied about why he dropped the atomic bomb and its necessity
13. In spite of decades of neo conservative calls for war with Iran going all the way back to the 1990s, Obama not only refused to go to war, he negotiated a treaty to stop Iran from developing an atomic bomb
14. A CIA intelligence estimate that Iran was unlikely to develop the atomic bomb soon (as indeed they have not for the six years since then) strengthened the case of those opposed to bombing Iran
15. Atomic warfare targeting Japanese civilians with A-bombs killed at least 200,000 and did not end the war nor intimidate the Soviets as intended
16. Programs to build atomic, biological, and chemical weapons
17. After Kid Mojo handed out his compliment to me, he whirl winded down to the ground and busted out with atomic flares
18. Other significant functions are the World Health Organ, UNESCO, UNICEF, the Atomic Energy
19. Then he transitioned into a set of Atomic Flares and sprang up to his feet with the proclamation, “That’s just how I get loose gents, that’s just how I get loose,” then Kid Mojo smirked and walked away
20. I did not know his name, but he was this cat that had rocked Atomic flares
21. Kid Mojo leapt into the air until gravity had bolted him into windmills and a couple of air flares that evolved into Thomas flairs aka Atomic Flares
22. He did four in a row at best, but I could tell that his legs were dragging on the floor as he revolved around, so it did not equal our boy Mojo’s Atomic Flares, and that was for sure
23. Suddenly Fandango fandango’d the night breaktastic and pounced the ground into fast Air Flares, (which are the same as atomic flares except your legs are higher up in the air
24. an atomic explosion when that same atom is split, god’s laws are
25. His study on what would happen if we invaded in Japan, gave the statistics to the White House which caused them to decide to use the Atomic Bomb
26. An apt example of the need for historical perspective was President Truman’s decision to use the atomic bomb on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945 to end World War II
27. The success of the testing of the first atomic bomb was reported to President Truman while he sat with Churchill and Stalin at Potsdam in July following VE Day
28. It was time the public was made aware of the atomic
29. gave a budget of 235 million yen, and subsequently, the US-Japan Atomic Energy
30. benefits of atomic energy
31. kilometers as suggested by the American Atomic Energy Agency,” he said, taking out his
32. this icon was burned into the atomic structure of stone in the Temple of Osiris in Egypt
33. He was referring to an atomic chain reaction [
34. If one is in an atomic explosion, the other behaves just
35. Well did Bellona tell you that we hit it with a combined energy of ten atomic bombs?’
36. An atomic event could never be stated or anticipated with any certainty but
37. The answer lies in the powerful atomic attractions that keep electrons
38. Scientists who study particles on an atomic and subatomic level have witnessed phenomena that suggest that these particles are changed after they have been influenced by an outside agent
39. " In 2008, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) predicted that nuclear power capacity could double by 2030, though that
40. After the Germans surrendered, his unit of combat engineers was put on troop ships and embarked for the invasion of Japan when the atomic bombs forced the emperor to surrender
41. Since Einstein space has been given identity as a substance where we imagine that atomic
42. Thoughts, then, may be directed at atoms via the bi-directional directedness between atomic collections
43. It is based on a predictable, repeating pattern of atomic or molecular structure
44. worse was the betrayal of atomic secrets by Klaus Fuchs and Theodore Hall from the
45. Nucleus 8 then reported, “Adam examined that line of programming all the way down to the atomic level trying to detect its source, but we still have a mystery on our hands
46. It has been said that the atomic scientist Enrico Fermi was once discussing the topic of extraterrestrial life when he asked the profound question, “Where is everybody?” Since there are quite possibly multiple billions of planets in our galaxy, and since in the secular view these are all accidents, it is almost inevitable that some of these had the right conditions for life to evolve
47. of atomic fibers woven together with the threads of magnetism
48. yet tell if the solution will lie in an atomic operation that will destroy both the
49. created and maintain the danger of atomic war
50. nuclear fusion, and the resulting production of clean atomic energy