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attracted frases de exemplo
1. Flies are attracted by the bait, by pass it and move up the cone where they are trapped in the chamber and die in the sun
2. One thing which attracted me to this place was the fact that it is in the country
3. Morg had never been that attracted to pure-blood Caucasians like Ava and had little interest in Ava's passion; virtuality
4. She was attracted to him because of that
5. It is not attracted, it attracts
6. The truth is that victims are attracted to vampires
7. After spending a few Earth years with her he now suspected she was attracted to the 'starmen,' as she called Brazilians, so she could watch them more closely
8. "Are you still attracted to me?" she asked
9. uncommon to encounter an energy within you that is attracted
10. You've shared a nest with her all these weeks, you're plainly attracted to her and she to you
11. has attracted the base attention
12. how can he remain attracted
13. My young warrior, interjected the Queen, It seems you have attracted one of my children
14. It was clear that he wasn't as physically attracted to her as he had been to Luray, she was a tough little brown nut, but well shaped and lively
15. There are times in all of our lives when we have attracted the wrong person
16. Women are attracted to men who are interested in what they have to say
17. One day, attracted by the unrivalled opportunities being offered to skilled people by this new broom sweeping through government’s old and crusty cobwebs of social patronage, two provincial public relations specialists arrived in the city determined to make their fortunes
18. I was standing in the WC looking up through the window at the peaceful square of night, face of moon, two stars, when something attracted my attention in the yard
19. He was, as is only natural at his age, most attracted to those girls that hedeemed to be pretty, and would watch girls huddle together in groups, gazing at them as they lost themselves in the rhythm of the dance, and he fell in love at least once every half an hour
20. attracted to and repelled by him
21. But what if the chanting and the fire attracted unwelcome visitors? What then? Alexis had been strict in his instructions: light the fire, refresh your body in the water from the spring; every hour make the dance and do the chant - in that order
22. She is very attracted to you, but she has had no experience in this field, she is afraid of the powerful feelings that overcome her when she is with you
23. attracted more agitation into his own life
24. Kelvin regretted his promise to let Alan keep his universe because his universe now attracted an alarming percentage of off-duty personnel
25. attracted to the area precisely because the tissues were
26. And then the flies came, attracted by the smell of coagulating
27. As for Altera, she found herself immediately attracted this human with the unbelievable war record
28. It was in that school that she attracted the attention of the man who gave her new life
29. Remember me telling you how I was feeling strangely attracted to Lord Tarak? Well, it turns out that he felt the same way about me, but he couldn’t say anything
30. “ What is attracted to and what is repelled against?
31. He was, as is only natural at his age, most attracted to those girls
32. She had probably been more attracted to his fame than his person from the way she talked
33. “The squabbling of the two factions had attracted his attention –
34. Venna had attracted him all the way down here, why would he just go back now? Ava is right, so what if she’s not the one you’re having sex with? If they were hired investigators on a case, they might find physically more compatible people wherever they were
35. Although the young man was handsome, promising and attracted to the young beauty, her tastes were for a more wholesome and ruggedly capable ideal for a mate, not the moony-eyed heir to wealth and fortune
36. Although he tried to keep an open mind and never let his personal views affect his profession integrity, what he had heard about Chas Middlesex had not attracted him to the man
37. This court attracted flocks of colorful wildlife, and it was one of the quietest places within the walls as the purple grey of dawn battled the chill of dark down among these mossy stones
38. Roman? I don’t think so, but the heart seems to be attracted mostly to the things it
39. Yes he was attracted to
40. a sprightly virelai and had attracted a small crowd
41. Since the news he brought was distressing, and he wasn’t strongly attracted to her, he decided not to dally
42. She’d never been attracted to another man, in all the time she’d known Mike
43. So, it follows that a terrible woman is attracted to a terrible man as much as a terrible man is attracted to a terrible woman
44. She wondered if it might be a bad idea to get him attracted, he was obviously a bit strange
45. Almost subconsciously while she thought, she was about to put her arm around him as she normally would with someone who was feeling attracted to her, but before actually making contact, thought better of it
46. ‘I guess we were all attracted by its seclusion
47. a smell attracted his attention and he stopped in his tracks
48. He said I attracted him so much it scared him
49. Mandy was silent on the subject, and her lack of comment attracted Belle's attention
50. the fruit stall, I was attracted to the ‘porcetta’ van, where