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    Use "backed" em uma frase

    backed frases de exemplo


    1. He was led up a seemingly endless flight of open backed stairs to a small office

    2. But then they remembered that they were the Fourth Wall, and they backed down from nobody

    3. The mermaids backed off to the doorway

    4. I have made my statement and backed it with the ultimate

    5. It took over an hour and a half altogether and traffic was backed up out of sight in all directions by the time they got going again

    6. Even when they were on their way again they were slowed down by the traffic that had backed up while they were making the turn

    7. “Not much, a trifle really”, he said as he backed away towards the aisle with

    8. between the stone walls that backed the hedges, and although the track showed no

    9. She knew she would have to update it from memory from what it was the last time he backed it up

    10. "You wouldn't remember because it was all after your last backup, let me just say there's been a war, but Morg, listen I tried to understand it but there isn't time to understand the war and all that's happened since we backed up last

    11. his confusion and discomfiture in his furs, backed out of the room without another

    12. "I'm in the harem, come on in," he replied and backed away from the lab door

    13. Anyway, she assures me she has backed me up to Mr Gryparis by explaining to him the reason for my absence

    14. They were still backed up however and could be 'resurrected' from backup in most cases

    15. He had him backed into a big stained-glass window beside the door

    16. ” said Guard fearfully as he backed away

    17. Woven into his dream of eighty-five, he backed out of the garage

    18. Ragged backed sheep, floating webs of winter fatigue,

    19. Backed by thin leaved azaleas, budding red spikes

    20. screaming through blue backed streams of current

    21. They hardly had to move to keep it lined up with the leese, but they rapidly backed away from the wallow as it approached

    22. " Is it not true that you placed your hand on her blouse and she backed away?

    23. It's a good thing this wind is back or there'd be outbound traffic backed up, the current's the strongest you ever see on this river going into that harbor

    24. Alan had reached the top of the stairs, Thom had backed up til he filled the doorway

    25. "He's sure he's going to spend some time backed out

    26. He slowly backed up, and went inside

    27. They couldn't build cheron space for that many if they backed out all the crew, so it was populated with stock video during masses

    28. Omi backed off and I gladly changed the subject

    29. Tarak stared at her as she backed away, yearning to put his hands on her

    30. had backed up and was spilling a cold and dirty mixture of

    31. Matai backed out of the room and returned to his quarters

    32. Nice that the Ambassador and his wife backed her in that

    33. The king, or whatever he was, called out some sentences, pointing at the bull as it backed away

    34. The next island had a gentle shore with white sand beaches backed by comfortable villas all along

    35. Visibly shaken, Matai backed up to the wall and pressed himself against it

    36. I need those backed out so I can get home,

    37. As everyone stood about discussing the pros and cons of this, Brent backed away and

    38. Suzanne backed into the door when he touched her leg

    39. With that Suzanne took her purchase and backed out the door

    40. I slid from the chair, under the table, and backed away to the side of the door leading to the living room

    41. “Yeah,” Ava backed him up, “so they were really primitive in that regard

    42. Hour after hour there was revealed along these banks ever more miles of a thin line of city, backed with miles of plots

    43. Downstream of Chardovia they went down a lazy, lon-choked river for a few miles before it widened out into the next lake, backed up by another city in the Yakhan’s urban complex called Sistril that was sixteen miles down the Mindendao river

    44. He slowly backed away, taking care not to

    45. Each in turn removed from under her vest an envelope and placed it into his hand, kissed him on the nearest cheek and backed slowly to join their parents under the platform lamps in a final wave of farewell

    46. Harry backed away, uncertain of what was about to happen and dumb-struck with awe

    47. George came down and backed away from the new addition

    48. She put her bundles down on the sitting room table and backed into the corner of the couch with her feet up, staring at the door

    49. Delurna backed off and ate his seafood cake for a few seconds

    50. “Beautiful car by the way,” he said as they backed away from each other

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