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bail frases de exemplo
1. Maybe part of me was scared to leave, as many ill people depend on the system to bail them out of responsibility for their entire life
2. Tarak called for six more men to come forward with their mounts and join them; Bail was one of them
3. Young Bail was assigned the task and accepted the honor with many thanks
4. He took Bail as his First giving the young man the honor that was due him
5. There to bail you out from scrapes, though all too often when we were children, he was the cause of the scrape in the first place … but you’ll never forget what he did when John was in the last stages of his illness
6. Alternatively, the dream implies that it is time to bail out of a situation or abandon an old idea or habit
7. Any time you encounter the use of that term to describe the money used to bail out a certain activity or area of the country, you need to bear in mind that federal funds are nothing more than someone"s money, including your own
8. Since then, what? We had to bail out the French in both World War I and again in World War II, irrespective of the pretensions of Charles de Galle
9. ‘You can’t rely on our alien friend to bail us out this time,’ Armion said
10. other friends raised a million dollars’ bail
11. We hear of men awaiting trial spending years in jail for they cannot afford bail
12. I likewise apologised to God for thinking He may have long haired liberal tendencies on bail
13. rescue and bail him out
14. For myself, three days in jail awaiting a bail hearing, was a very traumatic experience
15. I was in jail for three days once, awaiting a bail hearing
16. It was time to go and chat up old Foreman, and see if I could bail these boys out and take them to France
17. The case was presented to the reviewing judge with a strong request to delay the bail hearing as far into the future as possible, providing them time to investigate both the holes in their case and the possible drug connection
18. Were it not there, he would have set a high bail and released Brian, however, he was uncomfortably aware of the treatment judges who release suspected drug traffickers and money launderers received in the press
19. He banged his gavel: Brian’s request for bail was denied and he was remanded to San Sebastián Prison to await trial
20. He assured Brian he would soon be out on bail
21. “All he wants, he said, is to be released on bail and to get the case into court as soon as possible
22. Enrique Segovia, he claimed, was one of the persons responsible for the court’s refusal to hear his request for bail: a little fine-tuning with piano wire was exactly what he needed
23. favor then try to bail, heh? Sense does that make?” Kholi said as he extended his
24. I don’t care what they say about kids nowadays not having any sense, this young nigga had sense enough to bail from out of that car with a speed rivaled only on Sundays in the NFL
25. Bail had been set at $3,000, and Adam was desperate to get her out
26. I called the lawyer‘s office to tell them that we would post the bail
27. I was thinking about the $3,000 for Susan‘s bail and the thousands and thousands we had given over the years
28. Adam, the $3,000 bail money in his pocket, went into the administration building
29. It wasn‘t until a couple of months later when the return of the bail money was past due, and I was asking Adam what he knew about it and when that the memory of the event flashed into my mind
30. Adam didn‘t want me in there making inquiries and talking directly to the authorities about the return of mine and Michele‘s bail money
31. I thought about the bail money, but that would require my signature for cashing, so I wasn‘t worried about it
32. I found out the bail money had been sent to Adam‘s address back in March
33. We will do that with money Congress gives to these agencies to bail them out
34. If they bail out, or if interest rates go up, it’s sayonara to the economic security of the country
35. “Well, other than the early bail,” said Barret, wiping the smeared
36. When you bet your entire future that he will marry you and raise your child with you when that is so rare to occur among teen boys then you are essentially saying that you’re willing to become homeless on the almost guaranteed chance he will bail and leave you within less than one year of your giving birth
37. Chelsea was listed third, which told me I had at least forty-five minutes before bail would be set
38. Tucker’s record and ties to the community, I am setting bail at $10,000,” Judge Stafford said
39. She could easily jump bail and live comfortably anywhere in the world
40. Bail was denied to no surprise for the lawyers and Harry was placed under the detention of the mental health act on account of his condition
41. Jaden moves to the left and the other two ships bail out of the way
42. and then have you bail
43. always there to bail him out
44. Louis would not bail the division out
45. about how shitty it would be to bail on my husband and my kids by
46. he wanted Lucy to bail him out with the deed to their
47. Rodney was granted bail, but it was very high,
48. Target elevation is 50 feet above sea level, wind is 10 knots from 250 degrees, safe bail out area is about 10 miles northeast of us at the Loc Ninh SF camp
49. You want to bail out in formation with them, too?"
50. Mogk"s courage and endurance was tested on 3 January 1989 when two Air National Guard pilots were forced to bail out of their burning F-4 Phantom jet fighter plane off the Oregon coast in windy and stormy seas
1. I sat in the stern and, while four of the fellows rowed, two of us bailed, and we were doing all right
2. Both GW Bush and Obama bailed out banks, insurance companies, and in Obama's case, also the auto industry
3. The many Americans who lost their homes or most of their home's value were not bailed out, though some got limited help
4. So I piped in, before he bailed, “Can I have that last pair of shoes?”
5. Again and again the wind and waves and rain battered the tiny boat, while its inhabitants bailed stubbornly and furiously
6. most chaos: I bailed out
7. ―Well, the pilot was out of gas, and he couldn‘t land in the storm, so he bailed out
8. Just before I hit the gas, Matthew bailed out and told
9. Jacob’s organisation had bailed them all out and in the process had at some stage given them anti stress pills which later turned out to be extremely addictive
10. afternoon, wait until Tanner bailed the four bastards out, if he could,
11. Peter and his friends were under more pressure; they all quickly bailed out of the vessel, one behind the other
12. Have you bailed him out of jail or paid for his legal fees?
13. Im one of the most relaxed cats you will ever meet but this dirty perve had my girl bailed up in the toilet of a nightclub one time and I couldn"t help myself
14. Mid conversation Tracey comes flying over to us screaming that some dude had Kate bailed up in the girls toilets and wouldn"t let her leave!
15. After roping it tightly against the jetty, he had it bailed to around the halfway mark before he saw water leaking in between the planks, but enough weight had been reduced to allow him to manoeuvre it to the workshop slipway
16. Chip, would you have bailed out if your pretend daddy was healthy and strong at the time?”
17. I later came to the conclusion that every single person who"d bailed out before Chip and I had died
18. I bailed out later, figuring that I was likely to die
19. Not that long ago, many big banks were bailed out with seven hundred billion dollars from the government
20. One of the 34th Pursuit Squadron’s pilots that had bailed out was here, wounded, and Brereton had the firm intention to shake his hand, as well as the hand of another fighter pilot that had done the impossible today
21. And all were bailed out by enormous sums paid to state officials outside the remit of the President’s office
22. Put that his attorney, Schlau, has now effectively bailed
23. When the enemy pilot realised that he was being chased, he panic, and he bailed out of the attack
24. “No she was bailed out around four o’clock this morning!”
25. “Who bailed her out, you?!”
26. Well being that Diane D is bailed out of jail, where is she at now?”
27. “Yes, her other set of grandparents bailed her out! And because of all of this, Diane D’s parents and grandparents banned her from performing here at the school dance
28. invited her to a superbowl party over the weekend and she had bailed out on
29. After all, how can we remain competitive in this new global business environment if we are paying out on employee pensions when our competitors have already bailed on their pension plans? Maybe you are lucky to still be on the hourly payroll; we’ll don’t worry, the government insured pension fund will cover a small part of paying you YOUR money that is unless every other company dumps their pension plans onto the insured fund then most likely you won’t get any of YOUR money that is unless Congress bails out your pension by raising your taxes
30. When too many banks bought into these, their houses of cards collapsed and the banks had to be bailed out
31. Thalymum bailed Tammas out of the detention center
32. ” The soldiers bailed out of the car and popped the trunk
33. “She bailed me up before and told me that she knew about what you
34. Susannah had been bailed pending further inquiries
35. banks, automobiles, brokers, more banks, and then bailed out the failed New
36. and he was bailed: he trapped me
37. and I was bailed; it was destiny
38. The one, shaky connection to the whereabouts of Mike’s body, a homeless, pennyless vagrant, had managed to get himself bailed out, land a new job, obtain a new wardrobe, and vanish–all in less than 24 hours
39. “Twas a coupl'a lead beaters got bailed by him
40. “It would have been fun, except you bailed on me
41. Usually it bailed out when I fell
42. Without second-guessing that Daitya bailed from his mount, sending out a photonic blast as he glided toward Kalkin
43. I barely slept that night after my mother bailed the five of us out
44. We will tell them that the men were defecting to a neutral country and that is why they bailed out and took our chutes so we could not follow them
45. “If you mean your commandos, they bailed out over the Baltic Sea
46. By seeking financial stability… or more accurately; being sure that the richest corporations can merge into even bigger, more powerful multi-national corporations; so more, and more money is sucked out of all the economies and into fewer, and fewer bank accounts: institutions like the World Bank, and NAFTA have supported, funded, and bailed out countless corrupt regimes, dictators, corporations, banks, and other financial institutions… simply because they consider it too risky and dangerous to let them fail
47. Now in a band of twenty riders, we followed the road further south and joined with Gareth; we went back to where Medraut had first bailed up the Saxon women
48. He then pushed through the captured Saxons, bailed up by Val, who had orders to find Raedwald and hold him
49. There were seven Saxons bailed up and huddled on their knees under our horsemen’s spears
50. They should never have been bailed out by america
1. “I know what you need,” he said, “Belt, braces and bailing
2. pendant, holding it up for Tom’s inspection by the length of bailing
3. She shooed the goat back into the pasture and grabbed a pair of linesman pliers and some bailing wire from the barn
4. Thanks again for bailing me out!”
5. In this manner, an occasional (market) quirk or (uncertain) political event would seem to ―justify‖ bailing out; in turn spooking unsophisticated investors into selling off their own shares in order to cut their losses before their portfolios hit rock bottom thereby setting the table for savvier investors to acquire them on the cheap
6. After a while, most of my friends from school started bailing and bragging loudly about our winning the battle as they were on their way out of the rink
7. began frantically bailing water with anything that was available
8. with, which led me to bailing all of the seawater out of the raft;
9. While the children were stooped over, bailing out the rainwater, Astray bit a yellow petal from his necklace and released it into the wind
10. Not knowing what else to do with their delicate companion, Jai tucked Why inside his satchel and resumed bailing water out of the boat, though the effort seemed preposterously in vain
11. She would not ever be accused of bailing when things got tough
12. “Hold it, Chip! You mean to tell me that your „pretend daddy" just so happened to give you a toy parachute that was the correct size and configuration to be used for bailing out of the plane
13. I hope that she and I will live long healthy lives together without worrying about booze, drugs or bailing out of planes
14. He’s not immediately stopping the wars, nor reversing the tax gift to the rich, and he is bailing out the crooks
15. The offal slipped into the box at every opportunity and it needed frequent bailing, to avoid spraying it everywhere with the blood and guts from the fast moving chain
16. More bailing out of the box was needed, and the legs were next
17. “I mean it’s great and dandy that Diane went to keep an eye on Dana, but who’s going to keep an eye on Diane?! Diane is just as bad as Dana! She and Dana both have bad tempers, they both been committed to mental institutions, they are always getting arrested and you wind up having to keep bailing both of them out of jail Dad!” Barry then sighs and says, “Well I hope both Diane and Dana took their medications this morning
18. “Yeah! I hear that woman's grandparents are always bailing her out of trouble!”
19. The Europeans were bailing on U
20. She was mad at him not bailing her out (2k)
21. Banks are bailing out all the time, we just don’t know about it
22. ” No reason for her to think he was bailing now
23. government is in the business of bailing out everything business and
24. and attached itself to the chair with a length of bailing wire that also was dislodged
25. The box that was tangled in the bailing wire popped
26. The member states were also fighting it out about who should contribute the most, and whether or not the International Monetary Fund or the European Financial Stability Mechanism (EFSM) should aid with bailing out Greece
27. We’re bailing out over a Swedish
28. I think they need to be better trained, and I know our people have been a lot of help, lots of times, bailing dumb kids out of their mistakes
29. I saw you before you saw me” I babbled bailing out of his previous statement, that he started loving me before I did
30. Matt was already directing how the manual bilge pumps worked that would free the boat of the remaining water even as more helpers went below and started bailing water out open gun ports
31. You're bailing out water without first sealing the leak
32. “And don’t you dare think about bailing on me
34. "I know what you mean Teresa! My Aunt Christine's family down in Jamaica warned my grandparents a couple of years ago that if they keep coming to Dana's rescue, bailing her out of jail and hiring these criminal lawyers for her, Dana is not going to stop what she's doing! But my grandparents refused to listen to my Aunt Christine's family! They told my Aunt Christine's family that they don't know what the hell they're talking about! Then both sides of the family got into a heated argument over Dana! My Aunt Christine's side of the family says that Dana needs to be stopped! My grandparents and the rest of my family say that they're gonna continue to come to Dana's rescue and bail her out of trouble! My Aunt Christine's family told my grandparents and the rest of my family that if they don't put a stop to Dana, then they were gonna come up here and get Dana themselves! So that's why my Aunt Christine's family is here right now Teresa, to get Dana! They want to stop Dana from sending people to the morgue!"
35. "Keep bailing!" they screamed in unison, and reached for the buckets
36. By bailing out like most of the other PCT hikers had, I’d miss the glory of the High Sierra
37. The men went through their usual routine, bailing water into the raft and entwining themselves for warmth
38. After consulting with a number of high-level international black-ops contacts—people on the inside at the CIA, the State Department, MI6, Blackwater, and the guy in charge of bailing Justin Bieber out of jail—I’ve uncovered a shocking truth about your belly
39. Old losers keep bailing out, but fewer new ones come in
40. It shows that masses of losers are bailing out
41. When open interest falls during a decline, it shows that shorts are covering and buyers are taking losses and bailing out
42. You have to know why you are bailing and it has to be a massive reason
43. 5 percent premarket on the news that a top exec is bailing out from the retailer
44. But when you watch every dollar you invested getting bashed down to a dime, it’s hard to resist bailing out into the “safety” of bonds and cash
45. When I went back and analyzed my trades, I noticed that bailing out early had cost me tens of thousands of dollars
46. Both fountains were going furiously and both pumps bailing with might and main
47. They get antsy, they get fidgety, and they end up bailing out too soon
48. Bonus: if the move gets too near the lower band, indicating a potential change in trend, as happened at point B, the trader has the option of bailing out on the trade on a move back to the mean, closing out the trade at a “scratch” or small loss
49. If our social evil of persecuting man were the sea, then that pearl which we have lost is equivalent to devoting our lives to bailing out the sea of that evil
1. The sun was setting and he’d only just finished pairing up the big round bails of straw for collection in the morning
2. “Aaahhhhhh!” He yells as he bails to the right
3. So he bails out and goes home
4. Being that Dana was the one who was actually caught with the hammer in her hand and actually threatened to use it on the other motorist, she was kept in the jail and of course her rich grandfather comes to her rescue and bails her out of jail again
5. After all, how can we remain competitive in this new global business environment if we are paying out on employee pensions when our competitors have already bailed on their pension plans? Maybe you are lucky to still be on the hourly payroll; we’ll don’t worry, the government insured pension fund will cover a small part of paying you YOUR money that is unless every other company dumps their pension plans onto the insured fund then most likely you won’t get any of YOUR money that is unless Congress bails out your pension by raising your taxes
6. And cows wend homeward to the bails
7. He put out fresh bails of hay and water for both the cattle and horses and fixed a loose board in one of the horse’s stalls
8. When Mark asked the newsletter publisher about whether or not investors could actually hang on during the roller coaster ride, he provided quite the understatement by saying, in an email, that his approach isn’t for an investor who “bails out of his/her broadly diversified portfolio the first time a worry arises
9. It was tall and narrow, piled high with crates and bails precariously fastened with a drunken spiderweb of hemp rope, swaying behind a single gaunt nosehorn with a forward-curving horn
10. Unfortunately, in some instances, the lag time between the discovery of the fatal flaw and the demise of the company results in a change in the macroenvironment that bails out the troubled short-sale candidate