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    1. 'Look at the Belrampur votes,' Mama pointed to the ballot boxes

    2. Heather and Johnny were on the ballot

    3. body! It looked great with a simple ballot

    4. directors ballot boxes; oblivious that Rex

    5. Please fold your ballot in half before you place it in the box

    6. Greenberg was filling out his ballot, however!

    7. The military stopped ballot counting in the 1978 election

    8. Political parties were banned, with usually only a single candidate on the ballot

    9. which will remove the right to have a secret ballot on elections that would certify unions

    10. They cannot prevail in the halls of the legislature or at the ballot box on Gay Marriage, so they attack the California people‘s choice (Prop

    11. Also, efforts were made to disqualify the military vote, and people were hired to question the elderly so as to inject doubt about the “butterfly” ballot

    12. Rajiv’s name had remained on the ballot

    13. He stated that the ballot wording lacked the phrase “be it enacted” and therefore, the voters didn’t know they were amending the constitution, despite eight

    14. Today, in California the California State Supreme Court disenfranchised the citizens of California who passed a ballot Proposition stating that ‘marriage is a rite between a man and a woman

    15. signatures to appear on the fall ballot and in all other respects had followed the letter and spirit of the law

    16. keeping the parental notice initiative off the ballot, the Court has once again thwarted the will of the people

    17. “Lieutenant James, it is my duty as president of this court to inform you that the court in closed session and upon secret and written ballot has found you not guilty of all specifications and charges

    18. 10 Fortunately, the citizens of the State of Oregon overwhelmingly rejected a November 2002 ballot issue to establish the first universal health care program ever put before American voters

    19. Oasis is headed by a constitutional Emperor and Empress, both of whom are elected by popular ballot every five years

    20. Even concerning blasphemy, they failed to cast a formal ballot for the death sentence

    21. casts the unanimous ballot for the Reverend Doctor Harold

    22. Usually when there is more than one name on the ballot it

    23. She also came out in favor of the renewal of the 1965 Voting Rights Act, which guaranteed Texas Hispanics representation at the ballot box

    24. After he had placed the last ballot, it was obvious which pile was taller

    25. Bush can be on the ballot again in 2008 since he really hasn’t served the majority of Americans? Granted, he has catered to the rich, but I don’t think that counts

    26. They must be known published positions to qualify to be on the ballot

    27. The purpose of this paper is to present a concept of a national voting scheme that is much less vulnerable to fraudulent human behavior than the current system, while preserving or enhancing anonymity (or secret ballot)

    28. A voter’s choices are displayed to him before he casts his ballot and he gets a paper print out of what he intends to vote on the display and his unique access/id code

    29. Then he casts his ballot

    30. election time, Banks may as well have been the only one on the ballot;

    31. When Abraham Lincoln won the election for President of the United States in 1860 despite not being on the ballot in nine Southern states, the spark was set to the smoldering, contentious issue of slavery

    32. proudly say, “I voted for Dick Cheney three times, once on a absentee write-in ballot for

    33. I can believe that I could become an elected official, yet with that not being my vision I will not even be on any ballot

    34. ‘Well, you both have a huge fan base among the young, are very popular on TV and the social media, but you both would probably do better in cyberspace than at the ballot box!’ Imran was only faintly amused

    35. When Republicans are in a position to seek union with the south through the ballot box, it will be the unionists who use violence to resist

    36. ‘On election day Zuma will cast his ballot at Nkandla at a school across the valley from his home

    37. The RMT stepped in on Lewis’s behalf demanding his reinstatement and put the matter to ballot

    38. RMT call a ballot, as a result of which a strike is called just before Christmas, thus maximising the effects of their action

    39. The NUM did not ballot its members leading to an eventual breakaway of the Democratic Union of Mineworkers whose members continued to work in the Nottinghamshire coalfields serving the government with the tactical advantage afforded by division

    40. Meanwhile the backward classes with a pie in every sphere of the national activity began foraying into the political arena on their own; though their elders habitually defaced the Congress symbol on their ballot papers, the younger voters, perceiving it as Brahman dominated, began to put their franchise to good use against it

    41. And as if to direct the Hindu resentment in his tracks into the ballot boxes, Lal Krishna Advani, a la Bhagirath, flagged off his Rath Yathra from Somnath, the temple town once ransacked by Mahmud Ghazni, but rebuilt by the independent Hindustan

    42. stand in line, cast my ballot and pray that my guy wins

    43. “Who has final say on this decision? Is this going to be a vote of the City Council or will it go out for a public ballot?”

    44. “There’s a law on the books that’ll let us initiate a ballot referendum on any law passed that the public disagrees with

    45. Elsewhere in City Hall, results are being tabulated for today’s referendum ballot about retail store size caps here in Wishful

    46. When you cast your vote at the ballot

    47. The textile mill owners station their supervisors at the ballot boxes with lists of the names of all the male employees, and as each mill worker arrives they are recorded on the list as voting and then handed a ballot that has been previously marked for all the candidates that the mill executives wish to have elected

    48. If a worker does not present himself at the polls to vote, or if he does not deposit the mill's ballot into the box while the supervisors look on, then he is fired

    49. The women are very much aware of this corruption of the process of a "secret ballot" and it heightens their desire to have the right to vote as they believe that they would refuse en masse to comply with despotic demands such as those of the mill owners," Olin informed him without realizing that it would be another 66 years before the ladies would have the lawful ability to test their theory

    50. He keeps his doubts to himself as he draws up the constitution, and prepares for the internal election: each position within the new party will be decided by a secret ballot

    1. The secretary announced in a loud voice that the captain of the guards, Mihail Stepanovitch Snetkov, would now be balloted for as marshal of the province

    2. I was received in the highest circles; was complimented with a ticket as member of the Pitt Club, without being balloted for

    1. The balloting was carried on in their

    2. All the methods of appointing authorities that have been tried, divine right, and election, and heredity, and balloting, and assemblies and parliaments and senate—have all proved ineffectual

    3. He instanced the case which occurred in the famous balloting for President in the year 1801; at which time, after a number of ballotings, the State of Maryland, which was divided, gave in four blank votes, and thus decided the election

    4. On balloting for a Doorkeeper, the whole number of votes was 116, of which Thomas Claxton had 115

    5. During the necessary intervals of balloting, etc

    1. Kaitlyn praised each cast member's strengths, and alluded directly to their own previous choice of role from the secret ballots, as she made the casting assignments and cemented their willing ownership of the choice of play and character

    2. Some places ran out of ballots knew the end of the night and we had to rush more ballots to them

    3. ballots were cast I voted for myself as Prom king

    4. There must have been one proxy votebecause I count twelve ballots but only eleven attendees

    5. These numbers that continue to distance the president further from the senator as the absentee ballots are counted, perhaps do not mean much to the readers of this article, but they document for the American people an uncommon victory for the president

    6. A subsequent objective consortium of national news organizations reviewed the Florida ballots and agreed that Bush had won

    7. tion offices, where they cast absentee ballots

    8. at least 39 of the 75 county clerk’s offices, largely in Democratic districts, were open special weekend hours despite a state law that says absentee and advanced ballots must be cast during “regular offices hours

    9. In the Florida Presidential race, Al Gore and his Democratic followers made an all out effort to disenfranchise overseas members of the military by scrutinizing their absentee ballots for any small infraction of the Florida voting laws

    10. service personnel oversees absentee ballots because they had not been postmarked

    11. These election officials that threw out the ballots completely ignored an affidavit from an aircraft carrier postal clerk swearing to the fact that mail sent by naval personnel often lacks a postmark

    12. the election) after seven and one-half hours of inspecting overseas ballots and wrote the following memo: “Gore had five attorneys

    13. In Broward County 92 overseas ballots were accepted and 304

    14. In Miami-Dade County, 110 out of 113 ballots were rejected

    15. Statewide, 2,203 ballots were accepted and 1,420 were rejected

    16. ter confusion, such as Bush ballots being placed on the Gore pile, followed by protests and much arguments

    17. pointed a foreman who had the final say on which ballots were valid or invalid

    18. lawyers insisted that all ballots that did not show a vote for either George Bush or Al Gore was an undervote

    19. Therefore they insisted that the foremen of the recount panels assign all non-vote ballots to Al Gore

    20. found, a bunch of partisans poring over ballots with magnifying

    21. "But the large number of spoiled ballots in that election suggested that Woodstock had actually won

    22. He gathered the ballots together, put them back in the box, closed the lid, and slid the box to one side

    23. The fact that all the ballots were not recounted might give you an indication as to who the winner should have been

    24. A SNAFU in Florida State law did not give the election officials enough time to recount the ballots, so Bush won the presidency on a hasty decision by a partisan official, without a fair recount

    25. But in the first hour on results day, the BJP was actually leading, with most of the leads coming from postal ballots and early counting

    26. The first round of leads that come on a television programme are usually from postal ballots, so one can be easily misled by the initial numbers

    27. Unions which call ballots for strike action just when the issues seem close to resolution

    28. ballots - and it is even for those who, despite the "hype" of this election, decided not to

    29. “—were a lot of ballots to go through

    30. The former World War II navy pilot and his wife have allowed their house to be used as a polling place for more than two decades, and it is here that the Reagans will cast their ballots

    31. The Gulick home, on a tree-lined suburban street, is where many other local celebrities, such as bandleader Lawrence Welk and Los Angeles Dodgers broadcaster Vin Scully, will cast ballots, but the Reagans are the reason the media stand waiting in the street

    32. To decrease intimidation, Congress mandates that secret ballots be used and that certain forms of identification be required in most states in order to vote

    33. Students may either vote in their college towns or use absentee ballots to vote back home

    34. The Electors shall meet in their respective states and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves; they shall name in their ballots the person voted for as President, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as Vice-President, and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and of all persons voted for as Vice-President, and of the number of votes for each, which lists they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate;—the President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted;—The person having the greatest number of votes for President, shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed; and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President

    35. Then I read the ballots out loud, one at a time

    36. The House then proceeded, by ballot, to the appointment of a Chaplain to Congress, for the present session, on the part of the House; and upon examining the ballots, a majority of the votes of the whole House was found in favor of the Rev

    37. Varnum having 60 votes, it was submitted to the decision of the House by the tellers whether the blank ballots could be considered as votes; if not, there being but 118 votes, Mr

    38. Macon thought there could be no question on the subject; he also recollected the case of the Presidential election instanced by his colleague, and was of opinion that blank ballots could not be counted

    39. Randolph moved to amend it, so as to record the precise state of the two ballots for a Speaker, with a view to a correct understanding of the case, if it should ever be drawn into precedent hereafter

    40. And a quorum, consisting of a majority of the whole number of Members, being present, the House proceeded, by ballot, to the choice of a Speaker; and, upon examining the ballots, it appeared that Henry Clay, one of the Representatives for the State of Kentucky, was duly elected; Whereupon,

    41. The House proceeded, by ballot, to the choice of a Clerk, and, upon examining the ballots, it appeared that Patrick Magruder was duly elected, and the oath, together with the oath of office, administered by the Speaker to the Clerk

    42. on the value of blank ballots, 125;

    43. Blank ballots, shall they be counted?—In the House on election for Speaker two blank ballots were cast, shall they be counted? 125;

    44. The rioters have ballots in their hands

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    Sinônimos para "ballot"

    ballot balloting vote voting ticket slate line-up choice voice franchise poll suffrage tally