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    barbarity frases de exemplo


    1. Empire, fol owed by the fal into barbarity

    2. 20 The king, then, with a barbarity

    3. The event above is indicative of the horrible barbarity of the Mayan and Aztec cultures, an inconvenient truth for Professor Zinn

    4. 20 The king then with a barbarity exceeding that of Phalaris said That they might thank his sleep of that day

    5. torture or acts of barbarity

    6. utter cruelty and barbarity of the Zorbantans

    7. kill one of them by using more intensity and barbarity

    8. But other Japanese would pay for their barbarity

    9. But still today many people are too weak to break free of such ancient barbarity

    10. unimaginable horrors and committing atrocious acts of barbarity

    11. Throughout history evil barbarity has been a constant companion of mankind

    12. It’s outrageous that they should stock and maintain animal populations to enable hunters and fishermen to enjoy “sports” of bloodlust; and it’s even more infuriating that they are doing so with money extorted from taxpayers very much against the barbarity

    13. too well the anguish that a detailed knowledge of this barbarity

    14. Reminiscent of their Naokhali barbarity, the Musalman mob torched a railway coach at Godhra in which 58 Hindus, 40 of whom were women and children, had perished; it’s as if these bigots had for inspiration Mahmud’s butchery of the Hindus at Somnath in the same province

    15. At the fall of Constantinople, the streets of Istanbul were literally red with the Christian blood in evidence of Islam barbarity

    16. His wheel of barbarity was “Gain the office of power by execution, the quick way to resolve the case”

    17. "What a barbarity!" I heard Craig mutter, for even he, though now and then forced to visit the place when one of his cases took him there, especially when it was concerned with an autopsy, had never become hardened to it

    18. preserve this learning from the barbarity of Prester John, though

    19. the wall, spit in my face, with various refinements on barbarity that I forbear to enumerate, though they were all acted over again by the servant, with additional

    20. But the barbarity of my fate soon saved her the task of disuniting us

    21. him upon the barbarity of his treatment, he explained the mystery of my

    22. Given the barbarity of the Chinese leaders, he had written, “We have lost—irretrievably—any remaining sense of moral mission in the world

    23. A second yell soon followed the first, when a rush of voices was heard pouring down the island, from its upper to its lower extremity, until they reached the naked rock above the caverns, where, after a shout of savage triumph, the air continued full of horrible cries and screams, such as man alone can utter, and he only when in a state of the fiercest barbarity

    24. "Leave me," she said, with a solemnity that for a moment checked the barbarity of the Indian; "you mingle bitterness in my prayers; you stand between me and my God!"

    25. All the delegates without exception expressed themselves in the strongest possible heterogeneous terms concerning the nameless barbarity which they had been called upon to witness

    26. My father and mother were, and for aught I know, are still, farmers in the country, not above forty miles from town: their barbarity to me, in favour of a son, on whom alone they vouchsafed to bestow their tenderness, had a thousand times determined me to fly their house, and throw myself on the wide world; but, at length, an accident forced me on this desperate attempt at the age of

    27. On which, with the utmost marks of a fear of again offending, he ventured to kiss my lips, which I neither declined nor resented: but on my mild expostulation with him upon the barbarity of his treatment, he explained the mystery of my ruin, if not entirely to the clearance, at least much to the alleviation of his guilt, in the eyes of a judge so partial in his favour as I was grown

    28. Thus he parted with me, not before, however, he had ordered in my hearing a supper, which I had the barbarity to disappoint him of my company too

    29. They had both bent in the lamplight of the Gould drawing-room over the document containing the fierce and yet humble appeal of the man against the blind and stupid barbarity turning an honest ranchero into a bandit

    30. "A feeling, sir," he explained, "perfectly comprehensible in a man properly grateful for the many kindnesses received from the best families of merchants and other native gentlemen of independent means, who, barely saved by us from the excesses of the mob, seemed, to my mind's eye, destined to become the prey in person and fortune of the native soldiery, which, as is well known, behave with regrettable barbarity to the inhabitants during their civil commotions

    31. Sure they had heard tell of it, as I had, in Accounts of the Cruelties of Pyrates; but ’tis one Thing to hear such Barbarity recounted, and another to behold it

    32. The French attributed the Fire of Moscow au patriotisme feroce de Rostopchine,* the Russians to the barbarity of the French

    33. How much then must the probability of fire be increased in an abandoned, wooden town where foreign troops are barbarity of the French were not to blame in the matter

    34. Three years before, I was engaged in the same manner and had created a fiend whose unparalleled barbarity had desolated my heart and filled it forever with the bitterest remorse

    35. None of those who were with the Emperor dared to express their feelings, except Caulaincourt, who exclaimed—“This is the foulest brutality! And this is the civilization which we have imported into Russia! The enemy will requite our barbarity; there are numbers of wounded and captive Frenchmen in their hands, and there is nothing to prevent them revenging themselves on us

    36. Wherever one turned one’s eyes they fell upon scenes of horror and barbarity

    37. Low sports, such as prizefighting or Spanish bull-fights, are a sign of barbarity

    38. The French attributed the Fire of Moscow au patriotisme féroce de Rostopchíne, * the Russians to the barbarity of the French

    39. “Le patriotisme féroce de Rostopchíne” and the barbarity of the French were not to blame in the matter

    40. In fact, the whole significance of the social conception of life consists in man's recognition of the barbarity of strife between individuals, and the transitoriness of personal life itself, and the transference of the aim of life to groups of persons

    41. There is no one to-day who does not see the uselessness and injustice of collecting taxes from the toiling masses to enrich idle officials; or the senselessness of inflicting punishments on weak or depraved persons in the shape of transportation from one place to another, or of imprisonment in a fortress where, living in security and indolence, they only become weaker and more depraved; or the worse than uselessness and injustice, the positive insanity and barbarity of preparations for war and of wars, causing devastation and ruin, and having no kind of justification

    42. After the discharge of the first gun, which was from the flying artillery, I hauled to the shore, and observed to the officer that if another gun was fired, I would bring the prisoners on deck, and expose them to the fate we should all share; but notwithstanding they disregarded the caution, continuing a constant and destructive fire, one single moment's reflection determined me not to commit an act that would subject me to the imputation of barbarity

    43. On such a campaign they must meet us in battle, or surrender at discretion; they could not avoid our search nor evade our pursuit—the season would furnish certain means of discovery; their strongholds would be broken up; their squaws and children would fall into our hands, and remain sure pledges against savage ferocity and barbarity

    44. Although the groans of these victims of barbarity for the loss of (what would be dearer to Americans than life) their liberty; although the cries of their wives and children in the privation of protectors and parents have of late been drowned in the louder clamors at the loss of property; yet is the practice of forcing our mariners into the British navy, in violation of the rights of our flag, carried on with unabated rigor and severity

    45. And be it further enacted, That, in all cases where any outrage or act of cruelty or barbarity shall be or has been practised by any Indian or Indians, in alliance with the British Government, or in connection with those acting under the authority of the said Government, on citizens of the United States or those under its protection, the President of the United States is hereby authorized to cause full and ample retaliation to be done and executed on such British subjects, soldiers, seamen, or marines, or Indians, in alliance or connection with Great Britain, being prisoners of war, as if the same outrage or act of cruelty or barbarity had been done under the authority of the British Government

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