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    Use "bathtub" em uma frase

    bathtub frases de exemplo


    1. · Use non-slip mats in the bathtub and on shower floors

    2. How could I resist? When I washed my hair the bathtub would be filled

    3. Something happens to me now whenever I'm in that odourless, invisible, wetness that is water whether in the bathtub, under the shower or just washing my skin

    4. The swarthy man in a loincloth who seemed to be captain and crew of this bathtub must have been told that she knew none of their language

    5. She pointed toward the other corner of the court yard where she had seen the bathtub

    6. She lead him to the bathtub, which was a wide pottery jug you sat in, and hoped he knew what she meant

    7. Pat-ass, Patass for short, came up to the bathtub, removed his sandals, tunic and crotch-wrap, and sat in the tub with his arms folded

    8. Patass was in the bow, the other two were at opposite rails, just ahead of her in the little bathtub they were sailing

    9. She found her son, in the bathtub, knees hugged to

    10. weren't any spiders in the bathtub

    11. He lay in the bathtub on his belly for two

    12. straight to the bathtub, poured some nice hot water, and got my shoes off, placing my feet in the water for a good soaking

    13. Not as good as the last bathtub I was involved with, but definitely safer

    14. She stepped into the bathtub and proceeded to wash herself as Cruzel watched, expressionless

    15. nothing on but a smile, and asked if I would care to join her in the bathtub

    16. What theme they thought a naked man sitting in a bathtub represented, I shudder to think

    17. When the group returned she would have lunch then treat herself to a long, hot soak in the bathtub

    18. Like a cat in a bathtub

    19. Karol explained that the tiled laundry room on the first floor actually was equipped with a bathtub and a sink with a hand pump for drawing water

    20. As they ate, Elizabeth said to Colling, “They have a tin bathtub in the cottage

    21. To have endured so much, all that pain, when there was a bathtub and obviously no shortage of water here

    22. He was all alone in space, with a hundred-something-year-old girl-child of an alien race, who was sitting naked in a bathtub, slippery with foam

    23. A dignified, gentle presence in my house, she stood erect and watched impassively as I knelt perspiring on the floor at the bathtub, washing my husband's safari suits, my child’s clothes, my dresses and our bed sheets

    24. bathtub had become infinitely larger and much colder, he couldn’t

    25. “I don’t know, Sir, I was in my bathtub at home and the next

    26. Jaden looks across the room and he sees his human body floating in the virtual bathtub

    27. the fire victims and she had put them into the bathtub to soak

    28. “Erica, five, kidnapped, raped, and murdered; Sofia, seven, abducted and strangled; Ana, three, raped and murdered by her father; John, four, kidnapped, raped, and beaten to death; Andrew, four, slapped to death by his mother; Joana, eight, kidnapped, beaten, and murdered by an uncle; Madeleine, three, abducted, beaten, raped, and murdered; Francesca, nine, killed by a fungus that invaded her lungs after a brutal chemotherapy; Fernando, ten, kidnapped, raped, and infected with a bacterium that caused his death; Agnes, nine, poisoned by his mother; Peter, two, raped and drowned in the bathtub by his grandfather; Maria, five, killed by a virus that caused stomach cancer; Anthony, eleven, murdered by a doctor in a surgical operation; Sara, six, kidnapped, raped, and murdered by a policeman; Eduardo, four, killed by kicking by his older brother; Andrea, nine, killed by a cancer caused by the extreme unhappiness in which she lived; Joaquim, three, raped and strangled by a cousin; Catherine, seven, raped and murdered by an employee of the orphanage where she was living; Martha, eight, raped and burned to death by her mother; 146

    29. bathtub by himself with the water running, or playing at

    30. They had no bathroom or bathtub, and Becky had to heat water on the stove and bathe the twins in a wash pan

    31. He would have had to put up with possums in the bathtub, a Russian wolfhound sleeping in his bed, fish tanks, and all-night games of poker, chess, double solitaire, and Risk

    32. She was convinced that an unseen helper had prevented her head from hitting the edge of the bathtub when she slipped and fell in it

    33. song I used to sing as a kid in the bathtub: ‘Sitting in the

    34. Do you remember the wave in the bathtub that you

    35. water in the bathtub to represent a wave and then she drives you

    36. Greg tried to crawl between the toilet and bathtub

    37. I locked the door and sat in the bathtub Dalton Ford

    38. “In the bathtub,” I said as I got under the blankets

    39. A central fire burned in a bronze brazier the size of a bathtub

    40. “Um … drowned … in the bathtub

    41. bathtub, floating naked on the top with her wrists cut and bleeding,

    42. The debris in the front yard was piled several feet high, and included a bathtub and a rusted-out hot water heater

    43. He stepped out of the bathtub onto a small bathmat, and

    44. I tossed her into the bathtub and laughed when she landed with a thud

    45. Preeti read through the instructions, Jags sat on the edge of the bathtub with her head in her hands

    46. Either that, or she’d fallen asleep in the bathtub and she was dreaming this whole thing

    47. Drowned her 5 children in the bathtub on June 20, 2001

    48. To get a buzz, you’d need so many gallons of it that it would fill a bathtub

    49. The aroma coming from the scented candles were the same as the ones Jared had lit and placed in the crystal holders around their bathtub

    50. Laughing to himself, he recalled the days of his childhood when his mother would have female friends and relatives over and they would all congregate in the kitchen to drink coffee, wine, bathtub gin… and to agree with one another

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    Sinônimos para "bathtub"

    bathing tub bathtub tub