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    Use "be dependent on" em uma frase

    be dependent on frases de exemplo

    be dependent on

    1. She loved the cottage but would be dependent on public transport; she couldn’t hack the thought of two buses just to get to uni and it would be terribly difficult if she wanted to get involved in any social life

    2. ‘It will secure you a steady career,’ her mother had said, ‘so then you will never have to be dependent on a man for your security

    3. ANY ailment, and you criticize folks for taking a medication for depression, you are a hypocrite! Yes, I do mean that! How foolish can you be to accept that any of your body's organs can malfunction except for your brain? No, we should not be dependent on medications

    4. ence pain, be dependent on others for movement and, as was the case

    5. and leverage that will be dependent on the probability of default

    6. viable model would allow that number to be dependent on necessary funding - the levels of

    7. when total costs are subtracted from sales, and the difference will be dependent on costs

    8. He believed it was everyone’s personal responsibility to become informed and to accurately gauge current events, so as not to be left in a position where one would be dependent on others, mainly the state, to provide for the basics

    9. “Up to a point that’s right,” confirmed Forsyth, “but let us not forget that a year or so ago, the President of the United States promised that within ten years America would cease to be dependent on the Middle East for its energy needs

    10. •It is to produce wealth by labour and only by labour, and to spend less than you have produced that your children may not be dependent on the state for support when you are no more

    11. He will be dependent on you for everything from feeding and watering him, to taking him for walks and cleaning up his kennel run after he does his business there

    12. Padfield seems to make knowing, or not knowing each other in Heaven to be dependent on Abraham now being awake with his people

    13. The latter will be dependent on the location as to whether you will be fishing in rivers or lakes

    14. Our present population is only about forty millions, but so long as the land remains in the possession of persons who refuse to allow it to be cultivated we shall continue to be dependent on other countries for our food supply

    15. ‘You have to understand,’ I said, ‘that your father hated to be dependent on anyone

    16. You’d be dependent on me for a job and think twice about turning me in if you did figure it out

    17. First, the factor that is considered as influencing the supposedly dependent variable may turn out to be dependent on the third variable that was not considered in the analysis

    18. Crops that are grown in the soil obviously will be dependent on the seasons for their growth cycles

    19. When using option contracts with different expirations on the VIX, the changes in values will be dependent on more than just the passage of time

    20. Of course the success of the species may be dependent on the number of its enemies, or parasites, or on quite distinct causes, and so be altogether independent of the quantity of honey which the bees can collect

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