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    Use "be different from" em uma frase

    be different from frases de exemplo

    be different from

    1. Even tobacco-pipe clay, though acknowledged to be different from fuller's clay, yet, on account of their resemblance, and because fuller's clay might sometimes be exported as tobacco-pipe clay, has been laid under the same prohibitions and penalties

    2. “What will we do when we have other children? Will they be different from Jesus? Will I treat this Baby any differently from our other children?” The questions were the same ones I had asked myself many times

    3. We can therefore deduce that the relationship between landmasses and seas in the time before the Food would also have had to be different from what we have today, to prevent it from raining

    4. Each constant in each case must be different from all the

    5. This site would be different from most other dating sites on the web, however

    6. things to be different from what they are; he knows that, consi-

    7. Once you elves have given him the basics, the rest of us will join in coaching him, for his art will be different from all others, but it should still have some similarities to all the existing Arts of Power

    8. out to be different from the ones they’d always filled

    9. about humanity will be different from here

    10. would be different from what it is

    11. At the lowest level you may tolerate reality to be different from your thinking

    12. must be different from the observers' because it is she who is wearing the shoes

    13. She had come to accept that she was always going to be different from the others and why it was important for her to remain so

    14. However, their priorities may be different from yours

    15. This results in the structure of the file appearing to be different from before, but it’s still the same file

    16. -If so, what inside yourself would be different from having the different outside? Why?

    17. insisted that these current concerts be different from the

    18. And, to go further, we can agree that what is to come is shaped by this moment as well, and what is to come will be different from this moment and different from what has come before it

    19. “How will that be different from what I have here?” She asked

    20. But there was a possibility that this elder might be different from the rest

    21. There is a feeling that things are as they are because they have to be, it gives the feeling that nothing could be different from what it is

    22. You’re right, Gustavo, and maybe it is like that! Nothing could be different from what it is and the proof is that everything is as it is, in reality, or not?

    23. Indoors turned out to be different from anything that David had imagined

    24. Barnes will be different from being with her as she was here

    25. 'Do you suppose that if she hadn't had those four children and heaven knows how many besides she wouldn't be different from what she is now?' asked Charlotte, leaning her elbows on the table and fixing me with eyes whose brightness dazzled me, 'As different as day is from night? As health from disease? As briskness from torpor? She'd have looked and felt ten years younger

    26. The only reason light waves are considered to be different from electrons is that we can see light waves with our naked eye, and we can’t see electrons

    27. Now this is the only way they can be different from the rest of the faceless masses

    28. person as now, but with a new "spiritual body," in the image of Christ, not some thin air no substance "IT" that will be different from

    29. changed in any way? Will it be different from the soul we now have? If it will not be

    30. be changed in any way? Will it be different from the soul we now have? If it will not be

    31. now have this spirit or soul, how can it be changed in any way? Will it be different from

    32. At the resurrection the saved will be the exact identical person as now, but with a new "spiritual body," in the image of Christ, not some thin air no substance "IT" that will be different from the person we now are

    33. If we were now a two parts being of (1) body and (2) spirit; then what is the spiritual body that the saved soul or saved spirit will "put on" (1 Corinthians 15:44)? Is the "soul" (as the word is used today) different from the spiritual body that the resurrected persons that are in Christ will put on at the resurrection? Is the immaterial spirit, which some teach we now have, going to put on a body at the resurrection and become a become a material being, or will this immaterial being put on a spiritual body that will be just as immaterial as “it” now is? Will it be a second spiritual body? If we now have this spirit or soul, how can it be changed in any way? Will it be different from the soul we now have? If it will not be different, all we could do would be to put off the body of flesh; then the immortal disembodied something that is in us would now be just as it will be in Heaven; if not, why not? There could be no other change or a resurrection; nothing other than putting off the body of flesh at death, and those who have died would have already done this, and are now without the resurrection just as they will always be

    34. The way he said that, in the past tense, made it seem as if that life was behind him, as if he’d decided that the rest of his life would be different from what had come before, even if he had not yet consciously informed himself of that decision

    35. And if they care for it at all, it will be different from here

    36. " Is he not saying that God is going to show him things from His word that will be different from what God has now shown him from His word? OR IS HE SAYING THE MILLENNIAL

    37. 00 -- it may be different from State to State

    38. for in this verse Homer has clearly supposed the power which reasons about the better and worse to be different from the unreasoning anger which is rebuked by it

    39. Whatever Lou had seen when I touched him, his gift—or curse—obviously must be different from mine

    40. Everything was to be different from now on—but, please laugh at me and that will break my heart

    41. The information conveyed by information cascades • two types of information • beliefs and stories that make up the investment theme • the role of the media • the confirming action of market prices • 1994-2000 bubble as an example • the potent brew of emotional persuasion • the role of the mass media • telling people what they want to hear • media amplification • monitor the media midwives • what media sources to use • print media • Internet media • blogs • television and talk radio • flipping and the real estate bubble • Jay Leno • tomorrow’s media will be different from today’s • be flexible and alert to changes • monitoring the markets • data sources I use • here, too, things will change • the value of historical accounts

    42. (Be aware that the range bars created at the end of a trading day will be different from the ones created as the market unfolds

    43. So your way to making money trading options might be different from ours

    44. To obtain better than average investment results over a long pull requires a policy of selection or operation possessing a twofold merit: (1) It must meet objective or rational tests of underlying soundness; and (2) it must be different from the policy followed by most investors or speculators

    45. We believe the real roles of cash dividends tend to be different from those postulated in traditional theories

    46. After all, when valuing whole businesses the standards of analysis and the decision considerations tend to be different from when trying to predict market prices for common stock

    47. In such a case, there is a real difference between the two sides of the coin and the probabilities will be different from those described above

    48. In fact, the cost of borrowing money for the second two-month period may be different from the cost of borrowing for the first two-month period

    49. It soon became apparent that this stretch had to be different from the rest of the trip

    50. There was no reason why those six should be different from any of the other casts

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