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    be ignored frases de exemplo

    be ignored

    1. There were a lot in life support that she could ignore, as long as she had enough to fool the interlocks, the others could be ignored

    2. The drinking water level didn't want to be ignored and she had to make some brutal hacks under the tutelage of another Brazilian on the ground

    3. Even if they were, they had certain contracts that could not be ignored and would have given them a free ride anyway

    4. After all that had been said, the asteroid would be ignored

    5. too often to be ignored

    6. he arrives at a point where he's happy to be ignored,

    7. They told her that her ‘sense of temperature is a state of mind and can be ignored through disciplined training

    8. “But my crimes cannot be ignored, there is blood on my hands

    9. “And what about the other 37%? Are they to be ignored?”

    10. It has to be ignored if you are to break free from this, othervise I cannot wecommend your treatment be reduced

    11. The ship moved with quiet elegance and a beauty that couldn’t be ignored

    12. Be that what it may, their numbers can no longer be ignored or casually dismissed and besides, who‘s to argue that some progress hasn‘t been made despite so much party in fighting and intrigue

    13. The necessity of introspection was not to be ignored

    14. moments the serious threat of the surreal situation could be ignored, and resembled a vacation

    15. Whatever the so-called political or social ―realities‖ that engendered this ill-fated decision by the present Administration and its congressional allies, notwithstanding the program‘s perceived failings, this bill sets a troubling precedent for other (established) laws that might otherwise be ignored in the manner of ―break it now, fix it later‖ approach to law ―enforcement

    16. “The mass exodus of the children of Abnegation leaders cannot be ignored or attributed to coincidence,” he reads

    17. biblical backing, and so they will be ignored

    18. However having a checklist with too many points is never a good way, as most of the time the checklist will be ignored in practical life

    19. He tried to pretend he was hallucinating but the voice was so lucid and beautiful it could not be ignored

    20. establishing two main ideas that cannot be ignored

    21. The old order of the Constitution, the rule of law, individual liberty, and all the rest, was to be ignored or destroyed

    22. Your startup configuration is still there, but it will be ignored on reload

    23. However, there is nothing compelling or interesting about it, and it will most likely be ignored by its target audience

    24. The col ection of your Accounts Receivable should never be ignored or lessened on your priority

    25. Frederick introduced Prussia to Europe as a power that could not be ignored in any consideration of international affairs

    26. My father’s legacy is not one to be forgotten, and what he worked for all his life should not to be ignored or refuted

    27. The only difference being an outlaw meant to Haki was that he could no longer force other men to duel; as an outlaw, his challenges could be ignored without shame

    28. you think about it, there are no words that can ever really be ignored

    29. Coast Guard Station Duluth officials said northern Minnesota border lakes and northwestern Wisconsin lakes and rivers would be ignored

    30. True altruism does exist, but is so rate that it can be ignored to all intents and purposes

    31. This must never be ignored

    32. “The grief in men has been increasing steadily since the start of the Industrial Revolution and the grief has reached a depth now that cannot be ignored

    33. combatants should be ignored

    34. aspect may be ignored altogether

    35. Unfortunately the scientific method is not adhered to and it is common for tests disproving hypotheses to be ignored

    36. The statistics can't be ignored

    37. which should not be ignored in your path to the abs of your

    38. will be what will happen if his voice is continued to be ignored

    39. It is so important that the signs not be ignored

    40. when analysed, allow us to take into account small resources that otherwise would be ignored

    41. Feelings that would be ignored under different aspects take on a new importance

    42. be ignored (Wolman and Frank 1975) in a group or judged negatively (Carli 1990)

    43. The putrid odor would not be ignored

    44. “But you have said in your statement that he hurt you and we have seen the marks and bruising; these facts cannot be ignored

    45. God grant that it not be ignored

    46. Still a summons from the Dean of Students was not to be ignored

    47. States has been receiving added attention, it can’t be ignored

    48. Miracles are so commonplace as to be ignored by most people

    49. supplements and the use of herbs is not an idea to be ignored

    50. There are a host of other considerations that just can’t be ignored

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