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    be present at frases de exemplo

    be present at

    1. In striking unfairness, a favoured few, myself included, received permission to be present at the ceremony

    2. Sharon would be present at this ceremony, and we would all know

    3. I had made the necessary reservations to be present at that touching ceremony, but unforeseen circumstances forced me to cancel the trip and had to resign myself to a video

    4. Lucille told her daughter Marguerite of her decision to accompany me to Spain to be present at the inauguration of “Calle Roger Fernández Rodríguez” in Fuentesnuevas, so designated and approved by Ponferrada City Hall officials

    5. creature that you have created, and the creature bore it; even so it might now also bear them that now be present at once

    6. sence, and to restrict our search to a particular place at the onset even though the object may be present at other places

    7. 45 And I said As you have said to your servant that you which give life to all has given life at once to the creature that you have created and the creature bore it; even so it might now also bear them that now be present at once

    8. If other promoters wil be present at the event, whether in col aboration with you or

    9. "Artemis must be present at the solstice," Zoe said

    10. Therefore the students were often torn between the choice of attending the seminars or to be present at the beginning of ward rounds or operating room cases; both of which started at 8 am also

    11. The Genie comment was quite right and I had to recognize that he had required a strong willpower to be present at the cemetery

    12. Some farmers began to crowding at the gates of The Fortaleza to be present at the interrogation

    13. to be in the neighbourhood at the time may not be present at the ceremony;

    14. any of our earnest Theosophical members should not be present at it in their

    15. What made him most indignant was the word that the president of the republic himself planned to be present at the ceremonies in Macondo in order to decorate him with the Order of Merit

    16. He said that the actress playing the role of She-Hulk will be present at the premiere

    17. She is supposed to be present at the premiere

    18. That evening Coatl told mother that it was time Yaotl cleared up the mystery of her husband’s disappearance, he reminded her of the promise to Jodas that he be present at the questioning, mother said she would like it to be a public hearing, Coatl nodded and said that he must be kept alive for the time being, explaining that his execution should be a spectacular lesson to the Teoti and the Teotihuacan townspeople

    19. The catch was to be present at the right time

    20. Aston’s documents, asked me to be present at the

    21. 3: one asked to be present at a transaction so as to be able to testify to its having taken place

    22. "It started by saying, 'And the low light of my time at the Salon Culinary, was the moment my tastebuds were subjected to a taste and texture combination that should never have graced the bottom of a garbage can, let alone be present at such a prestigious event as the Salon Culinary, a cheesecake entry

    23. absorption of oxalates that may be present at the same meal

    24. “You’ll do that, with the condition that I must be present at every meeting!”

    25. shall be present at the spot during, all operations of blasting and supervise the

    26. 'Permitted me, then, to be present at a lecture--'

    27. And I make up my mind that though my body may be present at the reading of him so as to avoid distressing Mrs

    28. to Velvet, who doggedly stayed with her as Roger insisted that he be present at any and

    29. The Chief Of Police although utterly exhausted wanted to be present at these further investigations

    30. herewith I venture to present my earnest and, I may add, imperative request that Rodion Romanovitch may not be present at our interview--as he offered me a gross and unprecedented affront on the occasion of my visit to him in his illness yesterday, and, moreover, since I desire from you personally an indispensable and circumstantial explanation upon a certain point, in regard to which I wish to learn your own interpretation

    31. "She begs you to do us the honour to be in the church to-morrow for the service, and then to be present at the funeral lunch

    32. "Your request that my brother should not be present at our meeting was disregarded solely at my instance," said Dounia

    33. distressed, my friend, but contrive to be present at this sacrifice, and if that cannot be prevented by my words, I have a dagger concealed which will prevent more deliberate violence, putting an end to my life and giving thee a first proof of the love I have borne and bear thee

    34. I could not enter the house, nor was I capable of any movement; but reflecting how important it was that I should be present at what might take place on the occasion, I nerved myself as best I could and went in, for I well knew all the entrances and outlets; and besides, with the confusion that in secret pervaded the house no one took notice of me, so, without being seen, I found an opportunity of placing myself in the recess formed by a window of the hall itself, and concealed by the ends and borders of two tapestries, from between which I could, without being seen, see all that took place in the room

    35. Then they agreed that the captain and Zoraida should return with his brother to Seville, and send news to his father of his having been delivered and found, so as to enable him to come and be present at the marriage and baptism of Zoraida, for it was impossible for the Judge to put off his journey, as he was informed that in a month from that time the fleet was to sail from Seville for New Spain, and to miss the passage would have been a great inconvenience to him

    36. I couldn't abide to be present at their meeting

    37. It was eleven o'clock, and if Captain Nemo found conditions favorable for taking his sights, I wanted to be present at the operation

    38. "'A note was in consequence addressed to General de Quesnel, begging him to be present at the meeting next day, the 5th

    39. "Having wished you all to witness the challenge, he now wishes you to be present at the

    40. "My mistress wishes much to be present at the trial

    41. Old Roger Chillingworth followed, as one intimately connected with the drama of guilt and sorrow in which they had all been actors, and well entitled, therefore, to be present at its closing scene

    42. He has to be present at the parish guild meeting tomorrow

    43. You will now be present at the last scene of a remarkable

    44. Indeed, I verily believe, that although I had been really chosen delegate, as it was at one time intended I should be, I could not have hoped for half the profit that came in from the dubiety which my declaration of neutrality caused; for as often as I assured the one candidate that I did not intend even to be present at the choosing of the delegate, some rich present was sure to be sent to my wife, of which the other no sooner heard than he was upsides with him

    45. Barclay had hurried over her dinner in order to be present at it

    46. I invite you to be present at the exhibition

    47. "We have been privileged," he cried, strutting about like a gamecock, "to be present at one of the typical decisive battles of history—the battles which have determined the fate of the world

    48. He was properly apologetic for town he had been unable to be present at the funeral

    49. I shall have the honour of visiting you and paying you my respects at your lodgings not later than to‐morrow evening at eight o'clock precisely, and herewith I venture to present my earnest and, I may add, imperative request that Rodion Romanovitch may not be present at our interview—as he offered me a gross and unprecedented affront on the occasion of my visit to him in his illness yesterday, and, moreover, since I desire from you personally an indispensable and circumstantial explanation upon a certain point, in regard to which I wish to learn your own interpretation

    50. "She begs you to do us the honour to be in the church to‐morrow for the service, and then to be present at the funeral lunch

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