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    be restored frases de exemplo

    be restored

    1. if i have done something evil, let me repent, confess and be restored whatever

    2. "We don't know that he's dead, and he can always be restored from backup

    3. It had been over a month hadn't it? He was busy with research, but that made it more vital to back up regularly so he didn't forget what he'd learned if he had to be restored

    4. The prophetic will call out destiny in people and restore identity, but ultimately identity will be restored as people see who Jesus really is

    5. He expects that in due time it is to be restored to him, and that, in the mean time, the borrower is to pay him a certain annual rent for the use of it

    6. Humanity may in this case require that the freedom of trade should be restored only by slow gradations, and with a good deal of reserve and circumspection

    7. Let the same natural liberty of exercising what species of industry they please, be restored to all his Majesty's subjects, in the same manner as to soldiers and seamen ; that is, break down the exclusive privileges of corporations, and repeal the statute of apprenticeship, both which are really encroachments upon natural Liberty, and add to those the repeal of the law of settlements, so that a poor workman, when thrown out of employment, either in one trade or in one place, may seek for it in another trade or in another place, without the fear either of a prosecution or of a removal; and neither the public nor the individuals will suffer much more from the occasional disbanding some particular classes of manufacturers, than from that of the soldiers

    8. The two biggest EA nations – Russia and China – in fact agreed their nuclear capability must be restored to full capacity … and shown to be such

    9. We wish to end this so that order can be restored and protection provided

    10. Port-au-Prince is going up in smoke while American Naval vessels are anchored in territorial waters waiting for order to be restored

    11. Although it is unlikely that aging societies will……or could, for that matter, be restored to their former rank, (age has a manner of setting limits on its own resiliencies or ability to heal itself), each retains a remarkable capacity (or genius) for transforming itself into something new, that is vibrant and wholesome although not altogether new however retaining, in some manner, its former character; allowing a society to maintain its relevancy in a changing environment in search of a ―new‖ identity

    12. He believed he could intervene, somehow mediate, so that balance could be restored and things would not deteriorate into profuse madness at the speed of a rushing waterfall, as it seemed it definitely would

    13. It must be found and they may be restored

    14. “Drink the milk, you motherfucker, drink it and be restored to life

    15. The happier they sounded, the sadder she grew, finally it ground to a halt at the insistence of an older matron, who asked with all the respect that she could muster, “Why does our happiness make you sad? Should you not be elated to be restored to your rightful position? What is your wish for us?”

    16. “If I am to be restored to my office, I cannot, I will not help one, if I am not allowed help all

    17. Confiscated property was to be restored to the Christians and they were made eligible for public office

    18. It should be restored

    19. be restored me again; and the man of God begged the Lord, and the king's hand was restored him again, and became as it was before

    20. “The peace we experienced among the factions, before Jeanine’s first attack, can be restored, I’m sure of it

    21. They cannot be restored

    22. “How else could you be restored to your rightful station in life?”

    23. Have you heard when the power will be restored?”

    24. “We need power to be restored

    25. could normalcy be restored in the body

    26. great strivings, and it shall stand in peril of failing, nevertheless it shall not then fall, but shall be restored again to his beginning

    27. offerings will again be restored, and the priests will return to their ministry, and also the Gentiles will come to glorify it

    28. With true repentance a sorcerer could be restored as a productive member of our society

    29. Destroying the Vangel means nature will be restored

    30. Must be restored

    31. 24 In the first year of the reign of Cyrus king Cyrus commanded that the house of the Lord at Jerusalem should be built again where they do sacrifice with continual fire: 25 Whose height shall be sixty cubits and the breadth sixty cubits with three rows of hewn stones and one row of new wood of that country; and the expences of it to be given out of the house of king Cyrus: 26 And that the holy vessels of the house of the Lord both of gold and silver that Nabuchodonosor took out of the house at Jerusalem and brought to Babylon should be restored to the house at Jerusalem and be set in the place where they were before

    32. The fourth will be re-shaped, and both its present crystal structure and its surface texture will then be restored to it

    33. 17 As for the voice which you heard speak and that you saw not to go out from the heads but from the midst of the body of it this is the interpretation: 18 That after the time of that kingdom there shall arise great strivings and it shall stand in peril of failing nevertheless it shall not then fall but shall be restored again to his beginning

    34. This is exactly why the Church must be restored

    35. 5 And at that time after a little interval Zion will again be rebuilt and its offerings will again be restored and the priests will return to their ministry and also the Gentiles will come to glorify it

    36. They believe the purity of them will overcome our enemies and invigorate the land, so true peace will be restored more quickly

    37. “The link between her and the children was temporarily lost during the emergency, but it will be restored

    38. I was assured that changes are gradually being made which will provide non-polluting energy sources, a spirit of love and sharing, which will eliminate poverty and war, and that freedom and sovereignty will be restored to every individual

    39. of the Lord can be restored

    40. Holy Spirit - all can be restored

    41. blessing of the Lord be restored

    42. the Lord can be restored to our land

    43. forsaken, for the power of God’s blessing to be restored

    44. pray for the blessing of the Lord to be restored to families, all

    45. removed, I may be restored to soundness of

    46. grievous disease, may be restored to health in

    47. ‘Peace will soon be restored to the furthest reaches of the Kingdom, fine citizens of Tanaria

    48. On the other hand, erasing information about the path of a photon restores wavelike behavior, as confirmed in an experiment done at the University of California at Berkeley by Raymond Chiao — suggesting that a collapsed wave function can be restored by erasing (historical) information

    49. "Then you must realize that what is happening on this ship is very wrong, and that Calvin's command must be restored

    50. violated) Symmetry can be restored if we can imagine a mirror world where

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