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    Use "be saddled with" em uma frase

    be saddled with frases de exemplo

    be saddled with

    1. Well now, if Obamacare had had its way, we would be saddled with these and anti-life requirements and other anti-human requirements, such as individual mandates requiring the uninsured to purchase health care polices

    2. His arrival meant that she would be saddled with a man whose right hand was semi-paralyzed and suffering with chronic pain

    3. If we ignore this letter and go there to wait for the money, not only that we will not get it, we will be saddled with this thing for the rest of our lives

    4. I don't want to be saddled with anything that doesn't help

    5. As I said before, college graduates shouldn’t have to be saddled with a loan that will take them twenty years to pay off

    6. Your female unit will not be saddled with hand-me-down planes and materiel, Major

    7. Without Science: without all the abominations and inventions of scientific minds: we would never have been saddled with the problems of nuclear waste dumps and the stark impossibility of dumping the waste into the oceans and lakes and rivers as we have been doing for untold thousands of years; We would not be saddled with superpower military empires and nuclear weapons which nobody dares to use

    8. corporate setting, an employee will be saddled with a role merely because he or she

    9. why you should be saddled with a bland John Smith when you could

    10. In fact, the only thing he can be sure about is that he will be saddled with a house he doesn’t want, that will cost him money

    11. Even more worrisome, the budget also projected that America would be saddled with trillion-dollar deficits for at least three years

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