Use "be unlike" em uma frase
be unlike frases de exemplo
be unlike
1. It would be unlike Don Cascarino to mess with the cutting edge, though
2. awakening in Israel that will be unlike anything we have seen
3. You must promise me love you must swear on Helen’s life and I will rest easy?” I replied assuring her that I would be on my guard at all times but I reminded her that he was not in my Battalion and it would be unlikely that our paths would cross
4. Although I agree that gun licenses should not be issued arbitrarily and only under extraordinary circumstances, isn‘t reasonable to assume that the vast majority of individuals willing to surrender their ―weapons‖, that are (otherwise) gathering dust inside clothes closets, dresser drawers and kitchen cupboards, or stuffed inside a sock, for that matter, represent a small minority of law-abiding citizens who, in any event, would be unlikely to use them, unless pressed, unlike hardened criminal elements in the community who wouldn‘t give a second thought to surrendering the tools of their trade unless they were compelled to do so? A fifty-dollar gift certificate from Macys is insufficient compensation for the criminally-minded
5. I also pointed out that without the support of a new CD it would be unlikely that a concert promoter would advance Doberman’s Stub to stadium tour headliner, and may steer clear altogether if they got the impression they could be drawn into the lawsuit
6. There is no bar against an Initiate becoming a lawmaker or enforcer (although he would be unlikely to become one)
7. His patience for this stranger had grown so thin that if it were a solid object, it would be unlikely seen by the human eye
8. Perhaps catching them off guard with their defenses lowered would result in a verbal mistake or some other faux pas that would indicate their guilt or their involvement in the last murder that could only have just occurred since the séance ended; however, given that the killer was exceedingly cunning as was evidenced by the ingenuity of the planned murders, it would be unlikely that such a crafty individual would be perturbed by a visit or be flustered to the point of making a grievous error
9. how painful it was to be unlike the other Knights
10. Still not getting an answer, Michel tried the door’s handle and immediately tensed up on finding it unlocked: as a trained undercover agent, Lyudmila would be unlikely to leave her room unlocked while on a mission
11. A majority of them support the republican cause in Northern Ireland, and would be unlikely to insist that the province remains part of the UK
12. He was particularly pleased with his argument that had determined that from within any dimension physical constraints would render casual transfer almost impossible and that recognition of the boundary would be unlikely given that the transition point would be alien to everything else within the universe
13. Aware that her cultured tones would be unlikely to secure a room for Humphrey, she had asked an acquaintance, a gravely voiced cattle farmer, to telephone the hotel and make a reservation
14. The local mailman would be unlikely to remember all the names of tenants who had passed through those townhouses in the last couple of years
15. According to Gilbert, she had a widowed, invalid mother at home, so would be unlikely to have many more such opportunities
16. She knew Miranda would be unlikely to wear mass-produced chain-store clothes; she would dress expensively, in clothes that would be much more easily traced
17. would be unlikely to survive when he ordered us to attack Garock’s
18. In this case, you would leave the speed dating event feeling much worse than before the event and you�d be unlikely to attend a speed dating event in the future
19. Having a constant lifestyle - along with a longer-term job and one position of residence - may indicate to creditors, on the other hand, that you are building up roots in a place and so will be unlikely to shift/move and default
20. As for the spying, Ric said, such an act would be unlike his easygoing father, and would have made no sense, as Mr
21. A miserable cunt like her would be unlikely to have had a fuck for a long time and would be totally unused to guys like him, cool guys who played at this level
22. all of you is to be unlike a human being! Stop!" he cried with redoubled fury, noticing that Raskolnikov was again making a movement—"hear me out! You know I'm having a house‐warming this evening, I dare say they've arrived by now, but I left my uncle there—I just ran in—to receive the guests
23. You will always be unlikely to pick the sexiest stock of the year and you will probably pick a number of stocks that will go bust
24. Does this mean that the volatility of 20 percent was wrong? A price change of more than three standard deviations may be unlikely, but one should not confuse unlikely with impossible
25. Not only does no developer want to take the blame for introducing a bug into a multibillion-dollar system, but even if a more radical feature was added, the Bitcoin community would be unlikely to accept it
26. The man holding Pavel Katdsyn would be unlikely to miss something that obvious
27. The odds of the market making a complete reversal and moving far enough to cause the other option to double would be unlikely, although not impossible
28. When, very late in the history of our planet, the incredible accident of life occurred, a balance of chemical factors, combined with temperature, in quantities and in kinds so delicate as to be unlikely, all came together in the retort of time and a new thing emerged, soft and helpless and unprotected in the savage world of unlife
29. I am perfectly persuaded that the tempers had better be unlike: I mean unlike in the flow of the spirits, in the manners, in the inclination for much or little company, in the propensity to talk or to be silent, to be grave or to be gay
30. I do not agree, in fact I am angry, when I hear you called an idiot; you are far too intelligent to deserve such an epithet; but you are so far strange as to be unlike others; that you must allow, yourself
31. But, to do so, it would first be necessary to explain and describe the rank and years and calling and duty in the service, and even, indeed, the characters of the persons concerned; and since there are so many writers who begin in that way, the author of the proposed story, solely in order to be unlike them (that is, some people will perhaps say, entirely on account of his boundless vanity), decides to begin straightaway with action