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    bear market frases de exemplo

    bear market

    1. Conversely a bear market is a market where sellers outnumber the buyers

    2. In a rising market, this five wave/three-wave pattern forms one complete bull market/bear market cycle of eight waves

    3. 9 show examples of failures in bull and bear markets

    4. In a bear market, any amount of risk incurred seems to yield negative results, and so the line

    5. will rise in a bull market and nine out of ten will fall during a bear market

    6. bear market, and strong and stable in the long run

    7. in a bear market

    8. went steadily and predictably up, and in a bear market they went

    9. when some 75% of all shares wil rise, or in a bear market when

    10. down does nothing to lessen the anguish while a bear market

    11. But, using the rules in this book, they wil miss most of the next bear market and get the best from

    12. buy) at the end of a bear market

    13. beginning of the bear market

    14. This is possible because of the brevity of bear market trendlines

    15. He’d nonetheless ridden out the bear market that followed by taking big positions in Dow Chemical, in Raytheon, in Honeywell, both for clients and for himself

    16. This built the bear market crowd that dominated the U

    17. We have already seen examples of investment themes: those that unified the bubble crowds of 1994-2000 and the bear market crowd of 2001-2002

    18. The most common bear market—and the one I think contrarian traders should become skilled in exploiting—is the short bear market that lasts about eight or nine months and drops prices about 20 to 25 percent

    19. Here let me cite some typical instances of short bear markets

    20. Notice that these were three consecutive short bear markets, and each was of very subnormal duration compared with the eight- to nine-month average for the species

    21. A similar situation developed during the bubble bull market of 1921-1929, which was interrupted by subnormal bear markets in 1923 and 1926

    22. Short bear markets were prevalent during the 1942-1966 stock market advance

    23. There was a short bear market in 1946, which dropped the Dow 25 percent in five months

    24. The short bear market of 1960 dropped the Dow 18 percent in nine months, while the short bear market of 1962 dropped that average 29 percent in six months

    25. Finally, the 1966 short bear market carried the Dow down 27 percent in eight months

    26. What do these statistics tell us? Every time the stock market averages drop 20 to 25 percent from a high and three to five years have elapsed since the preceding bear market low point, we must suspect that the market has entered a zone of undervaluation

    27. Another illustration of how TV shows can give useful information to the contrarian trader occurred in July 2002, just as the S&P 500 index was approaching its bear market low at 768 (its low that month was 771)

    28. At the time I found this strong corroborating evidence that the bear market crowd of 2002 was about to disintegrate and that the stock market’s low was at hand

    29. The preceding bear market low had occurred in October 1998 with the S&P at 923

    30. First, the inveterate stock market bear, Alan Abelson, noted in his column that the latest Investors Intelligence survey of market letters showed more bearish sentiment than at any time since the bear market low of October 2002

    31. In Chapter 5 I discussed some of the investment themes that were associated with the stock market bubble of 1994-2000 and with the subsequent bear market of 2001-2002

    32. The bubble crowds’ life cycles each extended over several years, while the bear market crowd’s life span was about 24 months

    33. One should note, however, that a 17-month-long bear market in stock prices had ended just four weeks earlier with the Dow closing at a low of 631 on May 26

    34. Remember that there can be no bear market unless there is first a bull market, and no bull market unless there is first a bear market

    35. The novice’s second mistake is to seize upon a prominent bullish story that appears very early in a bull market or a very prominent bearish story that appears early in a bear market and conclude that the new trend is about to reverse

    36. So the contrarian trader would not have taken this headline as evidence of a mature bear market crowd at work in the stock market

    37. In 2002, during the depths of the bear market that followed the bubble collapse, most of the bullish analysts who helped inflate the bubble and many of the corporate leaders of collapsed enterprises were pilloried in the media

    38. Real-time practice can be reinforced by reading accounts of past bubbles and bear market low points

    39. This was the case at the bottom of the bear market in 2002

    40. ) I want to emphasize that one need not sell near the exact top of a bull market or buy near the exact bottom of a bear market to beat the buy-and-hold strategy

    41. During a bull market, any above-normal allocation to the stock market should be cut back to normal levels once the averages have risen about 65 percent from the low of the preceding bear market

    42. First, the S&P has advanced at least 65 percent from its preceding bear market low

    43. How does CTS #3 tell the contrarian trader to act during a bear market? If the bear market results from the disintegration of a bullish stock market crowd that was visible toward the end of the preceding bull market, the contrarian trader would have cut back his stock market allocation to below normal once the 200-day moving average of the S&P dropped 1 percent from its high point

    44. In all other circumstances the contrarian trader would sit through a bear market maintaining a normal stock market allocation

    45. Such a long-only strategy will lose money when the averages are in bear markets

    46. Bearish information cascades in the context of bull markets tend to be shorter in time and associated with more modest drops in the averages than are bearish cascades the context of bear markets

    47. To take advantage of this, the aggressive contrarian trader must have some way of distinguishing between bull markets and bear markets in the averages

    48. Here is another, more sensitive mechanical method for identifying bull and bear markets

    49. When the S&P 500 drops 5 percent below its moving average after a bull market of normal extent and duration, the aggressive contrarian can be pretty sure a bear market is under way

    50. If the average moves 5 percent above its 200-day moving average after a bear market of normal extent, one can be confident a bull market is under way

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