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    1. For this reasons, it may well behoove Social Conservatives, never at ease with the Republican Party‘s country club mentality, to begin with, to pitch camp and establish a home that they could properly call their own

    2. Since gloom can do nothing except block your road to freedom, doesn't it behoove one to use his

    3. Now then—since thoughts are pictures, does it not behoove you to appoint

    4. It would behoove you

    5. It would not behoove a company to take on masses of debt when the top

    6. doesn't it behoove me to be that patient with my family, my friends, my co-workers - and

    7. It would behoove you to analyze, investigate, evaluate and try to explain your own family’s history and your own: you may find disturbing patterns that are not rationally explainable

    8. However, Lord Alric made it clear that you are a priority of his and as such, it would behoove us to at least try to get along

    9. It would behoove you to never mention it again

    1. I was no longer a young man, although I still retained most of my great strength, but I was, of course, twenty-odd years older than my ward and it behooved me to think of the possible course of the future

    2. Of the future we are behooved,

    3. It behooved us to close

    4. it behooved him, as soon as possible, to obtain the neat cache

    5. But, Christ said to them, "O foolish men, and slow of heart to believe in all that the prophets have spoken! Behooved it not the Christ to suffer these things, and to enter into his glory? And beginning from Moses and from all the prophets, he interpreted to them all the scriptures the things concerning himself" [Luke 24:13-27]

    6. But if in fact we called a “bull” market correctly in general terms, it behooved us to buy-write when volatility was relatively lower, not higher

    7. So with a market down by over 40 percent and volatility virtually quadrupling bottom to top in half a year, it behooved one to buy-write as opposed to straight-owning stock

    8. As he walked thus with haggard eyes, did he have a distinct perception of what might result to him from his adventure at D——? Did he understand all those mysterious murmurs which warn or importune the spirit at certain moments of life? Did a voice whisper in his ear that he had just passed the solemn hour of his destiny; that there no longer remained a middle course for him; that if he were not henceforth the best of men, he would be the worst; that it behooved him now, so to speak, to mount higher than the Bishop, or fall lower than the convict; that if he wished to become good be must become an angel; that if he wished to remain evil, he must become a monster?

    9. Anne raged over this but was helpless; she could not cast an old friend like Gilbert aside, especially when he had grown suddenly wise and wary, as behooved him in the dangerous proximity of more than one Redmond youth who would gladly have taken his place by the side of the slender, red-haired coed, whose gray eyes were as alluring as stars of evening

    10. The only thing that behooved her was to soothe her husband’s last hours on earth—to give out the tenderness of a pitying heart

    11. He thought it behooved this House, as the guardian of the public purse and public weal, to take care that the stream of public justice be preserved pure and free from pollution; and whether persons have suffered by prosecutions under the sedition law, or under the common law of England—not the common law of the United States, as modified by the laws of the United States in their corporate capacity—he was for affording them relief

    1. Since there remains such an urgent need for more qualified elders in the Lord's church it behooves all of us as preachers to realize more our responsibility in teaching and training these men

    2. It takes time to build the confidence of others and whether a congregation has elders or not it behooves the preacher to take time

    3. "It still behooves us to keep good security," Alfred went on

    4. Regardless of where it may lead us, to good or evil, to failure of success, it behooves us to remember that each one begins with but a single step

    5. 8 Note in the land are Pithom and Rameses, cities unfortified against battle, it behooves you and us to build them, and to fortify them

    6. 8 Note in the land are Pithom and Rameses cities unfortified against battle it behooves you and us to build them and to fortify them

    7. Therefore, if you want to make the best use of your life, then it behooves you to choose wisely

    8. 6 The next morning Jesus went to the chest containing his personal effects, which had remained in Zebedee's workshop, put on his apron, and presented himself for work, saying, "It behooves me to keep busy while I wait for my hour to come

    9. You have heard John say that he came to prepare the way for the kingdom; therefore it behooves us to await the completion of John's preaching

    10. In another age you shall indeed sit with me in power and glory, but it behooves us now to submit to the will of the Father and to go forth in humble obedience to execute his bidding on earth

    11. So, as Peter left them to go toward the boat, Jesus remarked, half-humorously: "Strange that the sons of the king must pay tribute; usually it is the stranger who is taxed for the upkeep of the court, but it behooves us to afford no stumbling block for the authorities

    12. 10 And it behooves the Master's followers in all ages to learn to minister as "they pass by" -- to do unselfish good as they go about their daily duties

    13. It behooves them to do so

    14. modules, and it behooves the student/investor to at least have a working familiarity with

    15. population and it behooves the analyst to drop data points if one population is larger than

    16. Is this what we want? Of course not! So, it behooves us to

    17. It behooves me to

    18. and, all avalanche control aside, it behooves advanced skiers to

    19. Longer-term investors may well check in on their portfolios once a week, but it still behooves them to check daily for large and unusual moves in their holdings or in related markets

    20. Conversely, the very fact that it’s noise means that it expressly behooves Ms

    21. Therefore, it behooves option traders to track volatility closely

    22. I don’t say this pridefully, but because it behooves me now to be honest: the endless lights-out is made worse by a conscience

    23. It ill behooves any successful money manager in the mutual fund industry to condemn the very strict regulation embodied in the Investment Company Act of 1940

    24. Down with that great All, which torments me! Hurrah for Zero which leaves me in peace! Between you and me, and in order to empty my sack, and make confession to my pastor, as it behooves me to do, I will admit to you that I have good sense

    25. It turns out that market movements are not totally random, and although it is nearly impossible to profit from this behavior, it still behooves the investor to be aware of market patterns

    26. " Notwithstanding his special acuteness and ability, he is unable to take a fact out of its merely political relations, and behold it as it lies absolutely to be disposed of by the intellect—what, for instance, it behooves a man to do here in America to-day with regard to slavery, but ventures, or is driven, to make some such desperate answer as the following, while professing to speak absolutely, and as a private man—from which what new and singular code of social duties might be inferred? "The manner," says he, "in which the governments of those States where slavery exists are to regulate it is for their own consideration, under their responsibility to their constituents, to the general laws of propriety, humanity, and justice, and to God

    27. But to a large and thorough sweeping comprehension of him, it behooves me now to unbutton him still further, and untagging the points of his hose, unbuckling his garters, and casting loose the hooks and the eyes of the joints of his innermost bones, set him before you in his ultimatum; that is to say, in his unconditional skeleton

    28. Since I have undertaken to manhandle this Leviathan, it behooves me to approve myself omnisciently exhaustive in the enterprise; not overlooking the minutest seminal germs of his blood, and spinning him out to the uttermost coil of his bowels

    29. But whatever may be my opinion on the subject of opening the two Houses by message, I do think that there are occasions, and that this is one, on which it behooves this assembly to express its opinion on the state of public affairs

    30. It has but one remedy, the virtue and intelligence of the people—it behooves them, as they value the blessings of their freedom, not to permit themselves to be drawn into the vortex of party rage

    31. King's letters; he says, "it behooves the British Government to adhere to the principle of natural allegiance wholly, or renounce it wholly

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