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    Use "biology" em uma frase

    biology frases de exemplo


    1. However the native humans got here back in the ice age, they brought few diseases with them and almost nothing of the native biosphere could infect such an alien biology as a human being

    2. She started to develop the theory that she had been suspended and left on the Biology Base when the expedition returned to Sol

    3. "I thought I was off the Biology Base?"

    4. She was beginning to feel that it had been a century and a half and a lot had changed in the Biology Base

    5. "So do you call this Biology Base still, or the Victoria McReady Station?"

    6. "Yeah, that's not my greatest concern but Biology Base feels a bit cramped?"

    7. It was engineered to require the participation of biology

    8. The one on the ground was a copy of the Ava that had lived secretly in Biology Base with them

    9. It was the one that had been left on Biology Base, way back in 2271, when it was only one hundred years old instead of two hundred and fifty

    10. She was restoring everything of his to how it had been in 2278, hoping that would soften the blow of waking up as a clone in the ruins of Biology Base

    11. "We're on the Biology Base

    12. This is Biology Base, remember? It's just you, me and Ava

    13. "But you never said she was there," Morg said, "with you on Biology Base

    14. He learned lots of physics, electronics, biology, chemistry

    15. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the theological arguments for and against leaving souls with the biology station

    16. The mortal is a problem for the biology station

    17. When she restored bus contact, she was on the Biology side

    18. At meetings and dinners with nothing from biology to report, that avatar might fool them for years

    19. Their landers would do great things in understanding the biology of the planet

    20. Her avatar had been programmed to think she had an Avatar on Biology Base reporting to the real Ava with the expedition

    21. Two professors chose to remain with the students, John Hudson, 31, a biology and sciences teacher; and Alexandria Grissom, 33, a math and history teacher

    22. She let him do it, her attitude toward him had changed so suddenly that he wondered if this was really the cherub/clone from Biology Base and not the Ava who had been nothing but business for a month

    23. He thought of the sister from Biology Base again, he wondered what he could learn by restarting the one she captured

    24. He would have to give this up again once Ava was restored, but for now it would enable him to do what he had to do without his simulated biology interfering

    25. "No," Glenelle answered first, leaving two majors in mechanics wondering how a lieutenant in Biology was more sure of her answer

    26. Thom knew it was because Biology were the ones who had used the probes most

    27. 'Or let's talk of biology

    28. The only duties Biology had left were the studies of the real data that Alan had shunted aside, and monitoring the enforcement of Alan’s sentence

    29. What if Alfred had been right and they should have stayed and studied the planet at 61 Cygni until the next expedition arrived? True it wasn't the wonder Alan had imagined, but it was still the only place outside Earth where macroscopic biology had been discovered

    30. "Liquid-water carbon-chain biology is nearly impossible

    31. At the same time, biology is impossible on Gordon's Lamp, but are we life?"

    32. It was the fosgene precursor that was actually lowest, and they discussed ways the biology lab could have been used if it was brought home with them

    33. “He had that Avatar to help him,” she replied, “I don’t think he could have done what he did on Biology Base without her

    34. Biology did all that was required, but they seldom visited the model of the real study planet in their off duty hours

    35. biology proving that everything is energy and that it

    36. If she was in some simulation running on superconducting quantum processors in the condensates of the dark matter, were there cherubs, or was the soul of every human who had ever died copied here as the captain’s mother had implied? If so she was in deeper waters than her Avatar had been when she faced Alan’s wizards on Biology Base

    37. “Other than electromagnetic radiation, which biology caused as much emission of as we did, how were we detected by this thing?”

    38. “I took biology, but not sex education

    39. I don’t remember anything about this in biology class

    40. We have millions of pages on their history and culture, their biology, facts and figures about Earth and human evolution

    41. A rosy red colour, it was shaped like a heart … a white streak crossed from upper right to lower left … she strove to remember what she had learned at school … the bottom bit was called the ventricle, at least that is what she vaguely recalled from a long forgotten, unattended at the time, biology lesson

    42. He was one who thought the whole notion of biology was hopelessly outdated

    43. When he reported in about the wildlife, he was turned over to biology again

    44. “So what’s new up there?” he asked when they were done with the biology reports

    45. “I’ve got a rather unfocused interest in Biology and History

    46. He wants to learn reading and history, biology too but that can come later I guess

    47. I heard nothing to indicate there is anyone here with advanced knowledge of biology

    48. ” Maybe they thought God should have put some corollary into physics or biology that would prevent the organs from functioning unless conception would take place? Or maybe they were advocating some lab cooking up a mod that would remove desire from everyone who didn't plan on parenthood? Probably some lab had somewhere, but she doubted that it sold very well

    49. They talked extensively about the local biology as they wound their way up the logging road for hours

    50. He probably learned more than the biology department could have with all their instruments if they had been down here

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