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    Use "blabbering" em uma frase

    blabbering frases de exemplo


    1. The pirate never got a chance to finish the sentence, since Cheeryup took that moment to throw the handful of dirt and gravel she’d been hiding in her fist into his open, blabbering mouth, making him gag, sputter, and cough

    2. One might have mistaken you for a blabbering fool of little use beyond shoveling dung in the heat-pipes

    3. crazy fellas blabbering about aliens and abductions, and all

    4. I could be spotted blabbering to myself

    5. He started blabbering excuses, borderline lies about what they were doing

    6. Kadda looked over at Apuna to see if he was not going to put an end to the meaningless blabbering taking place

    7. “Bitch what the hell’re you blabbering about?” Joey said, his face getting red

    8. Now…about that honoi thing you were blabbering about…”

    9. The dracoid looked at his partner with and confused face, gestured to Lezura and said, “What the hell’s she blabbering about?”

    10. And he continued charming them, blabbering, and smiling like a Hollywood actor

    11. It was conversational approach was odd, blabbering something about a dream from god changing his biology and that he was suddenly, and strangely, attracted to humans

    12. “What are you blabbering about?” He wiped sweat off his face

    13. Stymie covers his smile to stop his blabbering mouth after saying, “Your welc

    14. “It"s better than an empty house with a blabbering TV

    15. Sparky had hooked an IV up to him and for all general purposes he appeared to simply be resting and recharging from a harrowing experience, if anything Eleanor was blabbering about was true

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