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    Use "bloodthirsty" em uma frase

    bloodthirsty frases de exemplo


    1. Soon, he was as bloodthirsty as any Nightchild

    2. seated around it, an assortment of some of the most bloodthirsty assassins, hitmen, murderers-for-

    3. He let go of all inhibitions and lost himself in the ruthless chant of the bloodthirsty crowd, determination consuming him as he advanced on his enemy

    4. Bloodthirsty people they are and fond of the notion of criminals being shot dead by the police

    5. “So, the emperor wouldn’t want his citizens being mutilated by some bloodthirsty monster

    6. Hoover wore his food bowl on his head, pretending to be a bloodthirsty pirate

    7. More roars, there had to be a lot of these creatures, and now the dragons answered with their ferocious, bloodthirsty voices

    8. “It many ways, it might be easier if our enemies were bloodthirsty lunatics who routinely raped, tortured and executed the innocent

    9. Oh, the memories it brought flooding back to them; Mom, home, fresh mown grass--everything the newsies had been saying didn't exist in the bloodthirsty soldier from Vietnam

    10. “My grandfather and his kin were bloodthirsty and ambitious

    11. And since Zutar was a business man, not just a bloodthirsty idiot,

    12. The stranger's bloodthirsty joy was terrible to behold

    13. A snarl of bloodthirsty gratification hummed in his bull-throat as he leaped, and the first attacker, his short sword overreached by the whistling saber, went down with his brains gushing from his split skull

    14. A bloodthirsty yell from a hundred throats answered him, with such a waving of weapons and a clamor that he could not understand what they were saying

    15. 9 A worthy Roman governor who had not become disadvantageously involved with the rulers of the Jews would never have permitted these bloodthirsty religious fanatics to bring about the death of a man whom he himself had declared to be innocent of their false charges and without fault

    16. 13 Pilate was confused in mind, fearful of the Jews in his heart, and mightily stirred in his spirit by the spectacle of Jesus' standing there in majesty before his bloodthirsty accusers and gazing down on them, not in silent contempt, but with an expression of genuine pity and sorrowful affection

    17. Mother, who had lately shown a very bloodthirsty streak, now seemed to have returned to a more stable state of mind, at last her mind had found closure about my father’s disappearance and she now had returned to us the mother Gled and I knew and loved

    18. ����������� ��Always ready to paint ancestors as power-hungry, bloodthirsty barbarians, Mister Bartok?� In my time, your attitude would be considered quite racist

    19. ‘’Raymond, are you drunk? This is no time for jokes, especially with those bloodthirsty Vikings said to be approaching Toulouse

    20. Only the most ferocious and bloodthirsty opponents would

    21. It was not enough for her to have to fight lying Jewish politicians and bloodthirsty Arab irregulars: now she had to deal as well with an insubordinate deputy

    22. Ominously, they could now hear bloodthirsty growling at the rear of the guards

    23. From his early youth, Alexander has been reckless (though fortunate) and unusually bloodthirsty

    24. “I’d be nervous too, tryin to feed ten thousand bloodthirsty foreigners

    25. “The mother was a bloodthirsty Viking named Ava, and she told me before she died that the child’s father is a king

    26. he felt was backwards and bloodthirsty

    27. They are ruthless bloodthirsty creatures who seem more like animals than men!"

    28. This human society is so sick, greedy and bloodthirsty, I’m glad I’ve always felt like an alien here

    29. bloodthirsty hatred that crushed his heart by the agony of

    30. How many righteous, God-fearing folk dare to criticize their Supreme Leader for all the pain, sorrow, misery, and hideous death that has been and still is committed on His orders? Scan the Old Testament or the history books for a sickening view of His bloodthirsty commands, if you doubt me

    31. A small entourage of serving ladies appeared in pure white tunics; unspeakable dread pooled inside my soul, rippling into unsettling thoughts as I remembered the horror of bloodthirsty events which had occurred in the king’s evil court

    32. “ He’s cruel and bloodthirsty, personifying the evil intentions of dark wickedness, ruling the forces of chaos and confusion

    33. It’s said he’s cruel and bloodthirsty, ruling the forces of chaos and confusion

    34. He would find us full of those excellences Pater calls the more obvious parochial virtues, jealous to madness of the sensitive and bloodthirsty appendage known as our honour, exact in the observance of minor conventionalities, correct in our apparel, rigid in our views, and in our effect uninterruptedly soporific

    35. He is cruel and bloodthirsty, personifying the evil intentions of dark wickedness, ruling the forces of chaos and confusion

    36. My dreams had been frightening, showing me a bloodthirsty army

    37. Would he, only remembering she was grand ducal, regard it as an insult and want to fight Tussie? The vision of poor Tussie, weak, fevered, embedded in pillows, swathed in flannel, receiving bloodthirsty messages of defiance from Fritzing upset her into more tears

    38. Radical terrorists or bloodthirsty crazy killers, it did not matter to him

    39. A horde of bloodthirsty hulks was stomping after them

    40. It was dangerous; there were creatures that came out at night, bloodthirsty and hungry

    41. The rampancy of meaningless hatred and inexplicable cruelty, bloodthirsty aggression and absolute misunderstanding, which we observe now between some races and peoples, clans and even members of one family, is the obvious evidence that the inhabitants of this Continuum have closely approached the moment of distribution of their Forms between various Conversums

    42. They were ferocious and bloodthirsty, burning and destroying everything in their path

    43. The more bloodthirsty his policies became

    44. All white people whose ancestry was suspect: would have been strung up by bloodthirsty mobs

    45. What Historian would admit that Alexander the Great was a crazed, bloodthirsty, egomaniac: who killed his own people in his drunken rages when they refused to worship him as a living God…

    46. Until the Mohammedans developed a warrior class that equaled the Mongols in their bloodthirsty lust for cutting off heads and mass slaughter

    47. It seemed like he thrived both on the pain he caused to his adversaries in the ring and on the adulation he received from the bloodthirsty crowds

    48. Deorci’s bloodthirsty spirit was upon them and she tried to convince herself that she was prepared

    49. On the other hand, there were the ogres--savage, bloodthirsty creatures which could in no way be related to anything administrative

    50. Clark Pinnock, “Everlasting torture is intolerable from a moral point of view because it pictures God acting like a bloodthirsty monster who maintains an everlasting Auschwitz for his enemies whom he does not even allow to die

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    Sinônimos para "bloodthirsty"

    bloodthirsty bloody-minded sanguinary barbarous murderous ruthless homicidal savage ferocious inhuman