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    Use "blue-green" em uma frase

    blue-green frases de exemplo


    1. At the centre of the cavern was a blue-green globe, which pulsated and shone

    2. This was what ran the blue-green globe

    3. Only Druantia’s Green Men remained, the Battle Angel herself was a beacon of blue-green light with wings of blue fire hovering twenty feet above Jean

    4. Sometimes they dropped pale speckled blue-green eggshells

    5. The skin on his face and on her knuckles is nearly the same color, purple-blue-green, as if drawn with ink

    6. So looking up I could see the blue-green ball that was the planet we orbited

    7. They had stayed at a bed-and-breakfast on the island of Culebra, where she said the water was the most beautiful blue-green color she had ever seen

    8. The blue-green water of the fjord snaked between the mountains, towards the Endless Ocean

    9. The war-ships sped west along the blue-green tongue of sea-water, as Sogn-fjord led them between the snow-topped mountains to north and south

    10. Connor observed the Pacific was sparkling blue-green in the morning sun

    11. They walked a long track to a water hole for a swim, then had lunch on the white sands beside deep, blue-green waters

    12. The blood touched his steaming blue-green flesh, and did nothing

    13. making the insulators glow with that blue-green light that

    14. The walls were painted a relaxing pastel blue-green and a sort of soft, rubbery non-skid mat covered the floor

    15. A blinding beam of blue-green light then stabbed the night, hitting the deck of the carrier on its forward port edge and creating a spectacular shower of sparks

    16. Jose nodded, glaring deep into the translucent blue-green waters below

    17. Jean nodded his head slowly in understanding as one soldier was seen to be hit by a thin beam of blue-green light and fell to the ground, dead, with a smoking hole in his chest, as the other soldiers pushed on

    18. As the guard put the locks in place, Viella noticed that they were made of a metal with a blue-green sheen

    19. Around its neck was a metal collar, a blue-green sheen in color

    20. Aaron watches as a blue-green wave swoops down from the sky

    21. They trod over the short blue-green lawn beneath the cyan sky towards the white glare

    22. Had anything changed since that morning? I was still the same blonde-haired, blue-green-eyed girl

    23. The fog lifted early and the sun sparkled on the blue-green water as we watched the mainland shoreline recede

    24. I cringed at his blue-green veins and the open flesh wounds on his forehead, cheeks, and neck

    25. Every now and then, for sheer delight in these things, she would throw herself down on the springy delicious carpet of whortleberries and lie still watching the blue-green tops of the pine-trees delicately swaying backwards and forwards far away over her head against the serene northern sky

    26. used as fish food, is a type of blue-green algae that is good for feeding

    27. Shela climbed up out of the shallow stream and pointed at a gouge in the blue-green tunnel walls

    28. " he said, looking up casually from the ground with a smile in his blue-green eyes

    29. stem was covered with a sort of staircase of blue-green

    30. Spirulina - a blue-green algae with many benefits, including the ability to improve gastrointestinal and digestive health

    31. And so the city rose tier on tier between the blue-green ocean of the Disc and the soft cloud sea of the Edge, the eight colours of the Rimbow reflected in every window and in the many telescope lenses of the city's multitude of astronomers

    32. The blue-green boudoir looked much more cheerful when Celia was seated there in a pelisse exactly like her sister's, surveying the cameos with a placid satisfaction, while the conversation passed on to other topics

    33. Any private hours in her day were usually spent in her blue-green boudoir, and she had come to be very fond of its pallid quaintness

    34. So by the end of June the shutters were all opened at Lowick Manor, and the morning gazed calmly into the library, shining on the rows of note-books as it shines on the weary waste planted with huge stones, the mute memorial of a forgotten faith; and the evening laden with roses entered silently into the blue-green boudoir where Dorothea chose oftenest to sit

    35. I saw thick patches of the familiar blue-green stalks in the yard of a small red house

    36. The blue-green sea there was as clear as spring water

    37. His personal electric blue-green populations trembled, even as the real freaks on the sawdust tent floor trembled, even as, hearing in their most secret marrow, Jim and Will trembled and felt more freak than the freaks themselves

    38. Its tip leaped to spark-sting Will's shoulder, then sizzle over in blue-green explosions at Jim

    39. The sprawling Martians were no longer to be seen, the mound of blue-green powder had risen to cover them from sight, and a fighting-machine, with its legs contracted, crumpled, and abbreviated, stood across the corner of the pit

    40. One's gaze went with infinite relief from the scorched greys and sullen reds of the foreground to the blue-green softness of the eastward hills

    41. How I have longed for it! Just to feel it once again, the nice, big, wholesome homeliness of it all! To jump, just to jump from the crest of an Atlantic wave, laughing in the trade wind's spindrift, down into the blue-green swirling trough! To chase the shrimps on a summer evening, when the sky is red and the light's all pink within the foam! To lie on the top, in the doldrums' noonday calm, and warm your tummy in the tropic sun! To wander hand in hand once more through the giant seaweed forests of the Indian Ocean, seeking the delicious eggs of the pop-pop! To play hide-and-seek among the castles of the coral towns with their pearl and jasper windows spangling the floor of the Spanish Main! To picnic in the anemone-meadows, dim blue and lilac-gray, that lie in the lowlands beyond the South Sea Garden! To throw somersaults on the springy sponge-beds of the Mexican Gulf! To poke about among the dead ships and see what wonders and adventures lie inside!—And then, on winter nights when the Northeaster whips the water into froth, to swoop down and down to get away from the cold, down to where the water's warm and dark, down and still down, till we spy the twinkle of the fire-eels far below where our friends and cousins sit chatting round the Council Grotto—chatting, Brother, over the news and gossip of THE SEA!

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