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    Use "bluebell" em uma frase

    bluebell frases de exemplo


    1. “Yes, I do and—” Rufus tried to reply, but was instantly cut off by young Elisabeth Ivy Bluebell, who was in mid-chew of an enormous raisin muffin

    2. “Yes, indeed, Miss Bluebell, we have a section right over here to your left

    3. While he waited for the others to arrive, Grey dug around in the earth for a bluebell bulb

    4. As Soffen helped the suffering badgers, she managed to smuggle a few of the worst afflicted ones to her old burrow in Bluebell Clearing, where she could tend to their ills without the threat of their eviction and subsequent death

    5. out from behind the fallen tree, "I'm cal ed Bluebell

    6. Bluebell pointed to the hollow log beside which Josef had slept,

    7. Bluebell offered as she turned to the opening at the end of the

    8. Bluebell climbed to the top of a hillock on the edge of the

    9. "No, I mean there is one here," insisted Bluebell, “I have a

    10. "Will you fetch the Queen?" shouted Bluebell

    11. "We're not as stupid as that," Bluebell apologised to Josef, "We

    12. "What's the problem Bluebell?"

    13. Bluebell indicated Josef with her head and replied, "Need I say

    14. "Silence," commanded the Queen and turned to Bluebell, "Yes

    15. "That' why she's a queen," commented Bluebell to Josef, "sharp

    16. "Well that went well," commented Bluebell, "not a mention of my

    17. Bluebell and Crocus strolled into an adjacent glen, next to the

    18. Bluebell, you always have to spoil my fun," but grudgingly

    19. With that Bluebell grabbed Josef, or as much of him as she

    20. "Actually, that's a very good question," said Bluebell, "We do

    21. Josef turned to see The Queen with Bluebell and Crocus,

    22. “It is just glass with a special coating on the back,” Bluebell tried

    23. “Behold, The Emperor of Nowhere,” announced Bluebell

    24. the drive seat sat Crocus and Bluebell dressed in livery

    25. came the voice of Bluebell who had been watching from very

    26. "With her mother, on Bluebell Hill

    27. He went in the evening across Sneinton Market to Bluebell Hill

    28. "Oh, it's you, Bluebell

    29. "Captain," said Bluebell, "do you know what the first blade of grass said to the second blade of grass?" Hazel looked at him sharply, but Holly replied, "Well?"

    30. "Yes, it is Holly, and Bluebell is with him -- no one else

    31. They found Holly with Bluebell and Pipkin, on the turf by the anthill where The head of mauve blooms rocked gently on its stem as he pushed his nose against it

    32. "Oh, get along with you, Bluebell," answered Holly, good-humoredly

    33. Holly and Bluebell were impressed by the Honeycomb

    34. "You can't," said Bluebell

    35. Holly stopped and after a pause Bluebell went on

    36. "Pimpernel was light-headed -- chattering nonsense -- and Bluebell and I weren't much better

    37. Bluebell had been saying that he knew the men hated us for raiding their crops and gardens, and Toadflax answered, 'That wasn't killed us to suit themselves

    38. I woke Bluebell and I was just going to wake Pimpernel when I realized that there was a whole bunch of rabbits all round us

    39. " "Hraka one end, jokes the other," said Bluebell

    40. Yet already he was near recovery, while the more light- hearted Bluebell seemed even less the worse for the dreadful catastrophe that he had survived

    41. Pipkin had cried and trembled piteously at the death of Scabious, and Acorn and Speedwell had been seized with convulsive choking as Bluebell told of the poisonous gas that murdered underground

    42. " "I wasn't going to," said Bluebell

    43. "But how's it going to help us?" asked Bluebell

    44. It's such a beautiful night that we can sit near the holes to chew pellets and Bluebell can tell us his story

    45. They found Strawberry and Buckthorn on the bank; and when everyone was comfortably chewing, with ears laid flat, Bluebell began

    46. Bigwig, however, remained with the gull, making no secret of his admiration, talking and listening to it for Bluebell had told his story of El-ahrairah

    47. He was inclined to be surly and short, and once, when Bluebell remarked that he thought Meester Pigvig's fur cap was molting in sympathy for absent friends, he showed a flash of his old sergeant-major spirit and cuffed and abused him twice round the Honeycomb, until Holly intervened to save his faithful jester from further trouble

    48. Holly himself wanted to take Bluebell but, as Blackberry said, one funny joke at the expense of the Chief Rabbit might ruin everything

    49. Moving quietly in and out of the hedgerow up which Holly and Bluebell had come

    50. Bluebell, Acorn and Pipkin came with them to the foot of the hill and watched them down the hedgerow

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