Use "bollocks" em uma frase
bollocks frases de exemplo
1. He’d bitch about his feet the whole time but then she’d talk bollocks about how they were going to live in a hot air balloon, raining cream puffs on the general population
2. "Bollocks”, thought the great politician, "I can't see anything at all on these pages
3. It would be just our luck for him to get us all bumped off and he would be the only one left alive so bollocks to him”, and with this comment he went back to stringing wire onto the frame
4. we're up to, load of bollocks about this Frank
5. ” I apologised to both Dr Durkin and Beth but I didn’t really mean it with Ma ending up like this I felt like I had been kicked in the bollocks by life again and I needed to get away
6. Jack thought it was a load of bollocks
7. “They’re full of brawn and macho crap and flashy bollocks and not much else
8. This is all bollocks
9. This is bollocks, I can't be doing with this
10. This is the bollocks
11. "Bollocks, could have done with seeing his face
12. "I don't need this bollocks, are you coming or what?"
13. You got some bollocks coming here on your own
14. My bollocks leapt up inside me and for a second, I was winded
15. “Yeah? Bollocks,” said Grame
16. “I want to,” said Nick not knowing were the bollocks that spewed out of his mouth came from
17. “What a load of old bollocks” shouted Crinigan, “little green men, conspiracy theory?”
18. “What a load of old bollocks!”
19. “What a load of old bollocks!” This brought more laughter to the room, and Spock mentioned what a quick learner Dao was
20. incredible as it can be a pile of bollocks
21. “Christ, he nearly shot my bollocks off,” hissed Max in pain
22. Load of old bollocks
23. "Oh bollocks if we can’t even talk to ourselves honestly, what hope is there for relationships outside of our head?"
24. During bouts of feasting and tandem tussling, we told Geza of our adventure and he told us of his: actually Yugoslavian, even though only nineteen he had deserted from the army as he had no belief in, and no desire to take part in, the criminally stupid war that had proved such a thorn in the bollocks of our trip
25. Now we believe in laissez faire as much as the next mug who has no real idea what it means, but this was too gross: Fellow diners shluping up bowfuls of Iskembe, a type of hot tripe soup with chilli powder, or guzzling on platefuls of tas kebab, basically bull’s bollocks in a yummy bollock-based sauce and sheep’s head we could handle but sheep’s head broiled in its own grey, fatty discharge complete with juicy staring eyes, all consumed without the aid of cutlery and with much slurping and picking of teeth was too much
26. And as to how long all this bollocks might take, Weasel was as vague on this point as we were on the geography of Western Azerbaijan
27. On first inspection, apart from there being no paint remaining and a dent in the top tube, suspiciously the size and shape of Mark’s bollocks, the frame itself had mostly survived the ordeal
28. Perhaps the stories about the great Fey warriors are all a bunch of bollocks
29. “The dog’s bollocks,” pronounced Rod, with relish
30. him to move quickly after I’d kneed him in the bollocks
31. introducing the guards to the undeniable quality of the toes of Italian shoes, especially when placed hard in the bollocks, but there was not time
32. We was so bored we thought we’d kick each other in the bollocks
33. ‘If you went with another woman I would cut your bollocks off,’ she said
34. “Oh…Well, I think that’s bollocks because you were speaking to her privately earlier, before the event started,” she said
35. “Oh, bollocks, that's the time? Look, I've got to dash; family thing
36. moments either replied with „what an arse,” or “the bollocks of that shite
37. “Checking to see if ye’d given yer bollocks to the lass as a wedding present
38. “Bastards” screamed Stu as he saw the still smug faces of Grimes and Akhim, he ran up and pummelled some more on Akhim’s face, having to be pried off by Spock and the soldiers, but not before getting a last kick in on Grimes’s bollocks leaving him doubled up in pain
39. There was another moment of silence, as they tried to figure out the load of bollocks that Pon had just come out with and then Thran spoke directly at Captain Ca
40. They then spoke to the girls and the Australian bar owner, who was curious about their cuts and bruises, but lost interest when they explained what had happened, thinking another load of old bollocks, he usually got that from the Yanks that came in, and he’d learned to turn a deaf ear
41. This was, of course, a load of old bollocks, but it was the Thai way and, although many men fall for this, nobody ever really gets hurt, a few broken hearts, but these are soon mended in this carefree land
42. My Brother is the Bollocks!
43. "Bollocks! I haven't got another bloke
44. "Don't talk daft! If I didn't want to be kissed you would have had a knee to the bollocks!" Tracey said without thinking
45. ‘But … but Sayeed has fake IDs, and he’s off to Zurich, so all this bollocks - of him wandering around - is a build-up to the
46. We reached the bloody gatehouse and there was a new gatekeeper; a younger man this time, haughty and smug, and I took against him at once, the way he looked at me, like his bollocks were up his arse instead of between his legs where they were supposed to be
47. “That means bollocks to that lot,” Chalmers said, “we’re in for a roasting, I can promise you that
48. Isn’t it about time that you realised that your religion is a load of old bollocks?”
49. “Oh bollocks, if it weren’t for you
50. I faked a bad British accent and said, “Bollocks