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    Use "breathing apparatus" em uma frase

    breathing apparatus frases de exemplo

    breathing apparatus

    1. amazing customs is diving without a breathing apparatus and still able to stay

    2. After a very quick briefing from a dispatch Senior Charge Hand that ran across to meet the crew, they donned their breathing apparatus and started into the factory, heading for the reaction vessel

    3. Several firemen loaded with breathing apparatus and other equipment passed us on the stairs going to the upper floors

    4. Everyone learned how to extinguish fires, escape smoke-filled compartments, open and close water-tight doors, operate the oxygen breathing apparatus, and move and store fire hoses

    5. Taking out a helmet with full face visor and breathing apparatus, she saw that it could be sealed to filter out toxic chemical agents

    6. Two men wearing breathing apparatus went down the stairs and lit up the powerful electric arc lamps they had brought along, revealing a nightmarish scene: close to sixty bodies, all burned beyond recognition, filled the small basement room

    7. Themselves wearing breathing apparatus, Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler and Air Field Marshal Milch went down into the shelter, looking around for a few seconds before climbing back out

    8. “We will be safe though; we will be wearing these special protective suits, and breathing apparatus

    9. All were clad in yellow protective suits, boots, and gloves, and were carrying breathing apparatuses, and all seemed to know exactly what to do at every single step of the process

    10. ” I felt a rubber mouthpiece of a breathing apparatus shoved into my mouth

    11. Each time he imagines she’ll have held steady thanks to the doctors (who now come to check on her every ten minutes, you could set your watch, because apparently there’s been some trouble earlier with her breathing apparatus)

    12. He had not indeed great resources of education, and had had to work his own way against a good deal of professional contempt; but he made none the worse accoucheur for calling the breathing apparatus "longs

    13. Several families of crustaceans include a few species, possessing an air-breathing apparatus and fitted to live out of the water

    14. Hence it might have been expected that in the few species belonging to both families which live on the land, the equally important air-breathing apparatus would have been the same; for why should this one apparatus, given for the same purpose, have been made to differ, while all the other important organs were closely similar, or rather, identical

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