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breeding ground frases de exemplo
breeding ground
1. The trouble was that with the corpses rotting all around you and the open latrines and the amount of flies then it was an ideal breeding ground for the disease
2. I agree with his assessment that a number of our public schools and (other) seats of higher ―learning‖ have, on some level, transformed themselves into institutionalized breeding grounds for racial/class agitation and social victimization
3. In this manner our oligarchical courts have evolved into ideological breeding grounds for ―progressive‖ reforms and social engineering where voter expression(s) are routinely overturned
4. “Because the Eastern Lands have always been breeding grounds for revolutionaries,” Nicolas told her
5. perfect breeding ground for the most terrifying multi-legged freaks, I’d never had the
6. ) The Bowery became a breeding ground for one of America’s earliest street gangs; on the other hand, the very first YMCA opened in the Bowery in 1873 and the Bowery Mission in 1880
7. So convinced was he that this was the origin of his fortune that he never kept Petra Cotes far away from his breeding grounds and even when he married and had children he continued living with her with the consent of Fernanda
8. All he had to do was to take Petra Cores to his breeding grounds and have her ride across his land in order to have every animal marked with his brand succumb to the irremediable plague of proliferation
9. His weakened condition was a perfect breeding ground for infection
10. What is more, as the Muslim Holy land had become the breeding ground of the Islamic terrorism, to make it right for the umma, the musalmans should ensure that the Haj of their progeny is put on hold till they are on the wrong side of their forties
11. sinuses can also serve as a breeding ground for bacteria
12. Let not our hearts become a breeding ground for sin by filling it with anger for those who have disappointed, hurt, vexed and irritated us
13. land to the breeding grounds, while those too young
14. At the breeding grounds, they will again
15. According to them, Linda was a typical British binge drinking import that had turned parts of Greece into stinking cesspits that were the breeding grounds for sexual immorality and social decay
16. The big screen, television, and internet have become mere breeding grounds for reprobate and unscrupulous behaviors
17. One serious problem with Science is that the institutions and sinecures of science have become a hiding place and a breeding ground for mentally and emotionally deficient cripples who are attracted to professions and careers which are not connected to reality and have nothing to do with practical physics and how the Universe actually works
18. These larger populations became breeding grounds for even more tool innovation
19. They are breeding grounds of explosive rot and rage and unhappiness and misery
20. Human walkers skirted wetlands with tall grasses and tall reeds because they were breeding grounds of disease and hard to walk through
21. Admittedly he looked rough, his clothes were stained and tattered and his messy beard and greasy hair looked like they were the breeding ground for more than one objectionable entity of vermin, but that was no reason to turn him away
22. html says most feel if a farmer cultivates a breeding ground for cows that these cows are born only because he cultivated them
23. TIP! Kitchens are breeding grounds for mold, which can torment would-be chefs who have mold allergies
24. The mattress with its twisted sheets looked like a breeding ground for bedbugs, so he led her to the couch, wrapping her in a dingy afghan
25. These areas are the breeding grounds for trends, and in many ways far more important than any existing trend, since this is a new trend, from which we can take advantage, early
26. It is the breeding ground for trends, it is where they are created and fostered and from which they ultimately break free, and the beauty of volume at price, is that these areas of price congestion are now painted on the chart visually for us
27. Income statements are notorious breeding grounds for subjective reporting and accounting shenanigans to help the company hit Wall Street’s often aggressive projections and targets