He was malnourished and his immune system was completely broken down by the disease
"I thought the ship was broken down," Tahlmute said
This creature, as broken down and shattered as it appeared to be, was a living man, a thing of flesh and blood, just as he was
14 For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us; 15 having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace; 16 and that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby: 17 and came and preached peace to you which were afar off, and to them that were nigh
All my options were cut off by a broken down fence that stretched between me and the almost hidden shack
That artificial sugars must be broken down by the digestive tract into simple sugars before they can be utilized by the body, and thus they put an undue strain upon the system
broken down and processed by the liver, and too much
Houses give way to fields, to the high banked hedgerows of the rural Devon landscape, to broken down fences and dilapidated field gates
the back room of a broken down tavern in Collingston, Illinois, or at the high-
Another time while driving down the freeway, I noticed that in a certain place on the freeway there were always cars broken down, and this went on for a long time
I prayed, burned the tape, and there was never a broken down car there again that I saw
carbs enter the small intestine they are broken down into sugars
“Nothing at all it’s just that our communications have broken down and there are units strewn all over the place up and down these infernal gullies and hopelessly lost even more serious a lot have no ammunition left”
broken down the inside of the building would
I managed to pull myself together but I was bitterly ashamed that I had broken down in front of a friend and brave man Like the C
“Listen to what I am saying to you it’s alright for any man to sob if he’s been through what we have and at your age I wouldn’t expect anything else so don’t be ashamed men a lot older than you would have broken down a long time before now
Almost every field, wood and broken down village and farm held either supplies or troops
We reached the ruins of the cottage and sat down by a broken down wall and there right in front of us was what was left of a German wire tangle
It had taken longer to pick up the bus than she’d expected as the one she was going to use from the LEA Community Transport link had broken down the night before
“Hi everyone, sorry I’m late, this old bitch is a replacement as the one I wanted had broken down
They were broken down into separate files
They are broken down when calamity overtakes them, washed away by the fierce waters thereof
This class is broken down into manageable steps that are easy to
It was the ‘wop’s’ and, once Mike had blown his bit on whores and booze, he was just another broken down loser
Hilderich was quite fascinated by what he was seeing all around him and that was probably why he had not broken down in hysterical cries since their mishap
Had Langdon somehow broken down that alibi? Or was he maybe blowing smoke to see what Ted did? That action would not be typical cop behaviour
Hire a burnt out, broken down
‘And you’re causing so much static that most electronic systems have broken down
that it be not broken down
he built again the high places which Hezekiah his father had broken down, and he reared up altars for Baalim, and made groves, and
2Chr 34:7 And when he had broken down the altars and the groves, and had beaten the graven images into powder, and cut down all the idols throughout all the land of Israel, he returned to Jerusalem
40 You have broken down all his hedges; you have brought his strong holds to ruin
around it was broken down; then I saw, and I considered it well; I looked at it, and received instruction
his own spirit is like the city which is broken down, and without walls
Sibmah: the Lords of the heathen have broken down the principal plants of it, they are come even to Jazer, they wandered through the
city of confusion is broken down: every house is shut up, that no man may come in
the cities of it were broken down at the presence of the Lord, and by his fierce anger
39 They shall howl, saying, How is it broken down! how has Moab turned the back with
there in the province are in great affliction and reproach, the wall of Jerusalem also is broken down, and the gates of it are burned
well, and to the dung port, and viewed the walls of Jerusalem, which were broken down, and the gates of it were consumed with fire
experts on this subject, who believe that the semen is broken down
membranes of the epididymis and the solid content is broken down
This, if it had been carried out, would have broken down the Lord’s plan for the
The tabs are broken down into Straight, Bi, Queer, Punk, Goth, and Vamp
The pilot tries the engine again and it sputters like a broken down car
The series is broken down as follows:
persuasions the old personality is broken down and a new per-
The advanced search page is broken down into the following different categories:
Every objective can be broken down in to smaller steps and those
And they said unto me, The remnant that are left of the captivity there in the province are in great affliction and reproach: the wall of Jerusalem also is broken down, and the gates thereof are burned with fire
And the wall of Jerusalem is broken down, and its gates are burned with fire
and looked at the walls of Jerusalem which were broken down, and its gates which were burned with fire
21 For you see that our sanctuary is laid waste our altar broken down our temple destroyed; 22 Our psaltery is laid on the ground our song is put to silence our rejoicing is at an end the light of our candlestick is put out the Ark of our covenant is spoiled our holy things are defiled and the name that is called on us is almost profaned: our children are put to shame our priests are burnt our Levites are gone into captivity our virgins are defiled and our wives ravished; our righteous men carried away our little ones destroyed our young men are brought in bondage and our strong men are become weak; 23 And which is the greatest of all the seal of Sion has now lost her honour; for she is delivered into the hands of them that hate us
56 Like as you have done to my chosen says the Lord even so shall God do to you and shall deliver you into mischief 57 your children shall die of hunger and you shall fall through the sword: your cities shall be broken down and all so shall perish with the sword in the field
All the camp was in the process of being broken down for movement, including the commander’s tent
process of being broken down for movement, including the commander's tent
The children gazed at the enormous old archway, now half-broken down
"What a pity it's all broken down," said Justin, wandering out again
I also believe that generally speaking, all of the mindsets of sin can be broken down into 3 main categories: Religious thinking, Natural thinking, and Worldly thinking
I'd bet a lot of girls—well, that's how I think of you—a lot of women would have broken down under that many troubles
Suddenly, about half a mile away, I saw a broken down windmill
They would need to be broken down by the raiders to gain access
This guy had tons of broken down old cars scattered about his farm, which he
Strategies should then be further broken down into Tactics by the
broken down, and trace elements were extracted
was broken down into chemical bonds and placed back into the recyclers with all their garbage,
Common causes of pyromania can be broken down into two main groups: individual and environmental
It was an old trail, partly grown with new young growth, and this growth had recently been broken down
There was no sign of the murdered man's body; only yonder the tall lush grass was trampled and broken down and the sward was dabbled darkly and wetly
7 When before Caiaphas, and when all the perjured testimony had broken down, Jesus did not hesitate to answer the question of the chief priest, thereby providing in his own testimony that which they desired as a basis for convicting him of blasphemy
There’s an old broken down house out by our farm
Gulab looked over her shoulder and saw the girl had broken down in tears, and the guys were still taunting her
“So what if there was someone trapped or if there was a fire in the room, how easily could the doors be broken down?” Gulab took a sip of tea
She saw that it was a broken down gasoline building
I saw broken down buildings and the remains of what looked like a village
Everyone ignored the prime minister, who had since the Third Great War broken down to a man who could barely make decisions on his own
Besides Fernanda’s old trunk, which they had sent her off to school with, she had two upright trunks, four large suitcases, a bag for her parasols, eight hatboxes, a gigantic cage with half a hundred canaries, and her husband’s velocipede, broken down in a special case which allowed him to carry it like a cello
An expression can be broken down into operators and operands
Essentially, SEO can be broken down into two categories
It is broken down into 10 modules totalling just over 5-hours of no-fluff content
Seeing that there was no aid from his companions, he turned his attention back towards the chandelier then pounded his fists forcefully against the table as if in defeat or as a result of having totally broken down mentally as a result of the unremitting harassment
The mother had broken down almost immediately but had successfully managed to regain her wits within a matter of minutes while the father had said nothing except they would merely have to accept what had come to pass
� Since the new radar mounted in the nose had broken down an hour ago, the pilot had been asking him the same question about every ten minutes
further analyzed, broken down, and applied to other software programs that then ‘ratify’ and
of running the store, he’d finally broken down and hired a young man
The black helmet she wore, which had been modified to act as a fixed mount for a video camcorder broken down into its sub-assemblies, attracted a question from one of the soldiers she was interviewing
He was thankful, however, that she had not broken down completely for that was usually what made this type of duty so very unpleasant and all the more heart wrenching
She reflected that the rescue helicopter was still here, speculating that it might have broken down, or the criminals had killed the rescue crew
cities thereof were broken down at the presence of the LORD, and by
Those inmates were so broken down by beatings, exhaustion, fear and grief that they lost what decency and conviction they had
That did not save the Martian police officers from being brutally manhandled and arrested by the ISF troopers as the front door of the Watts’ residence was broken down
a ship that’s broken down and so on
As they came within a few feet of the shack an old man stepped onto the broken down porch
He was glad to have broken down that
The catch is that this wing is an all-female unit and, because of congressional rules about the segregation of female units, cannot be broken down and parceled out
which basically classifies its complexity and how quickly it is broken down and absorbed
When you eat brassica vegetables, glucosinolates are broken down by the digestive system
offer that’s broken down into multiple sections so that you can
The stars streamed by his window, broken down into their spectral patterns
With the Path Finder in the tandem position with the New Constitution, looking up not only revealed the stars passing by, broken down into their spectral patterns, but it offered a nice top view of the saucer section of the Constitution