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    brotherly love

    1. First, and foremost brotherly love MUST be in abundance for a congregation to

    2. 23 Brotherly love being so sympathetically constituted, the seven brethren had a more sympathetic mutual harmony

    3. virtuous morals increased their brotherly love those who were left endured to see their brethren, who were ill-used for their religion,

    4. the better of their affections of brotherly love

    5. Rom 12:10 Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another;

    6. 23 Brotherly love being so sympathetically constituted the seven brethren had a more sympathetic mutual harmony

    7. 27 And yet although nature and intercourse and virtuous morals increased their brotherly love those who were left endured to see their brethren who were ill-used for their religion tortured even to death

    8. 1 And more that this they even urged them on to this iltreatment; so that they not only despised pains themselves but they even got the better of their affections of brotherly love

    9. 5 But now consider who they are that have perverted you and have diminished the glory of your famous brotherly love

    10. 1 Let us therefore remove this thing as quickly as possible and let us fall before the feet of the Master and beseech him with tears that he will have mercy and be reconciled to us and restore us again to the grave and pure conversation of brotherly love

    11. Ironically Warren could only offer him generous brotherly love, and for a virile man in his mid twenties, brotherly love wasn"t really enough for Roger

    12. “Your brotherly love and high moral standards could stand in the way of your init- iation as a Primagnon, and that would be tragic

    13. “Is your heart full of true brotherly love for this young candidate, so that you can give such guidance as should be given?”


    15. 3 Jesus did not expect his followers to achieve an impossible manifestation of brotherly love, but he did expect them to so strive to be like God -- to be perfect even as the Father in heaven is perfect -- that they could begin to look upon man as God looks upon his creatures and therefore could begin to love men as God loves them -- to show forth the beginnings of a fatherly affection

    16. That would have been a worthy achievement; it would have indicated the achievement of brotherly love

    17. Your personalities may be refreshingly diverse and markedly different, while your spiritual natures and spirit fruits of divine worship and brotherly love may be so unified that all who behold your lives will of a surety take cognizance of this spirit identity and soul unity; they will recognize that you have been with me and have thereby learned, and acceptably, how to do the will of the Father in heaven

    18. The level of brotherly love

    19. Anger indicates your lack of tolerant brotherly love plus your lack of self-respect and self-control

    20. And this story has continued to promote brotherly love among all who have subsequently believed the gospel of Jesus

    21. And so, with the full knowledge that the Father had put all things under his authority, the Master now prepared to enact the parable of brotherly love

    22. Dedicate the remainder of your life to promoting the practical aspects of brotherly love among your brethren

    23. True, a marvelous manifestation of brotherly love and unexampled good will did spring up in these early communities of believers

    24. But the final results of this well-meant experiment in thoughtless brotherly love were disastrous and sorrow-breeding

    25. They may have lived in the City of Brotherly Love, but racism there wasn’t much different from the South, as witnessed by the Plessy v

    26. In April 1915, she was born Eleanora Fagan in the city of Brotherly Love to Sarah Julia Fagen and musician, Clarence Halliday, who didn’t marry Sarah or live with her and the child

    27. spirit of giving and brotherly love;

    28. There was however no brotherly love in their looks

    29. Philadelphia was about an hours drive away and I couldn't recall the last time I would have come out to this big city of "Brotherly Love"

    30. Philadelphia means, “The city of brotherly love

    31. Having grown up in Philadelphia—the City of Brotherly Love—Francis knew that “yous” is often used for the plural of “you” in that great city

    32. the fruit of His Spirit, brotherly love, health,

    33. This is the level of brotherly love - a selfless love that's no desire

    34. But it had all been a sister-brotherly love, hadn’t it?

    35. There was a brooding peace over the world, as though in every house, in every family, brotherly love must needs in such gentleness continue

    36. He would call it brotherly love, but I’ve always been skeptical

    37. O that brotherly love may continue among us, love without dissimulation

    38. The Capital of America was supposed to have been Philadelphia… called The City o of Brotherly Love

    39. 9 But as touching brotherly love ye need not that I write unto you: for ye yourselves are taught of God to love one another

    40. Having purled your souls in the obedience of the truth by means of the Spirit unto unfeigned brotherly love, out of a pure heart love one another affectionately

    41. The two brothers are said to adore each other; but the count is curiously mistaken if he imagines that brotherly love will triumph over love pure and simple

    42. One thing he continually realized as he read that book: the joy, hitherto unknown to him, of believing in the possibility of attaining perfection, and in the possibility of active brotherly love among men, which Joseph Alexeevich had revealed to him

    43. ‘As one community, without distinction of class, without enmity, united by brotherly love-

    44. To be friendless is indeed to be unfortunate, but the hearts of men, when unprejudiced by any obvious self-interest, are full of brotherly love and charity

    45. Sometimes even if he has to do it alone, and his conduct seems to be crazy, a man must set an example, and so draw men's souls out of their solitude, and spur them to some act of brotherly love, that the great idea may not die

    46. And it's no wonder that instead of gaining freedom they have sunk into slavery, and instead of serving the cause of brotherly love and the union of humanity have fallen, on the contrary, into dissension and isolation, as my mysterious visitor and teacher said to me in my youth

    47. And therefore the idea of the service of humanity, of brotherly love and the solidarity of mankind, is more and more dying out in the world, and indeed this idea is sometimes treated with derision

    48. Which is most capable of conceiving a great idea and serving it—the rich man in his isolation or the man who has freed himself from the tyranny of material things and habits? The monk is reproached for his solitude, “You have secluded yourself within the walls of the monastery for your own salvation, and have forgotten the brotherly service of humanity!” But we shall see which will be most zealous in the cause of brotherly love

    49. The time will come, and it is already near at hand, when the Christian foundations of life—equality, brotherly love, community of goods, non-resistance of evil by violence—will seem as natural and simple as the foundations of family, social, and State life appear to us at the present time

    50. This contradiction is evident both in economic and in political relations; it is manifested most unmistakably in the inconsistency of the acknowledgment of the Christian law of brotherly love and military conscription, which obliges men to hold themselves in readiness to take each other's lives,—in short, every man to be at once a Christian and a gladiator

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